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Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
Source: Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda; Upaniṣad: Taittirīya
Om. May mitra be propitious to us (bring tranquility, fulfillment to us). May varuṇa be propitious to us. May aryamā be propitious to us. May indra be propitious to us. May bṛhaspati (the god of knowledge) be propitious to us. May viṣṇu (the all-pervading, all-powerful Lord) and urukrama (one of long strides; the vāmana incarnation of viṣṇu) be benedictory to us. Prostration to Brahman. Prostration to you, O vāyu (the controller of life forces); you are verily the perceptible Brahman, and I shall extol you as the perceptible Brahman. I shall speak what is true, in the mind. I shall speak what is true and proper. May Brahman protect me; may Brahman protect the teacher. Protect me. Protect the teacher. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti: (May there be peace relieving us from the three-fold disturbances ādhidaivika (providential), ādhibhautika (from animals), and ādhyātmika (from our own body, mind and intelligence). Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda; Upaniṣad: Kaṭhopaniṣad
Om. May Brahman protect us both (the preceptor and the disciple). May He nourish us both. May we strive together, with righteous courage and vigour. May our learning become brilliant (powerful; not bookish). May we not be intolerant or hateful (towards each other). Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda; Upaniṣad: Taittirīya (1.4.1)
The premier sound of the Vedas is Om whose manifest form is this Universe. It emerged from the Immortality itself that transcends the Vedas. May that brilliant praṇava (Om) give me intelligence so that I may become the bearer of wisdom that bestows Immortality. May my body be fit for the purpose and my tongue speak sweetly. With both my ears let me amply hear the spiritual truths. O praṇava, you are the cell of the supreme Spirit hidden within the intelligence. Protect my learning. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda; Upaniṣads: Taittirīya 1.10.1; Nārada-parivrājakopaniṣad.
I am the seed (originator) of the tree (world). My glory rises like the peak of the mountain. High and pure as the sun, I am verily immortal. My wealth is the effulgence of Brahman. I am the immutable and immortal brilliance. This is the message of wisdom from Sage Triśanku. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Śukla Yajurveda; Upaniṣads: Bṛhadāraṇyaka, Iśāvāsya
That (the supreme Brahman) is full. This (the manifest Brahman; Creation; individual soul) is also full (infinite). From the full has emerged the full. When full (infinite Creation; individual soul) is taken from the full (supreme Brahman), what remains is verily full. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Sāmaveda; Upaniṣads: Kena, Chhāndogya
Om. May my limbs, speech, life-forces, eyes, ears, strength elements (muscles, etc) and all the senses, become well nourished (with sattva-guṇa). Everything is indeed the Brahman extolled by the Upanishads. Let me not deny the Brahman. Also let not the Brahman disown me. Let there be no denial from me. Let me, who is devoted to the Self, be enriched with all the virtues extolled in the Upanishads. Let these enrich me. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Ṛgveda; Upaniṣad: Aitareya
Om. May my speech be well-established in my mind and the mind be well-established in my speech. (May there be complete identity and harmony between the mind and speech.)
O self-effulgent Brahman, be revealed to me (as the self-effulgent). May you both, mind and speech together, be able to bring the essence of the Vedas for me. Whatever I have learnt or heard (from the teacher), may it not leave me. May I unite day and night by the study (contemplate incessantly throughout day and night). I shall speak what is true, in the mind. I shall speak what is true and proper. May Brahman protect me (by infusing the right knowledge) and protect the teacher (by enabling him to communicate). May It protect me. May It protect the teacher, protect the teacher. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Ṛgveda X.20.19.
Om. May our mind radiate auspiciousness. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Atharva Veda; Upaniṣads: Muṇḍaka, Mānḍūkya, Praśna
Om. O the brilliant Powers, may our ears hear what is auspicious. May we see with our eyes what is auspicious. May we live our allotted span of life in good health and strength, singing your praise. May indra, extolled in the scriptures, pūṣā, the omniscient, tārkṣya who protects us from harm, and bṛhaspati, ensure our felicity. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Source: Atharva Veda; Upaniṣad: Śvetāśvataropaniṣad 6.18
Om. Seeking liberation, I truly take refuge in that Effulgent One, who at the beginning of Creation, projected the Creator (Brahmā, the Cosmic being), and revealed to Him the Vedas, and who indeed illumines our intelligence with the knowledge of the Self. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:
Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
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Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha