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Where exactly does the Universe Shine?


Prabhata Rashmih - The Nature of Consciousness

Where exactly does the Universe Shine?

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Where exactly does the Universe Shine?

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

In this track, Swamiji speaks about the all-encompassing Consciousness. The whole universe is shining in one’s own consciousness within! Our consciousness doesn’t have a colour, shape or weight. The whole universe is shining within this. We are the untransforming, all-reflecting, blissful consciousness.

Consciousness is that by virtue of which we become conscious of other things and of ourselves. It is an incomparable Presence within us.

The credit of knowing the entire universe goes to our perceiving consciousness. This is the real character and measure of our consciousness. It is intellectually explained but we will have to experience it and only then we will realise the measure and potential of our consciousness.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:

यत्र विश्वमिदं भाति कल्पितं रज्जुसर्पवत् ।
आनन्दपरमानन्दः स बोधस्त्वं सुखं चर ।।

Ashtāvakra Samhita 1.10

Prabhata Rashmih - The Nature of Consciousness

Where exactly does the Universe Shine?

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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