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How to Intensify Your Devotion


Prabhata Rashmih – Making Devotion Wholesome

How to Intensify Your Devotion

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • How to Intensify Your Devotion

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Poojya Swamiji explains how the faith in the invisible and distant God is ultimately an act of the mind alone. It is true that Intensity of the belief will determine the effectiveness of God for you in the matter of doing whatever you want to do. Swamiji coaxes us to reflect on the fact that belief and dependence are both products of the mind. Thus, we come to understand that what matters is the intensity of our own faith alone. Swamiji gives the example of Ekalavya to illustrate the point, how Ekalavya excelled in his aim by believing and worshipping his teacher Dronacharya, who was actually not present before him.

PR 06 Jan 2016

Prabhata Rashmih – Making Devotion Wholesome

How to Intensify Your Devotion

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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