

Prabhata Rashmih - The Practice of Sadhana

Be Infused by The Very Source of Creation

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Be Infused by The Very Source of Creation

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Our whole body is a matter and energy aggregate, that is activated by the one power and presence within.

Swamiji urges us to put the body at rest for some time during wakeful hours and instead of interacting with objects outside, to interact with Subject. This process will replenish the mind. This process can be prayer, meditation or absorption. Let the mind think of the source, Self or God. One must allocate forty-five minutes to one hour for this sadhana. In that time, one must observe the thoughts arising in the mind. During this time, one must allow all thoughts to come, unresistingly. Not following the thought or acting upon it, one must simply observe it.

A seeker must retreat from interactional involvement and be involved in a subjective process of infusion. Simply observing and not running after ideas. Doing it for twenty-five minutes, one will find that the mind gets invigorated a great deal and imbued with strength because of the source within, which is the source of the entire creation.

PR 18 Dec 2011

Prabhata Rashmih - The Practice of Sadhana

Be Infused by The Very Source of Creation

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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