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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha’s famous quote is – “There is a way of living in this world without being bound by it “. With this attitude, he tells us how to live in a poised, dignified manner,without crying, being distressed or fighting with it. By accepting and reconciling with the developmenys in life, cheerfully accepting it as God’s will, one must do whatever is necessary. Even providence blesses such a worry-free, contented person.
In this talk, Swamiji describes in detail the plight of his devotee, suffering from a grave physical problem. He tells us how to be in harmony and cheerfully move forward amidst whatever life presents.
A seeker must think that he is a product of God’s world and God is the source, mother, father and everything. So, whatever is given to by God, he must cheerfully welcome it. With such an expansive, spatial attitude of the mind, one is not blown over by any circumstance, and in fact one gets elevated, enriched in a mood of fondness, integration and harmony with no contradictory and conflicting attitudes, smilingly accepting all developments.
Shlokas chanted in the Track:
द्वयेव चिन्ता मुक्तौ परमानन्द आप्लुतौ ।
यो विमुक्धो जडो बालो यो गुणेभ्यः परं गतः ।।
(Srimad Bhagavatam 11.9.4)
PR 28 Apr 2011
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha