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# | Name | Diacritic | Meaning |
विश्र्वम् विष्णुर्वषट्कारो भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभु: । भूतकृद्भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावन: ।। 1 ।। | |||
1 | विश्वम् | viśvam | The Universe. |
2 | विष्णु: | viṣṇuḥ | The brilliance permeating everywhere. |
3 | वषट्कारः | vaṣatkāraḥ | The deity contemplated in sacrifice. |
4 | भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः | bhūta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuḥ | The Lord of past, present and future. |
5 | भूतकृत् | bhūtakṛt | The deity contemplated in sacrifice. |
6 | भूतभृत् | bhūtabhṛt | Sustainer of all beings. |
7 | भावः | bhāvaḥ | Everything that is manifest. |
8 | भूतात्मा | bhūtātmā | The soul of whatever is, the manifest. |
9 | भूतभावनः | bhūtabhāvanaḥ | Nurturer of all beings. |
पूतात्मा परमात्मा च मुक्तानां परमा गति: । अव्यय पुरूष: साक्षी क्षेत्रज्ञोऽक्षर एव च ।। 2 ।। | |||
10 | पूतात्मा | pūtātmā | The soul pure and serene. |
11 | परमात्मा | paramātmā | The Supreme Soul. |
12 | मुक्तानां परमा गतिः | muktānāṃ paramā gatiḥ | The ultimate Goal of all the liberated. |
13 | अव्ययः | avyayaḥ | Devoid of decline and destruction, wear and tear. |
14 | पुरुषः | puruṣaḥ | The Soul; the Supreme Person. |
15 | साक्षी | sākṣī | The sole witness. |
16 | क्षेत्रज्ञ | kṣetrajñaḥ | Knower of the body as well as the world alike. |
17 | अक्षरः | akṣaraḥ | Indestructible |
योगो योगविदां नेता प्रधानपुरुषेश्वर: । नारसिंहवपु: श्रीमान् केशव: पुरुषोत्तम: ।। 3 ।। | |||
18 | योगः | yogaḥ | The art and process of union, unification. |
19 | योगविदां नेता | yogavidāṃ netā | He who leads all knowers of yoga |
20 | प्रधानपुरुषेश्वरः | pradhānapuruṣeśwaraḥ | The lord of nature as well as all persons. |
21 | नारसिंहवपुः | nārasiṃhavapuḥ | One with a body that is part human and part lion |
22 | श्रीमान् | śrīmān | One in whom sree (Lakshmi, all wealth) reigns. |
23 | केशवः | keśavaḥ | One with beautiful hair; one constituted of Brahmaa, Vishnu & Rudra. |
24 | पुरुषोत्तमः | puruṣottamaḥ | The most exalted Indweller. |
सर्व: शर्व: शिव: स्थाणुर्भूतादिर्निधिरव्यय: । संभवो भावनो भर्ता प्रभव: प्रभुरीश्वर: ।। 4 ।। | |||
25 | सर्वः | sarvaḥ | One who is all. |
26 | शर्वः | śarvaḥ | The destroyer of all (at the time of deluge). |
27 | शिवः | śivaḥ | The auspicious. |
28 | स्थाणुः | sthāṇuḥ | One who is immovable (stable, unwavering). |
29 | भूतादिः | bhūtādiḥ | Source of all existence. |
30 | अव्ययःनिधिः | avyayaḥ nidhiḥ | The inexhaustible treasure. |
31 | संभवः | sambhavaḥ | One born of His own will. |
32 | भावनः | bhāvanaḥ | The giver of everything. |
33 | भर्ता | bhartā | The sustainer of Creation. |
34 | प्रभवः | prabhavaḥ | The source of Creation. |
