
Time Limit for Self Realization?

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


The Self is devoid of time, space and causality. To realize that Self, where is the question of fixing a time limit? As long as you are within time limit, you cannot get to the Self at all.

Harih Om Tat Sat. Jai Guru.

A very crucial question came up during the discussion yesterday, which I had with S. The question was about a 3-year period set for a seeker of Truth to attain Self-realization. To specify a period in the path of Self-realization is wrong and not sanctioned by the spiritual texts.

Take for example Bhagavad Gita. It says that the spiritual practice is only to be begun. When it will end, how it will end, how many years or how many lives it will take – are considerations that will never take anybody anywhere. Just begin it and by beginning itself the greatest benefit is had. Sri Krishna says: “Svalpam-api-asya dharmasya traayate mahato bhayaat – even a small fraction of this spiritual pursuit, called aatma-yoga, relieves one from the great fear of worldliness”. Even if a mahaapaapi (a great sinner) takes up this pursuit in earnest, he soon becomes a great soul (Mahaatma), and will attain peace.

The Self is devoid of time, space and causality. To realize that Self, where is the question of fixing a time limit? As long as you are within a time limit, you cannot get to the Self at all. If you understand it, you can attain the Self at this very moment. Why speak of a 3-year period? Ashtaavakra tells Janaka (Ashtavakra verse 1.4):

yadi dehaṃ pṛthakkṛtya citi viśrāmya tiṣṭhasi ।
adhunaiva sukhī śānto bandhamukto bhaviṣyasi ॥

“If you can, in your mind and understanding, separate the body from the Self and thereafter rest on the body-different Consciousness, this very moment, O Janaka, you will be happy and restful – free of all bondages”.

So, what prevents any of you to attain this restfulness? It may not require any time. Or, it may need any length of time! Never stipulate any time period. That stipulation itself is non-spiritual. So, don’t speak of the end of Self- realization at all. There is something called the goal, the goal is clearly specified, stipulated in our scriptures and if you are sensitive enough, faithful enough and tenacious, then you can realize it. In fact, the actual realization takes very short time. What takes a long time is the pre-realizational pursuit and preparation.

What is that pre-realizational pursuit? A saadhana by which you are able to regulate and refine your food habits, speaking habits, thoughts, feelings and responses, intellectual and understanding process, so that you are able to contemplate upon the Truth and ultimate good.

Should you proceed to realize the Self after specifying a period? Is it a degree course? This is a course whereby one becomes a seeker of Truth and contemplates only upon the Truth. He becomes more and more aware of the different aspects of his seeking life. The process is only to be begun and pursued sincerely. About the end point you don’t have to worry at all. Krishna says (Bhagavad Gita 9.22 ):

ananyāścintayanto māṃ ye janā: paryupāsate |
teṣāṃ nityābhiyuktānāṃ yogakṣemaṃ vahāmyaham ||

“Seekers who contemplate on Me as non-separate from themselves and worship Me in everything, for such ever connected ones I bring whatever they need and preserve whatever they have.”

So, will they not have the fulfillment of their seeking in due course?

Suppose one were to realize the Self in three years and is still young, and starts feeling “I have realized the Self”, unless he has an ample measure of all the attendant virtues, that person may become a danger to the society. So, this Self-realization will shine only in the association of a number of qualities mentioned in our scriptures – as in Bhagavad Gita chapter 12 and 13. Only in the presence of these qualities, a true Self-realized person will shine properly to the benefit of one and all.

So, do you understand the mistake and disharmony in thinking about a specific period stipulated for Self-realization? Don’t attempt Self-realization from such a point of view.

When you make a beginning, automatically your aspiration will take you to the end, particularly if you are sensitive, sincere and striving. Here we are three, always looking at you – observing, offering critical evaluations and significant suggestions in whatever you do or speak. How many behavioural subtleties we are pointing out! How much penetrating analysis we are making to work out methods of purifying the mind, expanding the mind! Normally, in a home, no parent will ever be able to think of these human dimensions. Everybody wants the child to become good, great and happy. But alas! They are generally helpless in making them grow large-hearted, pure and straightforward.

I think the whole subject has to be discussed and evaluated deeply and well.

Harih Om Tat Sat. Jai Guru.

Jan 2005 Vicharasethu


“To specify a period in the path of Self-realization is wrong and not sanctioned by the spiritual texts.”

“When you make a beginning, automatically your aspiration will take you to the end, particularly if you are sensitive, sincere and striving. ”
