

Prabhata Rashmih - The Eternal Relevance of Scriptures

The Relevance of Mahabharata VIII

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The Relevance of Mahabharata VIII

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

In this beautiful talk, Swamiji gives the examples of some of the epic characters from Mahabharatam–Draupadi, Arjuna, Bheeshma and Drona. In different times and situations, they had to face intolerable mental challenges and agony.

Spirituality says that whether it is a physical torture or a mental torment there is a way of transcending both. There is something called the way of transcendence, the way of surrender, the way of clarity, the way of impersonal and impartial neutrality. That is called the Soul or God. That is called the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the soul. There everything dissolves.

Citing various examples in and before the Kurukshetra war, Swamiji says that Bhagavad Gita is an answer and a redress and a solution for all kinds of developments in this world– physical, mental, intellectual or otherwise.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:

कार्पण्यदोषोपहतस्वभाव: पृच्छामि त्वां धर्मसम्मूढचेता: |
यच्छ्रेय: स्यान्निश्चितं ब्रूहि तन्मे शिष्यस्तेऽहं शाधि मां त्वां प्रपन्नम् ||

Bhagavad Gita 2.7

प्रीतोऽस्मि पुत्र युध्यस्व जयमाप्नुहि पाण्डव ।

Bheeshma Parva, Mahabharatam, 6-41-34

अर्थस्य पुरुषो दासो दासस्त्वर्थो न कस्यचित् ।
इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धोऽस्मर्थ्येन कौरवैः ।।

Bheeshma Parva, Mahabharatam, 6-41-36

Prabhata Rashmih - The Eternal Relevance of Scriptures

The Relevance of Mahabharata VIII

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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