Elaborating on the disciplines and qualities that lead to liberation, Ma says that it is for seekers to deeply introspect on the disciplines and incorporate them in their own pursuit.
A seeker has to practice Silence (Mounam). We may keep quiet externally, but the mind is constantly active, getting entangled with various thoughts and becoming restless. But real stillness is when the mind becomes quiet and remains unaffected by the thoughts.
Seekers must take to scriptural study (Svaadhyaya) and introspection. More importantly, they must watch their own mind, its attitudes and behaviour. There must be a regular assessment as to whether the knowledge gained from the scriptures is translating into one’s own life.
Delving deep into the quality of Straightforwardness (Arjavam), Ma says that normally we project ourselves in a certain manner in public. We try to project that we have noble and good qualities and habits. We have a good image of ourselves, which, may not be fully accurate. But straightforwardness means that there will be harmony in one’s thoughts, speech and behaviour. The Sadhana is: “Be what you are”. One must make an effort to be simple and natural.
Seekers must strive to adopt the discipline of celibacy (Brahmacharyam). Withdrawing from external entanglements, their minds must dwell on the thoughts of the Lord/Brahman. One must feel the divine presence in all sense perceptions, all thoughts, emotions, feelings, conflicts, everything. One must learn to float in the endless expanse of that Oneness.
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
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