#magurupriyaji #enlightenedliving #globalsatsang
In this Satsang, Ma speaks about the pursuit of a seeker of Truth. Referring to various scriptures, she says that a sincere seeker must be diligently devoted to the practice of Yama and Niyama. He must also have a discriminating intelligence which will help him assess whether he is proceeding in the right path. Only when a Sadhaka is endowed with discrimination and is regular in his spiritual practices and routines, his mind will become tranquil and calm.
The Yama disciplines are Ahimsa (Non-hurting), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Celibacy) and Aparigraha (Non-acceptance of gifts). A spiritual aspirant must understand and practice them in such a way that he is constantly connected to the Ultimate Truth. He must have a deeper understanding that Ahimsa is seeing the same Self in every being, Satya is being constantly established in the Truth, Asteya is renouncing all kinds of desires, Brahmacharya is constantly dwelling in Brahman and Aparigraha is having no desires.
Niyama disciplines are Shaucham (mental and physical purity), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (Austerity), Svaadhyaya (Introspection on the Truth) and Ishwara Pranidhana (Surrender). Ma says ‘Ishwara Pranidhana’ means simply surrendering to the Supreme. It is like becoming a small child in the lap of its mother. It is taking complete refuge in the Supreme Consciousness or the Divine, with the conviction that the Supreme is designing and sustaining everything and one is just an instrument in His hands.
A seeker must always assess whether his mind is desire-free and is taking him towards the Oneness behind all the plurality. He must try and cultivate more and more Sattva Guna, which will bring about calmness and unaffectedness. He must ensure that he does not become complacent. Instead, there should be regular introspection to assess whether the intensity in Sadhana is growing or not.
Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 10:30 AM EDT/ 10:30 PM MYT
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
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