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1000 Names of Vishnu (Vishnusahasranama) with meaning – Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

विश्र्वम्‌ विष्णुर्वषट्कारो भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभु: । भूतकृद्‌भूतभृद्‌भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावन: ।। 1 ।।
1विश्वम्viśvamThe Universe.
2विष्णु:viṣṇuḥThe brilliance permeating everywhere.
3वषट्कारःvaṣatkāraḥThe deity contemplated in sacrifice.
4भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुःbhūta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuḥThe Lord of past, present and future.
5भूतकृत्bhūtakṛtThe deity contemplated in sacrifice.
6भूतभृत्bhūtabhṛtSustainer of all beings.
7भावःbhāvaḥEverything that is manifest.
8भूतात्माbhūtātmāThe soul of whatever is, the manifest.
9भूतभावनःbhūtabhāvanaḥNurturer of all beings.
पूतात्मा परमात्मा च मुक्तानां परमा गति: । अव्यय पुरूष: साक्षी क्षेत्रज्ञोऽक्षर एव च ।। 2 ।।
10पूतात्माpūtātmāThe soul pure and serene.
11परमात्माparamātmāThe Supreme Soul.
12मुक्तानां परमा गतिःmuktānāṃ paramā gatiḥThe ultimate Goal of all the liberated.
13अव्ययःavyayaḥDevoid of decline and destruction, wear and tear.
14पुरुषःpuruṣaḥThe Soul; the Supreme Person.
15साक्षीsākṣīThe sole witness.
16क्षेत्रज्ञkṣetrajñaḥKnower of the body as well as the world alike.
योगो योगविदां नेता प्रधानपुरुषेश्वर: । नारसिंहवपु: श्रीमान्‌ केशव: पुरुषोत्तम: ।। 3 ।।
18योगःyogaḥThe art and process of union, unification.
19योगविदां नेताyogavidāṃ netāHe who leads all knowers of yoga
20प्रधानपुरुषेश्वरःpradhānapuruṣeśwaraḥThe lord of nature as well as all persons.
21नारसिंहवपुःnārasiṃhavapuḥOne with a body that is part human and part lion
22श्रीमान्śrīmānOne in whom sree (Lakshmi, all wealth) reigns.
23केशवःkeśavaḥOne with beautiful hair; one constituted of Brahmaa, Vishnu & Rudra.
24पुरुषोत्तमःpuruṣottamaḥThe most exalted Indweller.
सर्व: शर्व: शिव: स्थाणुर्भूतादिर्निधिरव्यय: । संभवो भावनो भर्ता प्रभव: प्रभुरीश्वर: ।। 4 ।।
25सर्वःsarvaḥOne who is all.
26शर्वःśarvaḥThe destroyer of all (at the time of deluge).
27शिवःśivaḥThe auspicious.
28स्थाणुःsthāṇuḥOne who is immovable (stable, unwavering).
29भूतादिःbhūtādiḥSource of all existence.
30अव्ययःनिधिःavyayaḥ nidhiḥThe inexhaustible treasure.
31संभवःsambhavaḥOne born of His own will.
32भावनःbhāvanaḥThe giver of everything.
33भर्ताbhartāThe sustainer of Creation.
34प्रभवःprabhavaḥThe source of Creation.
35प्रभुःprabhuḥThe supreme Lord of the Universe.
36ईश्वरःīśvaraḥThe controller.
स्वयंभू: शंभुरादित्य: पुष्कराक्षो महास्वन: । अनादिनिधनो धाता विधाता धातुरुत्तम: ।। 5 ।।
37स्वयंभूःsvayaṃbhūḥThe self-born (self-existent; not caused).
38शम्भुःśambhuḥThe giver of happiness.
39आदित्यःādityaḥOne who illumines (reveals) everything.
40पुष्कराक्षःpuṣkarākṣaḥThe lotus-eyed.
41महास्वनःmahāsvanahOne with the great sound (from which came the Vedas).
42अनादिनिधनःanādinidhanaḥWithout beginning or end.
43धाताdhātāSustainer or support of everything.
44विधाताvidhātāInducer of all actions and bestower of all outcomes.
45धातुरुत्तमःdhāturuttamahThe supreme sustainer (Consciousness – the supreme dhaatu).
अप्रमेयो हृषीकेश: पद्मनाभोऽमरप्रभु: । विश्वकर्मा मनुस्त्वष्टा स्थविष्ठ: स्थविरो ध्रुव: ।। 6 ।।
46अप्रमेयःaprameyahWho is immeasurable, not an object of knowledge.
47हृषीकेशःhṛṣīkeśaḥLord or Controller of senses.
48पद्मनाभःpadmanābhaḥWith lotus (Creation) in his navel.
49अमरप्रभुःamaraprabhuḥThe Lord imperishable (Lord of the Devas).
50विश्वकर्माviśvakarmāThe architect of the Universe.
51मनुःmanuḥThe thinker.
52त्वष्टाtvaṣṭāWho rarefies and diminishes everything (transforms gross into subtle).
53स्थविष्ठःsthaviṣṭhaḥExceedingly gross.
