

Prabhata Rashmih - The Nature of Consciousness

Something different from Matter and Energy

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Something different from Matter and Energy

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

The whole success of sādhanā lies in knowing about sentience, the presence different from matter and energy. When we understand it, we become free. We are able to make life a sport, something very light and harmonious.

Slokas chanted in the track:

विशुद्धसत्त्वस्य गुणाः प्रसादः
स्वात्मानुभूतिः परमा प्रशान्तिः ।
तृप्तिः प्रहर्षः परमात्मनिष्ठा
यया सदानन्दरसं समृच्छति ॥
(Vivekachudamani 119)

अतीताननुसन्धानं भविष्यदविचारणम् ।
औदासीन्यमपि प्राप्तं जीवन्मुक्तस्य लक्षणम् ॥
(Vivekachudamani 433)

साधुभि: पूज्यमानेऽस्मिन् पीड्यमानेऽपि दुर्जनै: ।
समभावो भवेद्यस्य स जीवन्मुक्तलक्षणः ॥
(Vivekachudamani 440)

PR 09 Aug 2018

Prabhata Rashmih - The Nature of Consciousness

Something different from Matter and Energy

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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