Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Our Spiritual Life and its attainments are Self-Experiential. Bhagavad Gita describes the characteristics of a man with stable or steady wisdom. These Lakshanas or characteristics are mentioned for the Seeker to practice them earnestly and constantly, says Swamiji. The Lakshanas of a Sthitha prajya are themselves Sadhana for a Seeker – everything has to be applied and verified on oneself.
A seeker must improve Saatvik tendencies and enhance them. He must emulate and incorporate good traits and pursue them. Slowly, the Rajasika tendencies will start to drop. Improvement will come in the way of a qualitative Change.
There is nothing that cannot be cultivated within us-our habits, our thought processes and attitudes. Our objectives, reactions and responses also can be changed and modified. For one’s own growth in the Spiritual Path, the seeker must grow alacrity, astuteness, sensitiveness and reception. This can happen when he understands that this is an entirely Inner invisible process. It is a process of inner discovery.
Shlokas chanted in the Track:
स्वसंवेद्यं न तु परप्रत्यक्षम् ।
सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत ।
Bhagavad Gita 17.3
PR 25 Jan 2012
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
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