Excellence in Action

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    “Shift the focus from external situations to the mind's response to them. Do whatever leads to mind's expansion and strength.”  -  Nutan Swamiji

    Articles (5)

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    26 | On Bhagavad Gita | Render every act as Yajna

    All actions done by us will have to be as Yajña. How to do so? Do everything but without any delusional clinging (saṅga) to the inner psycho-intellectual outcome it brings about. Every act is done aiming to achieve a certain fruition. If such fruition is had or not, the performer’s mind should feel no delusional clinging to what transpires. It is clinging that hinders Yajña. Whatever act is done without clinging verily becomes sacrifice.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Dealing with challenges effectively

    When we have challenges, when we are in trouble, we do not think of God. We brood and complain and say, “Why me?”

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Real Education

    Apply intelligence and also be thoughtful and introspective. Assess your own thoughts, views, speech and action. Never be selfish.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Students–Set right your attitude

    So, do not lose heart or make any room for disappointment. Be strengthened and enlightened more and more, through everything that comes. With that gain, go forward. You have my blessings for right growth and fulfilment. The world is wide and extensive. You will have what you rightly deserve and in the hands of which you will find elevation and fulfilment. Be sure.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    All challenges are opportunities for growth

    If the insight or ambition fostered earlier does not fit in with the present situation, all that is called for is a patient re-examination of your own mind and its outlook, and then a timely correction and re-orientation, by which your mind will survive with what is the best and outstanding in it.

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