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Infusional Introspection--Secret of Spiritual Sadhana


Prabhata Rashmih - Introspection, the knowledge austerity

Infusional Introspection--Secret of Spiritual Sadhana

  • Infusional Introspection--Secret of Spiritual Sadhana

In this track, Swamiji exhorts seekers to practice infusional introspection. When the intelligence does this introspection, the mind becomes stress-free and peaceful and the intelligence becomes more perceptive.

This introspection is the secret of Spiritual Sadhana. The intelligence must be applied repeatedly on the subtlest of things–the Soul.

PR 05 Feb 2016

Prabhata Rashmih - Introspection, the knowledge austerity

Infusional Introspection--Secret of Spiritual Sadhana

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