What is equanimity? How is this to be cultivated?
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha Ji talks about the great formula for a glorious life—equanimity.
The spiritual pursuit is to take away the preference for happiness and prejudice for unhappiness and understand that they will inevitably come and go. We just need to strive to be even and equal towards them.
By practicing equanimity, we will be freed from the shackles that the world imposes on the mind and we will have won over the world!!
Verses explained by Swamiji - 2.12, 2.13, 2.14
References used -
Uttara Meghasandesah 42
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.8.1
Yoga Vasistha Ramayana 5.5.54, 3.117.8, #siddhagita 5.8.9
Poojya Swamiji will be taking Bhagavad Gita Verse by Verse in this satsang (Saturdays). Swamiji is now discussing the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita.
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Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 9:30 AM EST/ 10:30 PM MST
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
Enrich Every Day with Bhagavad Gita
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
The Path of Enquiry in Sadhana
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Be Faithful to Deeksha Sadhana
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Sadhana is a Pursuit for the Mind, not Reaching a Goal
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
How to Introspect On a Verse
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Happiness and Misery are expressions of The Self
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha