

Prabhata Rashmih - Austerity and Renunciation

Greatest Inner Treasure

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Greatest Inner Treasure

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

In this track, Swamiji says that morality, religion, ethics are methods to touch and improve the quality of the mind. Through religious, spiritual and yogic life, a person tries make the mind free of undesirable influences.

We must grow good qualities and virtues and also be aware of the negative qualities in our mind which need to be recognised and removed through correct understanding.

A good muni is given to silence–physical, and mental. He is given to introspecting and dwelling on the scriptural pronouncements. He gives supreme importance to the spiritual practice. The muni is untormented and unaffected by the world. He rejoices and exults in the Veda Vakyas which proclaim the truth about the mind and speak about inner purity, enrichment and expansion one attains by attaining the infinitude of the soul.

Such an ascetic is free in his mind, not seeking money or comforts but he receives whatever is given to him. The munis are free of all grief, being established in the inner presence. They are ever-contented, and the bliss of the soul is always flooding their being. For them, name, fame and material possessions are useless in front of this great inner treasure.

Shlokas Chanted in the Track:

मुनिः प्रसन्नगम्भीरो दुर्विगाह्यो दुरत्ययः ।
अनन्तपारो ह्यक्षोभ्यः स्तिमितोद इवार्णवः ।।

Srimad Bhagavatam 11.8.5

वेदान्तवाक्येषु सदा रमन्तो
भिक्षान्नमात्रेण च तुष्टिमन्तः ।
विशोकमन्तःकरणे चरन्तः
कौपीनवन्तः खलु भाग्यवन्तः ।।

Kaupina Panchakam

PR 28 Jan 2011

Prabhata Rashmih - Austerity and Renunciation

Greatest Inner Treasure

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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