54स्थविरःध्रुवःsthaviraḥ dhruvaḥAncient and eternal.
अग्राह्य शाश्वत: कृष्णो लोहिताक्ष: प्रतर्दन: । प्रभूतस्त्रिककुब्धाम पवित्रं मंगलं परम्‌ ।। 7 ।।
55अग्राह्यःagrāhyaḥNot graspable (by senses).
56शाश्वतःśāśvataḥThe ever present, everlasting.
57कृष्ण:kṛṣṇaḥOne who is black; The ever joyful.
58लोहिताक्षःlohitākṣaḥWith red-tinged eyes.
59प्रतर्दनःpratardanaḥOne who annihilates everything in the end.
60प्रभूतःprabhūtaḥOne who is distinguished for wealth and knowledge.
61त्रिककुब्धामtrikakubdhāmaOne who is dwelling above, below and in between.
62पवित्रम्pavitraṃOne who purifies.
63मङ्गलं परम्maṅgalaṃ paramOne who is the Supreme felicity.
ईशान: प्राणद: प्राणो ज्येष्ठ: श्रेष्ठ: प्रजापति: । हिरण्यगर्भो भूगर्भो माधवो मधुसूदन: ।। 8 ।।
64ईशानःīśānaḥThe ruler of everything.
65प्राणदःprāṇadaḥThe giver of or source of life.
66प्राणःprāṇaḥLife itself.
67ज्येष्ठःjyeṣṭhaḥThe eldest (nothing precedes Him).
68श्रेष्ठःśreṣṭhaḥThe best (excels everything).
69प्रजापतिःprajāpatiḥThe Lord of all beings.
70हिरण्यगर्भःhiraṇyagarbhaḥThe source of Creation.
71भूगर्भःbhūgarbhaḥThe source of the Earth.
72माधवःmādhavaḥThe consort of Lakshmi.
73मधुसूदनःmadhusūdanaḥThe destroyer of demon Madhu (ego).
ईश्र्वरो विक्रमी धन्वी मेधावी विक्रम: क्रम: । अनुत्तमो दुराधर्ष: कृतज्ञ: कृतिरात्मवान्‌ ।। 9 ।।
74ईश्वरःīśvaraḥSupreme controller (omnipotent).
75विक्रमीvikramīOne who is valorous.
76धन्वीdhanvīThe supreme archer.
77मेधावीmedhāvīSupremely intelligent.
78विक्रमःvikramaḥOne who transcends the world.
79क्रमःkramaḥSource of orderliness (causality).
80अनुत्तमःanuttamaḥOne who is unexcelled.
81दुराधर्षःdurādharṣaḥThe Unassailable.
82कृतज्ञःkṛtajñaḥThe Knower of all deeds good and bad.
83कृतिःkṛtiḥOne who is support of all actions.
84आत्मवान्tmavānOne resting on His own greatness and potential.
सुरेश: शरणं शर्म विश्वरेता: प्रजाभव: । अह: संवत्सरो व्याल: प्रत्यय: सर्वदर्शन: ।। 10 ।।
85सुरेशःsureśaḥThe Lord of all Devas
86शरणम्śaraṇamThe Refuge for one and all
87शर्मśarmaOne whose essence is supreme bliss
88विश्वरेताःviśvaretāḥThe Seed of the universe
89प्रजाभवःprajābhavaḥThe Source of all beings
90अहःahaḥOne who is in the form of brilliance (day).
91संवत्सरःsaṃvatsaraḥOne who is in the form of time (the year).
92व्यालःvyālaḥOne who cannot be captured.
93प्रत्ययःpratyayaḥOne who is in the form of cognition.
94सर्वदर्शनःsarvadarśanaḥThe Seer of all.
अज: सर्वेश्वर: सिद्ध: सिद्धि: सर्वादिरच्युत: । वृषाकपिरमेयात्मा सर्वयोगविनि:सृत: ।। 11 ।।
95अजः ajaḥ The Unborn (birth-less).
96सर्वेश्वरः sarveśvaraḥ The Lord of all.
97सिद्धःsiddhaḥ One who is ever established in His own nature.
98सिद्धिःsiddhiḥ One who is the fruition of all effort.
99सर्वादिsarvādiḥOne who is the beginning of all.
100अच्युतःacyutaḥ One who has no fall or decline.
101वृषाकपिvṛṣākapiḥ One in the form of Dharma (vrisha) and Varaaha, boar (based on Avataara leela).
102 अमेयात्माameyātmā One whose essential nature is immeasurable.
103सर्वयोगविनिःसृतःsarvayogaviniḥsṛtaḥ One devoid of all kinds of bondage.
वसुर्वसुमना: सत्य: समात्मा सम्मित: सम: । अमोघ: पुंडरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृति: ।। 12 ।।
104वसु:vasuḥThe indweller of all.
105वसुमनाःvasumanāḥOne possessing benevolent mind.
106सत्यःsatyaḥOne who is the Truth.
107समात्माsamātmāOne with equal vision (or, who is the same Self in all).
108असम्मितःasammitaḥOne who cannot be determined.
109समःsamaḥOne who is uniform at all times.
110अमोघःamoghaḥWorshipping whom will never be futile.
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