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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, through this talk, expresses his love and deep fondness for poetry. He says how each one of us can, by reciting, remembering and reflecting on the shlokas, make our mind vibrant as the qualities grow.
The number of mind hours a seeker spends on a quality only will determine how enriched his mind becomes. Viveka (Discrimination) and Vairagya (Dispassion) help us to understand what is benefical, proper and lasting. By thinking thus, we drop the undesirable traits and the mind becomes reformed and refined. This process is called Jnana Sadhana or Experiential Sadhana.
The seeker develops Viveka as a result of which he eliminates the undesirable, incorporates the desirable, and become more and more a repository of virtue, goodness, elevation and growth.This cultivation of qualities can be done only by introspection–Infusional Introspection. This infusional introspection is done with a view to instill its benefits in the personality, reflecting on one’s character, behaviour and interaction. By constant repeating, listening and chanting, the entire system undergoes more and more purity, and proportionately one will realise the subtler Presence in one’s body which animates and activates the inert body. Swamiji says that only by recitation and chanting can a seeker bring about the purification, necessary sharpness and more and more knowledge.
Shlokas chanted in the Track:
वैराग्यबोधौ पुरुषस्य पक्षिवत्
पक्षौ विजानीहि विचक्षण त्वम् ।
ताभ्यां विना नान्यतरेण सिध्यति ।।
Vivekachudamani 374
यथा यथात्मा परिमृज्यतेऽसौ मत्पुण्यगाथाश्रवणाभिधानैः ।
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.26
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
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