Ma Gurupriya ji's reflections on Poojya Swamiji's morning messages (Prabhata Rashmih)
Date: 18 October 2024
Venue: Vijnana Bhavana, Narayanashrama Tapovanam
In this Satsang, Ma says that everything is a creation of the Supreme Lord. When we remind ourselves of this, we start feeling divinity everywhere, and in everything. If a seeker can think that he is living and doing everything for the sake of the Supreme Lord (the source and protector of everything in the universe), then great sublimity and divinity will be generated within.
What are the disciplines that are necessary for taking up a life spiritual seeking? In his Prabhata Rashmih (Disciplines to Divinize every moment), Swamiji says that the seeker must have a clear evaluation about what is meant by spiritual seeking. In spirituality, the whole focus must shift from the external to one’s own within.
The Sadhaka must purify and integrate his body, mind, and intelligence, to realize that everything is God/Brahman. The fulfilment of the pursuit lies in the realization of the one presence, realizing the unity in all the multiplicity. All austerities are aimed at attaining this goal. So, the disciplines to be undergone, by the body, mind and intelligence, are stressed in spiritual pursuit.
The seeker must strive to discipline all the inputs he is receiving from the external world. All that the senses perceive and experience, must become sublime and disciplined. Similarly, in the matter of expressing through thoughts, words, actions and interactions, the seeker must become disciplined, sublime.
The seeker, an aspirant of purity, must read or listen to biographies of saints, which speak about the life, actions, interactions, and the sadhana of the saints. He must also be careful and disciplined in the intake of food. He must ensure that the food consumed has a saatvik influence on the body and the mind. He must tune the mind and body to receive only that food which is conducive to spiritual growth. Reading and explaining these verses, Ma emphasizes that a seeker must always be aware that he is, first and foremost, a seeker. In his life, he must give supreme value and position to the Supreme.
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
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