
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

14 – Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 3 – By Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Yoga of Enlightened Action

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In this unique discourse, Swamiji discusses some of the concepts presented in Bhagavad Gita. He lucidly presents and discusses Sankhya Yoga and Karma Yoga.

Swamiji says that Krishna first exposed Sankhya Yoga or Jnana yoga in chapter 2 in which the ever-present, immortal Soul is spoken about. The Soul is the Revealer of all, yet untainted by anything. In Chapter 3, Krishna spoke about Karma yoga.

Arjuna wanted to know why Krishna was asking him to fight the war when Jnana Yoga seemed more preferable. In reply, Krishna said that the paths of Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga have the same destination. But one must follow the one suitable to one’s temperament and qualifications.

Jnana Nishtha (the exclusive knowledge pursuit) requires listening, rumination and contemplation on the Truth, to discover that it is all-pervading. Whereas, Karma Yoga is the attitude of divinizing outward actions as well as mental actions. Bhagavad Gita emphasizes that interactions do not hinder spiritual growth but are a means of purification and ultimate liberation.

Swamiji explains the concept of samatva quoting from different chapters of Bhagavad Gita. How to attain samatva? Swamiji discusses the practical sadhana of attaining this lofty dimension.

Swamiji also touches upon the subject of tyaga or renunciation which is presented in the 18th Chapter. Real tyaga, Swamiji says, is relinquishing the mental responses to the objective results.

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