35 | प्रभुः | prabhuḥ | The supreme Lord of the Universe. |
36 | ईश्वरः | īśvaraḥ | The controller. |
स्वयंभू: शंभुरादित्य: पुष्कराक्षो महास्वन: । अनादिनिधनो धाता विधाता धातुरुत्तम: ।। 5 ।। | |||
37 | स्वयंभूः | svayaṃbhūḥ | The self-born (self-existent; not caused). |
38 | शम्भुः | śambhuḥ | The giver of happiness. |
39 | आदित्यः | ādityaḥ | One who illumines (reveals) everything. |
40 | पुष्कराक्षः | puṣkarākṣaḥ | The lotus-eyed. |
41 | महास्वनः | mahāsvanah | One with the great sound (from which came the Vedas). |
42 | अनादिनिधनः | anādinidhanaḥ | Without beginning or end. |
43 | धाता | dhātā | Sustainer or support of everything. |
44 | विधाता | vidhātā | Inducer of all actions and bestower of all outcomes. |
45 | धातुरुत्तमः | dhāturuttamah | The supreme sustainer (Consciousness – the supreme dhaatu). |
अप्रमेयो हृषीकेश: पद्मनाभोऽमरप्रभु: । विश्वकर्मा मनुस्त्वष्टा स्थविष्ठ: स्थविरो ध्रुव: ।। 6 ।। | |||
46 | अप्रमेयः | aprameyah | Who is immeasurable, not an object of knowledge. |
47 | हृषीकेशः | hṛṣīkeśaḥ | Lord or Controller of senses. |
48 | पद्मनाभः | padmanābhaḥ | With lotus (Creation) in his navel. |
49 | अमरप्रभुः | amaraprabhuḥ | The Lord imperishable (Lord of the Devas). |
50 | विश्वकर्मा | viśvakarmā | The architect of the Universe. |
51 | मनुः | manuḥ | The thinker. |
52 | त्वष्टा | tvaṣṭā | Who rarefies and diminishes everything (transforms gross into subtle). |
53 | स्थविष्ठः | sthaviṣṭhaḥ | Exceedingly gross. |
54 | स्थविरःध्रुवः | sthaviraḥ dhruvaḥ | Ancient and eternal. |
अग्राह्य शाश्वत: कृष्णो लोहिताक्ष: प्रतर्दन: । प्रभूतस्त्रिककुब्धाम पवित्रं मंगलं परम् ।। 7 ।। | |||
55 | अग्राह्यः | agrāhyaḥ | Not graspable (by senses). |
56 | शाश्वतः | śāśvataḥ | The ever present, everlasting. |
57 | कृष्ण: | kṛṣṇaḥ | One who is black; The ever joyful. |
58 | लोहिताक्षः | lohitākṣaḥ | With red-tinged eyes. |
59 | प्रतर्दनः | pratardanaḥ | One who annihilates everything in the end. |
60 | प्रभूतः | prabhūtaḥ | One who is distinguished for wealth and knowledge. |
61 | त्रिककुब्धाम | trikakubdhāma | One who is dwelling above, below and in between. |
62 | पवित्रम् | pavitraṃ | One who purifies. |
63 | मङ्गलं परम् | maṅgalaṃ param | One who is the Supreme felicity. |
ईशान: प्राणद: प्राणो ज्येष्ठ: श्रेष्ठ: प्रजापति: । हिरण्यगर्भो भूगर्भो माधवो मधुसूदन: ।। 8 ।। | |||
64 | ईशानः | īśānaḥ | The ruler of everything. |
65 | प्राणदः | prāṇadaḥ | The giver of or source of life. |
66 | प्राणः | prāṇaḥ | Life itself. |
67 | ज्येष्ठः | jyeṣṭhaḥ | The eldest (nothing precedes Him). |
68 | श्रेष्ठः | śreṣṭhaḥ | The best (excels everything). |
69 | प्रजापतिः | prajāpatiḥ | The Lord of all beings. |
70 | हिरण्यगर्भः | hiraṇyagarbhaḥ | The source of Creation. |
71 | भूगर्भः | bhūgarbhaḥ | The source of the Earth. |
72 | माधवः | mādhavaḥ | The consort of Lakshmi. |
