Fixing the Intelligence on God is Austerity


Prabhata Rashmih - Austerity and Renunciation

Fixing the Intelligence on God is Austerity

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Fixing the Intelligence on God is Austerity

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Swamiji discusses austerity, emphasizing its different levels and forms. Physical austerity involves acts like prostrating before deities, circumambulating temples, and chanting prayers.

Moving beyond the physical, a seeker has to take to austerity of the mind. This includes cultivating positive emotions while eliminating negative ones. Finally, one has to employ the intelligence to ponder on profound questions like the nature of God and the self. By understanding the mind’s workings and recognizing Consciousness as the source of all, true austerity is achieved. Understanding the unity underlying all mental processes is the ultimate goal of austerity.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:

मय्येव मन आधत्स्व मयि बुद्धिं निवेशय ।
निवसिष्यसि मय्येव अत ऊर्ध्वं न संशयः ।।

Bhagavad Gita 12.8

Prabhata Rashmih - Austerity and Renunciation

Fixing the Intelligence on God is Austerity

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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