

Prabhata Rashmih - How to Lead Life towards Fulfillment

The State of jivanmuktih

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The State of jivanmuktih

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Swami Bhoomananda Tirthaji emphasises that Self-Realization is attaining an expansive state which encompasses all aspects of life, resolving problems, needs, doubts and questions of the intelligence. Self-Realization is achieving fulfillment and peace in life, transcending various bondages and constrictions. He encourages seekers to introspect and understand their own bondages–physical, mental, or intellectual and asserts that liberation entails freedom from these bondages. This is the state of Jeevan Mukti or Liberation in this very life.

Doership and enjoyership arise from one’s interactions and relationships in life. These notions evolve from childhood through various life stages, leading to a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences. Liberation is the state where Kartritva (doership) and Bhoktritva (enjoyership) bhava dissolve, and one attains freedom. One understands that actions are done by the respective organs, and the Self remains unaffected by any worldy interactions and activities. In the central core of the personality, no action originates, no effect falls.

A seeker must take to the practice of repeated self-assessment, practicing Sadhana and seeking guidance from a Sadguru. He must purify the mind and the intelligence by means of reflection, study of scriptures, and inner introspection. The aim is to eliminate impurities and bondage arising in the mind, allowing steady realization. Swamiji emphasizes the need for consistent Sadhana or spiritual practice and association with saints or Sadguru to maintain the realization attained. It has to be a process of ongoing spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:
नैव किञ्चित्करोमीति युक्तो मन्येत तत्त्ववित् ।
पश्यञ्श्रृण्वन्स्पृशञ्जिघ्रन्नश्नन्गच्छन्स्वपञ्श्वसन् ।।
प्रलपन्विसृजन्गृह्णन्नुन्मिषन्निमिषन्नपि ।
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेषु वर्तन्त इति धारयन् ।।

(Bhagavad Gita 5.8 – 5.9)
साधुभि: पूज्यमानेऽस्मिन् पीड्यमानेऽपि दुर्जनै: ।
समभावो भवेद्यस्य स जीवन्मुक्तलक्षणः ।।

(Vivekacūḍāmaṇi 440)

Prabhata Rashmih - How to Lead Life towards Fulfillment

The State of jivanmuktih

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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