Ma Gurupriya ji's reflections on Poojya Swamiji's morning messages (Prabhata Rashmih)
Date: 12 October 2024
Venue: Vijnana Bhavana, Narayanashrama Tapovanam
‘Prabhata Rashmih’ are morning messages given by Poojya Swamiji, where he speaks on spirituality and gives instructions on Sadhana to attain the Supreme Truth. Some of these morning messages were compiled and published as a book (of three volumes). In this Satsang, Ma reads and explains a beautiful chapter from volume 1 of the book, titled ‘Sublimity’.
How to generate sublimity? Fostering the link with the inward source (the self), generates sublimity. Sublimity or Divinity is the goal of Spirituality. Sublimity depends on remaining united or connected with the Self. All practices, activities, and interactions throughout the day, must generate a note of sublimity in the seeker. If the mento-intellectual practice of Sadhana does not lead to purity and sublimity, then it is merely a mechanical exercise.
Devotion also is meant to only generate sublimity in a devotee. All worship and feeling for the chosen deity, is meant to purify and bring sublimity in the devotee. How to make the mind sublime? Sublimity graces one who sincerely yearns or wishes for it. In devotion, the practice may be the physical act of worship, oral practice of singing or chanting, or mental practice of reflection or thinking, they all must bring about sublimity in the devotee.
A true seeker/devotee is one who feels the touch of divinity in everything in the world. He must have a comprehensive vision, whereby he sees the supreme Presence in everything. The experience of sublimity is the sole purpose of devotion, as well as spiritual life. Spirituality and all devotional practices aim at generating the same sublimity. When a seeker is able to feel and generate the note of sublimity, all questions stop, enquiries dissolve and he understands the secret of human life. Ma emphasizes that through all activities and interactions one must remain connected to the Supreme, and thereby generate sublimity.
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