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Ashram Diary

Owning the opposition

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

He never expressed intolerance towards any opposition, saying that: “The strong opposition to change is always a safeguard for our society. Otherwise, any change introduced by shallow ephemeral thinking also will come to pass, destroying the fundamental fabric of our age-old civilization.”

It was between 1985 and 1995 that Swamiji pioneered a few mass movements to rid the society of illegal and savage practices followed in the temples in the name of devotion. Such practices, aided and abetted by vested interests, were perpetuated by the devotees for centuries, more out of fear of the divine than devotion.

In the case of each movement, initially there was a lot of opposition to Swamiji’s viewpoint; then slowly the opposing stance would get attenuated. Rational minds found reason and sense in Swamiji’s thoughts and actions. But, most of the religious people held back due to fear of the Unknown. The newspapers as usual presented the news and views in a manner that generated a lot of controversy. Many believed, or at least propagandized, that Swamiji would incur the curse of the Deity.

The movements did evoke strong resentment from those of conservative minds. But greater opposition came from groups with vested interest in social or political leadership, who felt threatened by the reforms. The enraged groups often circulated notices labelling Swamiji as a “temple hater”, urging that he should not be allowed near any temple. In one case, they distributed leaflets in the middle of the night to all the houses in our village, maligning Swamiji and the Ashram, fabricating scandalous stories.

But Swamiji received the opposition with his characteristic fondness. At no time did he feel the least dislike or irritation towards the opponents: “They deserve more love, because they do not know!” In fact, he never expressed intolerance towards any opposition, saying that: “The strong opposition to change is always a safeguard for our society. Otherwise, any change introduced by shallow ephemeral thinking also will come to pass, destroying the fundamental fabric of our age-old civilization.”

During one of the movements, in a seminar called by the Devaswom Board, a person opposing our movement spoke for quite a long time. But, whatever he spoke was not at all relevant to the debated points; he was only trying to malign Swamiji as a person. It was quite an embarrassing situation for many present there. But, after the seminar was over, Swamiji hugged this person and patted him saying that he spoke very well! This person also, with the widest grin on his sunken face, touched Swamiji’s feet.

After we came out of the hall, I asked Swamiji, “Why did you pat that person? Did he really speak well? Was he not trying only to slander you?” Swamiji said in an indifferent tone: “I did not really hear what he was saying.”

Our Swamiji’s legendary tolerance towards ill-behaved, even wicked, people has been such that once I had helplessly murmured: “Swamiji, your aspiration to attain greater and greater heights of goodness, in fact, helps people around you to remain bad and often become worse!”

– From – Vicharasethu-July 2013

Swamiji pioneered a few mass movements to rid the society of illegal and savage practices followed in the temples in the name of devotion. The movements did evoke strong resentment in various groups who maligned Swamiji and the Ashram.

Our Swamiji’s legendary tolerance towards ill-behaved, even wicked, people has been such that once I had helplessly murmured: “Swamiji, your aspiration to attain greater and greater heights of goodness, in fact, helps people around you to remain bad and often become worse!”

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