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Shloka 06 prathamavayasi dattam


Verses for Introspection

Shloka 06 prathamavayasi dattam

Ma Gurupriya

  • Shloka 06 prathamavayasi dattam

    Ma Gurupriya


प्रथमवयसि दत्तं तोयमल्पं स्मरन्तः
शिरसि निहितभारा नारिकेला नराणाम् ।
सलिलममृतकल्पं दद्युराजीवनान्तं
न हि कृतमुपकारं साधवो विस्मरन्ति ।।

prathamavayasi dattaṁ toyamalpaṁ smarantaḥ
śirasi nihitabhārā nārikelā narāṇām |
salilamamṛtakalpaṁ dadyurājīvanāntaṁ
na hi ktamupakāraṁ sādhavo vismaranti ||
– Subhāṣitam


Remembering with gratitude the small amount of water given in early age, the coconut trees carry for people nectar-like water on their head throughout their life. [In the same manner] good and noble people do not forget a service done to them.

Points for Introspection:

This śloka instils in us the great virtue of gratitude – that one should fondly remember any noble service done to him by anybody anytime, feel grateful, and also do some noble service in return. Even the thought of such a virtue makes the mind soft and expanded.

Think of the coconut sapling. After planting it somebody had lovingly watered it regularly for a period for its sustenance and growth. As it grows tall, remembering this kind act, the coconut tree carries on its head, bunches of fruits, each containing nectarine water. Throughout life it stands in sun and rain, carrying the heavy load, without the least grumbling – never saying “I am tired”, never wanting to get rid of the load, but ever-ready to offer lovingly the fruits to all. Remembering the water, essential for its survival and growth, poured on it when it was young, it now gives the nectarine drink to whosoever comes nearby.

This indeed is the sign of a noble heart. A noble person never forgets any benevolent service done to him. Chanting of this śloka would melt the heart and generate aspiration to imbibe gratitude.

Word Meaning:

प्रथमवयसि (prathama-vayasi) = in the early age; दत्तं (dattam) = given; तोयं (toyam) = water; अल्पम् (alpam) = a little, a trifling; स्मरन्तः (smarantaḥ) = remembering; शिरसि (śirasi) = on the head; निहितभारा: (nihita-bhārā) = carrying the load; नारिकेलाः (nārikelāh) = coconuts ; नराणाम् (narāṇām) = among men; सलिलम् (salilam) = water; अमृतकल्पम् (amṛta-kalpaṁ) = nectar like; दद्युः (dadyuḥ) = will give; आजीवनान्तम् (ājīvanāntaṁ) = throughout life; (na) = not; हि (hi) = indeed; कृतम् (kṛtam) = done; उपकारम् (upakāraṁ) = service, help, favour; साधवः (sādhavah) = noble men; विस्मरन्ति (vismaranti) = forget.


प्रथमवयसि अल्पं तोयं दत्तं स्मरन्तः, नारिकेलाः शिरसि निहितभारा, अमृतकल्पं सलिलं आजीवनान्तं नराणां दद्युः । साधवः कृतं उपकारं न हि विस्मरन्ति ।

prathamavayasi alpaṁ toyam dattam smarantaḥ, nārikelāḥ śirasi nihitabhārā, amṛta-kalpam salilam ājīvanāntam narāṇām dadyuḥ. Sādhavaḥ kṛtam upakāram na hi vismaranti.

Verses for Introspection

Shloka 06 prathamavayasi dattam

Ma Gurupriya

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