
Ma Gurupriya

209 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Divinising the Day 06

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Ma Gurupriya ji's reflections on Poojya Swamiji's morning messages (Prabhata Rashmih)
Date: 21 October 2024
Venue: Vijnana Bhavan, Narayanashrama Tapovanam

In this Satsang, reading and discussing Poojya Swamiji’s book (Prabhata Rashmih-Vol 1), Ma speaks about the disciplines a seeker must follow, to divinize every moment of the day. She emphasizes that a seeker must always have an awareness that he/she is a seeker. Being a seeker, one must have a clear understanding of what spiritual life and seeking is.

There is an emphasis on an external God in religion, but in spirituality the focus must shift to one’s own within. The fruition of spiritual life lies in the realization of the oneness in all the diversity of the world. For this realization, a seeker must purify his own body mind and intelligence. To attain this
purity, one must take to spiritual disciplines—disciplines for the body, mind and intelligence.

The human personality can be disciplined by whatever is taken in (consumed) by the five senses. The seeker must be very selective about the food consumed, the sights seen, the things heard etc. By this discipline, the seeker must tune the mind and body to receive only that which will be conducive to his/her spiritual growth. Similarly, a seeker must be very attentive about whatever is expressed -- as words, thoughts, actions, and interactions. Every output must be spiritualized and purity must settle in the personality of the seeker. The more a seeker strives to spiritualize every aspect of his/her life, the more sublimity will be had.

A seeker of Truth must have discrimination between the real and the unreal (Viveka), dispassion (Vairagya), restraint of the mind and senses (Sama and Dama), forbearance (Titiksha), withdrawal from the external world (Uparati), complete faith in the words of the scriptures and the Guru (Shraddha). The seeker must dip into the Soul constantly (Samadhana) and he must have a burning aspiration for liberation from the shackles of the mind (mumuksha). To cultivate all these, a seeker needs attention, alertness, and sensitivity.

A Sadhaka may also find many hidden tendencies in his personality. He must take to the sadhana of eliminating the undesirable tendencies. Ma urges all listeners to take to the discipline of cultivating purity. Just as a room is cleaned with a broom, one must sweep away all the undesirable traits of the mind.

Shlokas chanted in the Satsang:
29:48 - Vani gunanu kathane…. Srimad Bhagavatam 10.10.38
30:59 - Macchitta madgata ….Bhagavad Gita 10.9

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