73 | मधुसूदनः | madhusūdanaḥ | The destroyer of demon Madhu (ego). |
ईश्र्वरो विक्रमी धन्वी मेधावी विक्रम: क्रम: । अनुत्तमो दुराधर्ष: कृतज्ञ: कृतिरात्मवान् ।। 9 ।। | |||
74 | ईश्वरः | īśvaraḥ | Supreme controller (omnipotent). |
75 | विक्रमी | vikramī | One who is valorous. |
76 | धन्वी | dhanvī | The supreme archer. |
77 | मेधावी | medhāvī | Supremely intelligent. |
78 | विक्रमः | vikramaḥ | One who transcends the world. |
79 | क्रमः | kramaḥ | Source of orderliness (causality). |
80 | अनुत्तमः | anuttamaḥ | One who is unexcelled. |
81 | दुराधर्षः | durādharṣaḥ | The Unassailable. |
82 | कृतज्ञः | kṛtajñaḥ | The Knower of all deeds good and bad. |
83 | कृतिः | kṛtiḥ | One who is support of all actions. |
84 | आत्मवान् | tmavān | One resting on His own greatness and potential. |
सुरेश: शरणं शर्म विश्वरेता: प्रजाभव: । अह: संवत्सरो व्याल: प्रत्यय: सर्वदर्शन: ।। 10 ।। | |||
85 | सुरेशः | sureśaḥ | The Lord of all Devas |
86 | शरणम् | śaraṇam | The Refuge for one and all |
87 | शर्म | śarma | One whose essence is supreme bliss |
88 | विश्वरेताः | viśvaretāḥ | The Seed of the universe |
89 | प्रजाभवः | prajābhavaḥ | The Source of all beings |
90 | अहः | ahaḥ | One who is in the form of brilliance (day). |
91 | संवत्सरः | saṃvatsaraḥ | One who is in the form of time (the year). |
92 | व्यालः | vyālaḥ | One who cannot be captured. |
93 | प्रत्ययः | pratyayaḥ | One who is in the form of cognition. |
94 | सर्वदर्शनः | sarvadarśanaḥ | The Seer of all. |
अज: सर्वेश्वर: सिद्ध: सिद्धि: सर्वादिरच्युत: । वृषाकपिरमेयात्मा सर्वयोगविनि:सृत: ।। 11 ।। | |||
95 | अजः | ajaḥ | The Unborn (birth-less). |
96 | सर्वेश्वरः | sarveśvaraḥ | The Lord of all. |
97 | सिद्धः | siddhaḥ | One who is ever established in His own nature. |
98 | सिद्धिः | siddhiḥ | One who is the fruition of all effort. |
99 | सर्वादि | sarvādiḥ | One who is the beginning of all. |
100 | अच्युतः | acyutaḥ | One who has no fall or decline. |
101 | वृषाकपि | vṛṣākapiḥ | One in the form of Dharma (vrisha) and Varaaha, boar (based on Avataara leela). |
102 | अमेयात्मा | ameyātmā | One whose essential nature is immeasurable. |
103 | सर्वयोगविनिःसृतः | sarvayogaviniḥsṛtaḥ | One devoid of all kinds of bondage. |
वसुर्वसुमना: सत्य: समात्मा सम्मित: सम: । अमोघ: पुंडरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृति: ।। 12 ।। | |||
104 | वसु: | vasuḥ | The indweller of all. |
105 | वसुमनाः | vasumanāḥ | One possessing benevolent mind. |
106 | सत्यः | satyaḥ | One who is the Truth. |
107 | समात्मा | samātmā | One with equal vision (or, who is the same Self in all). |
108 | असम्मितः | asammitaḥ | One who cannot be determined. |
109 | समः | samaḥ | One who is uniform at all times. |
110 | अमोघः | amoghaḥ | Worshipping whom will never be futile. |
# | Name | Diacritic | Meaning |