Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
In this track, Swamiji says that all human beings are in the grip of Raga (likes) and Dvesha (dislikes). The Sadhana of a seeker is that he must be able to avoid what he likes, and he must be able to accept what he dislikes. Likes and dislikes should not stand in the way of his doing anything that is necessary.
The mind is governed by likes and dislikes, and the intelligence has to be governed by propriety and orderliness. So, there is a constant struggle between intelligence and mind. This struggle should go and every time the mind should be prepared to listen to the intelligence.
One’s likes and dislikes should not stand in the way of living in this world with the family, with the society, with the nation. A seeker must have this flexibility and enlightenment. Acceptance and assimilation of everything and everyone is an essential factor in the spiritual pursuit.
PR 29 Apr 2011
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
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Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha