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09:00AM IST
6:00PM IST
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha ji (Nutan Swamiji) travelled to Delhi-NCR for conducting the Enlightened Living Sadhana Shibiram from 26 March to 9 April.
Importance of Being in Presence
– Smt Mala Sridhar
An hour before Nutan Swamiji’s arrival in CIRD, all the hectic discussions, planning and preparations seemed to come to a stop and stillness graced the mind. Our hearts and minds looked forward to the rare blessing of Nutan Swamiji’s association for the next two weeks.
Pushpa Samarpanam and Nutan Swamiji’s Benedictory message (Mar 28)
The Sadhana Shibiram began with offering flowers (Pushpa Samarpanam) in front of Poojya Swamiji’s chair, mentally offering love and gratitude at His holy feet. This was followed by a Benedictory message from Nutan Swamiji in which dispelling common misconceptions about spirituality, Swamiji emphasized that spiritual sadhana is not a time-limited practice like meditation or śāstric study. Spiritual sadhana should be to transform every moment of our life and activities.
We feel we are small and limited; and our sadhana is to understand that our real identity is universal. It is a process of constant inner expansion. When all our activities are infused with this sadhana of expansion, then life will become divine. At the conclusion, assembled devotees received prasada and partook of bhakti bhoj.
Residential Retreat: Walking the Inner Path (Mar 30 – Apr 02)
Though the four-day residential Retreat was planned at short notice, seekers flew in from different parts of the country and a total of eleven participants from Hyderabad, Mumbai, Panchkula (Haryana) and Delhi assembled in CIRD for the Retreat. While Retreat sessions of discourses and Q/A were open to all, “Guided Introspection” and personal guidance sessions with Nutan Swamiji were exclusively for Retreat participants.
Introduction and Orientation (Mar 30)
The inaugural session gave an opportunity for the Retreat participants and CIRD volunteers to get to know each other. After the mutual introductions, Swamiji outlined the two pursuits (sadhana) for a spiritual seeker:
Meditational Sadhana, where one gets a touch of the Soul and Interactional Sadhana, where the Self-dimensions are infused in every activity and interaction. When we interact with the world, the effort should be to incorporate all the Soul qualities like unaffectedness, impersonality and universality in our behaviour.
Daily Retreat Programme:
Guided meditation
In the quiet hours of the morning, after the daily prayers, everyone got a rare opportunity to sit for meditation for 40 minutes, under the guidance of Nutan Swamiji. Swamiji’s deep voice speaking about meditation followed by the sublime shlokas played in the background, paved the way for a deep sitting.
Q & A on Practical Sadhana (9:00-10:15 am)
In this session Swamiji cleared many doubts with his incisive and clear explanations. Swamiji provided great clarity on various subjects like meditation, surrender, overcoming guilt, and the concept of Consciousness. While discussing the value of openness, Swamiji said that openness is crucial in all relationships and in the workplace.
How do we assess our own growth in the spiritual path? Swamiji’s reply was simple and deep. We have to assess whether the qualities of unaffectedness, impersonality, impartiality, impersonality, universal love, flexibility and acceptance are adorning us more and more. We must assess whether our own likes and dislikes are troubling us less and less. A seeker may progress, and there may be times of regression too, but the general trend must be upward.
Guided Introspection (11.00 am-12.00 pm)
This was a very important session where Swamiji led participants on their journey inward through a series of questions every day. Seemingly simple questions that induced participants to look within and write openly about their thoughts. This process of observing the mind and writing openly was a great Sadhana for everyone because we are not easily able to delve deep into our mind and emotions. Hence, the fundamental pursuit in Spirituality is often missed.
Reading/Chanting (Conducted by CIRD volunteers -3.00-4.00 pm)
“Mind-Pure and Impure” and “Bondage and Liberation” – two short messages from Poojya Swamiji’s Prabhata Rashmih (Vol 1) were taken up for reading and reflection on the first two days of the Retreat. In the fruitful discussion that followed, all participants spoke about their own spiritual journey – what they felt was bondage for them and how they could be free of the bondage. The discussion was also focused on how to treat the mind by making it interact with the Soul more and more.
The next two days were dedicated to chanting two verses selected by Nutan Swamiji – “ākāśavallepa-vidūrago’ham…” (Vivekacudamani) and “prabuddham vimuktam…” (composed by Poojya Swamiji). Chanting without any inhibitions, each participant felt his/her heart and mind expand thinking about his own true identity.
Spirituality makes Life fulfilling for ALL (Discourses 8:00-9:15 pm)
In these extremely beneficial sessions, Swamiji gave simple and precise directions for all seekers. To a query on how to remain spiritual while in household life, Swamiji pointed out that our problem is we think household life is separate from spirituality. While doing the household and professional work, we become enmeshed in rāga-dveṣa and desires, and consequently the mind is filled with stress. Once we drop rāga-dveṣa and expectations, the mind becomes free, and all work is done as an offering to the Lord. Spirituality is open to all provided we develop an expansive mindset. With qualities like impersonality, love, and acceptance, we can course through any challenging situation.
