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Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
I prostrate at the lotus feet of all my Gurus, which reveal the bliss of the Self within, which are like the expert physician who alleviates the delusion caused by the severe poison of worldliness.
May the chidanandamaya (conscious being full of bliss) Guru arise wholesomely in the sky of my heart, as the sun destroying the darkness of ignorance.
This splendour of the sovereignty of Self-effulgence I have received by virtue of the supreme majesty of thy grace. Prostrations to thee, O glorious, noble-minded Teacher, prostrations again and again!
O great Teacher, it is you the singular Presence, the indescribable great Sentience, that ever shines as the extensive Universe. Prostration to you, the king of all Gurus.
Prostration to you O Bhagavān, the Supreme Purusha, who entering within me, activates the dormant speech as well as the other organs like hands, feet, ear, skin etc, and also the life forces, merely by virtue of His presence, holding as He does infinite powers.
Prostration to Him who transcends the sphere of speech and mind; Prostration to Him who alone manifests as speech and mind. Prostration to Him who is the source of the infinite magnificent creation. Prostration to Him, the ocean of endless mercy.
I have no confidence in dharma (moral codes); neither in property nor in enjoying the objects of desires. Let whatever is destined, O Lord, take its course according to the previous karma. However, I have this supremely cherished prayer: in all my lives let there be unflinching devotion to Thy lotus feet.
O supreme Lord, take away from me as fast as possible this worthless world. O the Lord of Yadus, take away my sins spread far and wide. O the unfailing abode of the poor and tormented, O the supreme Lord of the Universe, be always before my eyes, wherever my vision goes.
In enjoyment, there is fear of disease; in family reputation, there is fear of decline; in wealth, there is fear of kings; in honour there is fear of dishonour; in strength there is fear of enemy or adversary; in beauty there is fear of old age; in scriptural erudition there is fear of learned opponents; in virtue there is fear of slanderer; in body, there is fear of death. For human beings, everything in this world is coupled with fear. Vairāgya (non-possessiveness and not clinging to worldly enjoyments) alone is the abode of fearlessness.
O Raghupate, there is no other desire in my heart. I am speaking the truth, of course, you, being the Inner Self of all, will also know it well. Grant me, O best of Raghus, unflinching devotion that unburdens me; makes my mind free of the taint of desires.
This Self whom ascetics freed from stains experience ceaselessly within their body as brilliant and pure, is attainable through truthfulness, austerity, well-refined wisdom and celibacy.
The qualities of a pure being are: placidity of mind, Self-experience, supreme peacefulness, contentment, delight and Self-abidance, by virtue of which the constant bliss emerging from the supreme Reality is attained.
In whose heart Lord Hari – the embodiment of auspiciousness – abides, for them there is continuous festivity (elevation), constant prosperity and eternal felicity.
I am not dedicated to righteousness; neither am I a Knower of Truth. I am not devoted to your Lotus feet. Having nothing, with no other refuge, I seek refuge under your lotus feet where one should seek refuge.
Concluding Ślokas
May all be happy; may all be free from disease; may all see auspiciousness; let not anyone be a victim of affliction.
May the vicious become good, the good attain peace and the peaceful be redeemed from all bondages. May the liberated ones redeem others.
May the clouds shed at the proper time and the earth become fertile. May the country remain free of agitations and the noble souls be free from fear.
Let there be well-being for the people; may the rulers rule the earth adhering to the righteous path; may there always be well-being for the learned and the cattle; may all the worlds be happy.
From the unreal lead me to the Real; from darkness lead me to Light; from death lead me to Immortality. Om śanti: śanti: śanti:
Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
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