Nutan Swamiji elaborates on the essence of the Supreme Soul as described in this chapter. Revisiting the earlier verses that focus on the quality of dispassion and expansion of the mind through application of Viveka, Swamiji once again asks us to take refuge only in the Supreme.
Going through verses 12 to 15, he tells us that the entire world is our own creation. The senses create the world and we enjoy the world objects with the senses and miss the consciousness which is our real identity. Swamiji reveals that when we chant the Upanishadic Shlokas that speak about the Supreme Atma, our mind becomes expanded and attains a universal dimension.
This supreme Purusha exists in every aspect of creation. Swamiji exhorts us to go within to discover the truth of the universe.
Swamiji, reiterates the need for a seeker to divinize his/her whole life. The goal of all these verses is to become aware of the Supreme Truth and drop the clinging to the world.
Swamiji says that this chapter is chanted before eating food in most Ashrams. Remembering the Supreme within, the food has to be taken as an offering to the internal Lord. The food that we are taking is not for satisfying our tongue but for the Lord within us. Gradually increasing our Sattva Guna in this manner, we must divinise life, says Swamiji.
Shlokas Discussed: (12 to 15)
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.
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