Replying to a question on how to find the Guru and the role of a Guru, Swamiji said that if we are sincere in our quest, we will be automatically led to the Guru. Once you consider him as your Guru, there must be an unquestioning acceptance of his words and instructions. If one follows the path shown by the Guru with one-pointedness and intensity, one is sure to reach the goal.
On the last two days of the Retreat, and 3 evening talks thereafter, Nutan Swamiji discussed some of the fundamental pursuits discussed in Bhagavad Gita. After explaining the exclusive Knowledge Pursuit, Swamiji incisively analyzed and explained the Buddhi Yoga of Bhagavad Gita which leads one to the same goal as the Upanishadic Pursuit. Activities which we think are a hindrance to Sadhana can be made an instrument to take us to the Ultimate goal. Buddhi Yoga can be pursued by all, provided one is willing to change his mindset.
Normally, our life is controlled by desires and dislikes, rāga-dveṣa. Our senses, mind and intelligence are slave to the world. But a seeker must make an effort to become master of the world by establishing his intelligence in the Real Identity. Quoting verses from various chapters of Bhagavad Gita, Swamiji illustrated how one can do everything with Yoga attitude.
Feedback from Participants (April 02)
Participants shared their feelings about the four days spent in exclusive study, in the company of a Saint. All said they felt blessed to have had this rare opportunity. The mind had been riddled with many doubts in the beginning, but gradually the doubts were dispelled by Swamiji’s explanations and the personal time spent with Swamiji. They also felt immensely benefited by the prayers, chanting sessions, introspection time and meditational sittings.
The participants came as strangers, but very soon became an inseparable part of CIRD. The flow of mutual warmth and love between the participants and devotee-volunteers was palpable.
The Retreat gave participants new perspectives about spirituality and life. Some of the feedbacks from them:
Fundamental Pursuits in Bhagavad Gita (Public discourses on Apr 4, 6 & 7)
Nutan Swamiji began the session emphasizing that the real spiritual pursuit is to establish the mind and intelligence in the inmost reality. From being a slave to the world, one has to become master of the world being guided by the Viveka Buddhi – the buddhi anchored in our true identity.
Nutan Swamiji discussed the various Buddhi Yoga concepts presented in Bhagavad Gita—Samatva, Asangatva, Yajna-bhāvana, Outliving rāga-dveṣa, Transcending Guṇas, and Śaraṇāgati (Surrender). Through shlokas from various chapters, and illustrations from life-situations, Swamiji explained the concepts and discussed their applicability in a seeker’s life.
Discussing Śaraṇāgati, Swamiji said that surrender means ‘Nirapekṣatā’ (non-expectation). It means – not expecting anything from anybody, any time, anywhere in the world. The test of surrender is: a) There will be a feeling of āśrayabodha – always being in the lap of the Lord b) We will have no complaints about anything whatsoever.
Swamiji explained the three guṇas and how they bind us: Sattva-guṇa—which leads to purity, knowledge and understanding and enhances comprehensive vision. Rajoguṇa-which is given to desire-motivated activity and leads to a divisive vision (with the feeling of ‘me’ and ‘mine’). Tamo-guṇa which is born of ignorance, opposes activity and enlightenment. The Guṇas bind us—Sattva binds us by making us cling to sāttvika-sukha and jñāna; Rajas binds by propelling us to perform desire-motivated activity; Tamas binds us through inattention, lethargy, and sleep.
Giving references from different chapters of Bhagavad Gita, Nutan Swamiji exhorted the listeners to understand the play of guṇas in their own personality and how to overcome their bondage.
Dāna Satram (Apr 5)
Everything in Nature is engaged in serving others tirelessly without expecting anything in return. The purpose of human birth is also to serve and help others. With this ideal in mind, every year ‘Dāna Satram’ is organized at Narayanashrama Tapovanam and also in all Centres. In CIRD Delhi, it is organized twice a year – once during Poojya Swamiji and Ma’s visit, and once during Nutan Swamiji’s visit.
This year also, 1000 indigent families each received 1 bedsheet, 1 kilogram of Arhar Dal and Halwa Prasada. The distribution started with a short message by Nutan Swamiji, and Arati shown to all the recipients standing in queue.
In the Dāna Satram, many women come carrying their babies or accompanied by their little ones. Remembering the numerous small children who received winter clothing from Poojya Swamiji and Ma during the Dāna Satram in November, Nutan Swamiji had a wish that dresses be given to the small children accompanying their parents. Clothes for boys and girls for 3 age-groups (till 6 years) were purchased and given during the Dāna Satram to the accompanying children. All hearts melted at the sight of the recipients and felt immensely grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Dāna Satram.
