Ma Gurupriya ji's reflections on Poojya Swamiji's morning messages (Prabhata Rashmih)
Date: 22 October 2024
Venue: Vijnana Bhavan, Narayanashrama Tapovanam
In this Satsang, reading from and explaining Poojya Swamiji’s book Prabhata Rashmih (Vol 1), Ma emphasizes that a seeker must take to some spiritual disciplines, if he wants to divinize life. In his spiritual pursuit, the seeker must pay close attention to his own traits, behaviour, and to everything he consumes through his senses.
In the process of watching the mind, the seeker may discover many undesirable traits and qualities. Then begins the sadhana of eliminating those qualities which are not conducive to his own spiritual growth. With this sadhana of self-purification, the mind becomes pure, ego is dissolved and doership and enjoyership feeling becomes less.
What is the ultimate discipline of a seeker? The ultimate discipline is to see everything as rooted in Brahman. We may look at the world variety, but the intelligence must dwell on the Truth that is the substratum of it all. All scriptures emphasize that the universe is enveloped by Brahman alone. One must make an effort to be anchored in Brahman. Adi Shankaracharya’s composition, Aparokshanubhutih, says that one must move around the world with an illumined vision, perceiving the universe to be enveloped by Brahman.
A sincere seeker must seek to spiritualize all interactions. This wholesome spiritualization is attained easily in the association of saints or the Guru. A knower Guru is one who is calm and magnanimous, and is committed to the welfare of the world. Being in association with and serving such a Guru is sure to bring purity in the seeker.
Ma stresses that our lives are mostly spent paying attention to worldly things, being unaware that the entire universe is encompassed by divinity. Knowing this from the scriptures and the Guru, we must make a practice of reminding ourselves of this divinity. Slowly, when one becomes wholesomely pure, then the differentiation between spiritual and non-spiritual will drop off. Then, everything we do will become spiritual. This is the last and the final discipline.
Shlokas chanted in the Satsang:
21: 55 - सुवर्णाज्जायमानस्य सुवर्णत्वं…. Aparokshanubhuti 51
29:18 - वदन्ति तत्तत्त्वविदस्तत्त्वं यज्ज्ञानमद्वयम्…Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.11
30:52 - ब्रह्मप्रत्ययसन्ततिर्जगदतो ब्रह्मैव तत्सर्वतः….Vivekachudamani 521
37:53 - दृष्टिं ज्ञानमयीं कृत्वा पश्येद्ब्रह्ममयं….Aparokshanubhuti 116
47:59 - शान्ता महान्तो निवसन्ति सन्तो वसन्तवल्लोकहितं चरन्तः ….Vivekachudamani 37
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