Mind - The Way to make it Happy and Contented


The Majesty of the Mind

Mind - The Way to make it Happy and Contented

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Mind - The Way to make it Happy and Contented

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Poojya Swamiji gives the simple science for making the mind happy and contented by invoking its vast possibilities and potentials. He analyses how the mind is beyond matter and energy, and since it is spiritual, it is more important than the body. Hence it is very important to educate and strengthen the mento-intellectual aggregate. Swamiji declares “When one goes into the essence and purification of the mind, it is almost like God Realization”.

To explore the ecstasy and fulfillment derived from the mind, Swamiji emphasises on total dispossession. Here, through the story of the renunciate Guru with a bark attire and the Shishya as a king with royal silken attire, Swamiji reveals how the external differences and attires can never break the inner contentment of the mind. In fact it is the network of desires and greed that makes the mind unhappy, poor and impoverished. Swamiji himself embraced sannyasa to reinforce inner contentment, and lives cheerfully donning ochre robes, floating in ectasy, moving joyfully with total austerity. Expecting nothing and with an enriched, sublime, cheerful mind, he imparts psychological sufficiency by having an assimilating accepting mind in whatever the world brings as joys or sorrows.

Understanding that everything is in a cyclic motion as a wheel, happiness and sorrow also follow each other in a revolving pattern. Hence the mind must develop an attitude of equalness in both. With such an equipoised mind one does not wait for the impact of experiences, but is ever ready to assimilate the favourable or unfavourable impacts with Samatva attitude, swimming and not drowning with all comings and goings. Quoting from Yoga Vasistha verses, Swamiji concludes by making us aware of our immortal nature and to live courageously, desirelessly and most important smilingly with an enriched happy and contented mind.

Slokas chanted in the track:

(Timestamp: 00:00:12)
यं शैवास्समुपासते शिव इति ब्रह्मेति वेदान्तिनो
बौद्धा बुद्ध इति प्रमाणपटवः कर्तेति नैयायिकाः ।
अर्हन्नित्यथ जैनशासनरताः कर्मेति मीमांसकाः
सोऽयं वो विदधातु वाञ्छितफलं त्रैलोक्यनाथो हरिः ॥

yaṃ śaivāssamupāsate śiva iti brahmeti vedāntino
bauddhā buddha iti pramāṇapaṭavaḥ karteti naiyāyikāḥ ।
arhannityatha jainaśāsanaratāḥ karmeti mīmāṃsakāḥ
so’yaṃ vo vidadhātu vāñchitaphalaṃ trailokyanātho hariḥ ॥
(Sri Vishnu Stutih)

(Timestamp: 00:20:50)
वयमिह परितुष्टा वल्कलैस्त्वं दुकूलै:
सम इव परितोषो निर्विशेषो विशेष: ।
स तु भवति दरिद्रो यस्य तृष्णा विशाला
मनसि च परितुष्टे कोऽर्थवान् को दरिद्र: ॥

vayamiha parituṣṭā valkalaistvaṃ dukūlai:
sama iva paritoṣo nirviśeṣo viśeṣa: ।
sa tu bhavati daridro yasya tṛṣṇā viśālā
manasi ca parituṣṭe ko’rthavān ko daridra: ॥

(Timestamp: 00:30:50)
कस्यात्यन्तं सुखमुपनतं दुःखमेकान्ततो वा
नीचैर्गच्छत्युपरि च दशा चक्रनेमिक्रमेण ॥

kasyātyantaṃ sukhamupanataṃ duḥkhamekāntato vā
nīcairgacchatyupari ca daśā cakranemikrameṇa ॥
(Meghadootam by Kalidasa, Verse 111)

(Timestamp: 00:37:30)
सुखं हि दुःखान्यनुभूय शोभते महान्धकारेष्विव दीपदर्शनम् ।
sukhaṃ hi duḥkhānyanubhūya śobhate mahāndhakāreṣviva dīpadarśanam ।

(Timestamp: 00:43:27)
समतया मतया गुणशालिनां पुरुषराडिह यः समलंकृतः ।
तममलं प्रणमन्ति नरोत्तमा अपि महामुनयो रघुनन्दन ॥

samatayā matayā guṇaśālināṃ puruṣarāḍiha yaḥ samalaṃkṛtaḥ ।
tamamalaṃ praṇamanti narottamā api mahāmunayo raghunandana ॥
(Yoga Vasistha 2.15.20)

(Timestamp: 00:46:28)
निराशता निर्भयता नित्यता समता ज्ञता ।
निरीहता निष्क्रियता सौम्यता निर्विकल्पता ॥
धृतिर्मैत्री मतिस्तुष्टिः मृदुता मृदुभाषिता
हेयोपादेयनिर्मुक्ते ज्ञे तिष्ठन्त्यपवासनम् ॥

nirāśatā nirbhayatā nityatā samatā jñatā ।
nirīhatā niṣkriyatā saumyatā nirvikalpatā ॥
dhṛtirmaitrī matistuṣṭiḥ mṛdutā mṛdubhāṣitā
heyopādeyanirmukte jñe tiṣṭhantyapavāsanam ॥
(Yoga Vasistha 5.13.28,29)

(Timestamp: 00:56:09)
संवेद्यवर्जितमनुत्तममाद्यमेकं संवित्पदं विकलनं कलयन्महात्मन् ।
हृद्येव तिष्ठ कलनारहितः क्रियां तु कुर्वन्नकर्तृपदमेत्य शमोदितश्रीः ॥

saṃvitpadaṃ vikalanaṃ kalayanmahātman ।
hṛdyeva tiṣṭha kalanārahitaḥ kriyāṃ tu
kurvannakartṛpadametya śamoditaśrīḥ ॥
(Yoga Vasistha 5.92.50)

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Mind - The Way to make it Happy and Contented

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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