Dresses for Staff & Associated workers (Apr 5)
In Ashram (Kerala) carefully selected clothes are distributed to all workers during Guru Poornima. In Delhi CIRD also, Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma take great pleasure in giving specially selected clothes and other necessities to staff (both past and present) during the Jñāna Yajña and Sadhana Shibiram. It was heart-warming to see Nutan Swamiji’s joyful and loving interactions with the cooks, caretakers, the gardener, green belt residents, and other associated workers as he gave dresses and prasada to them.
Concluding Satsang (Apr 8 morning)
In reply to a query, Swamiji explained the role and importance of self-effort for a sadhaka. The seeker has to make constant effort to win over the slavery to the world. In this deep, sublime session, Nutan Swamiji discussed what Sāṅkhya Yoga is, the role of introspection (Vichara) in a seeker’s life, and the definition of Ātmā and anātmā. The whole hall sank into silence, absorbing the words flowing like the all-purifying Ganges.
Jai Gurudev!
* * *
Date | Time | Program | Description |
March 28, 2023 Tuesday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
March 28, 2023 Tuesday | __ | Evening Prayers | |
March 28, 2023 Tuesday | __ | Interactive Satsang with Nutan Swamiji | concluding with Pushpasamarpanam and Bhakti Bhoj |
March 29, 2023 Wednesday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
March 29, 2023 Wednesday | __ | Evening Prayers | |
March 30, 2023 Thursday | __ | Walking the Inner Path - Residential Retreat | To register for the retreat , please send an email to cird.delhi@bhoomananda.org or call/Whatsapp 9811203815/9810180427 |
March 30, 2023 Thursday | __ | Morning Prayers | (Day 1 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 30, 2023 Thursday | __ | Q&A on Practical Sadhana | (Day 1 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 30, 2023 Thursday | __ | Chanting/Reading Session | (Day 1 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 30, 2023 Thursday | __ | Evening Prayers | (Day 1 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 30, 2023 Thursday | __ | Spirituality makes Life fulfilling for ALL | Discourses based on Bhagavad Gita (Day 1 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat)
March 31, 2023 Friday | __ | Morning Prayers | (Day 2 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 31, 2023 Friday | __ | Q&A on Practical Sadhana | (Day 2 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 31, 2023 Friday | __ | Chanting/Reading Session | (Day 2 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 31, 2023 Friday | __ | Evening Prayers | (Day 2 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
March 31, 2023 Friday | __ | Spirituality makes Life fulfilling for ALL | Discourses based on Bhagavad Gita (Day 2 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 01, 2023 Saturday | __ | Morning Prayers | (Day 3 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 01, 2023 Saturday | __ | Q&A on Practical Sadhana | (Day 3 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 01, 2023 Saturday | __ | Chanting/Reading Session | (Day 3 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 01, 2023 Saturday | __ | Evening Prayers | (Day 3 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 01, 2023 Saturday | __ | Spirituality makes Life fulfilling for ALL | Discourses based on Bhagavad Gita (Day 3 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 02, 2023 Sunday | __ | Morning Prayers | (Day 4 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 02, 2023 Sunday | __ | Q&A on Practical Sadhana | (Day 4 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 02, 2023 Sunday | __ | Chanting/Reading Session | (Day 4 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 02, 2023 Sunday | __ | Evening Prayers | (Day 4 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 02, 2023 Sunday | __ | Spirituality makes Life fulfilling for ALL | Discourses based on Bhagavad Gita (Day 4 of Walking the Inner Path – Residential Retreat) |
April 03, 2023 Monday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
April 03, 2023 Monday | __ | Evening Prayers | |
April 04, 2023 Tuesday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
April 04, 2023 Tuesday | __ | Evening Prayers | |
April 04, 2023 Tuesday | __ | Fundamental Pursuits in Bhagavad Gita | Interactive session with Swamiji |
April 05, 2023 Wednesday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
April 05, 2023 Wednesday | __ | Daana Satram | Distribution of bedsheets and food materials to the needy |
April 06, 2023 Thursday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
April 06, 2023 Thursday | __ | Evening Prayers | |
April 06, 2023 Thursday | __ | Fundamental Pursuits in Bhagavad Gita | Interactive session with Swamiji |
April 07, 2023 Friday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
April 07, 2023 Friday | __ | Evening Prayers | |
April 07, 2023 Friday | __ | Fundamental Pursuits in Bhagavad Gita | Interactive session with Swamiji |
April 08, 2023 Saturday | __ | Morning Prayers | |
April 08, 2023 Saturday | __ | Concluding Satsang |