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Discourse & Satsangs

47th Annual Delhi Jnana Yajna


09:00AM IST


05:30PM IST


CIRD - Delhi (NCR), Sector 5A, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India – 201 012

Poojya Swamiji accompanied by Ma Gurupriyaji conducted the 47th Annual Delhi Jnana Yajna at CIRD Delhi from Nov 24th to Dec 04.


Knowledge, Devotion, Love, Service

Delhi Jñāna-yajña

24 Nov – 4 Dec, 2023

                                         – A  Report by Devotees

[Dr Jyoti Gupta, Smt Soma Chakraborty and Dr Yashvir Mathur have fairly recently become associated with Swamiji, Ashram and CIRD-Delhi. All three were fully present throughout the Jñāna-yajña.]

Dr Jyoti Gupta:

I have visited Narayanashrama Tapovanam twice before but this was my first stay in CIRD-Delhi. The moment you enter the gate you get very familiar vibrations of the culture that has developed from Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma.

Many faces, some known, some unknown, but all so welcoming. As I entered the hall, Ma immediately recognized me and was so happy to see me, reminding Swamiji about me. Swamiji soon recollected who I was and gave me his most endearing smile. As I prostrated, he asked so many questions about my well-being, my work, etc. His love, compassion and concern swelled my eyes.

Paada Pooja

As I made a small offering of some sweets, he said something so profound, “Have you ever entered a temple empty-handed and asked, ‘God, what can I give you? What is mine that I can offer you?’” I was speechless!! Even though I wanted to say, “Swamiji it is only my expression of love for you, it will give me happiness if you will accept”, words did not come out of my mouth. I had got the message he wanted to convey. Those 5 minutes at his feet taught me so much. It was like coming home, like as if I always belonged there and had got lost in a vast ocean. From then on, every moment in the Ashram taught me something.

Eternal values in Bhagavad Gita”, “Prabhata-rashmih”, “Q&A with Poojya Swamiji”. Whatever Swamiji speaks, he says with so much conviction as it all comes from his direct experience. It hits hard on the intelligence and removes all doubt. At times laughing like a child, other times thundering like a lion – both are so endearing as his inner compassion shines through every time. He talked about the constrictions of our mind which lead us to all sukhas and duḥkhas, and the importance of focussing on real “I” which always remains unchanged, surviving all the dualities. He said that one must always remember God with all devotion, because ‘He alone Is’.

“Joy of Self-purification” by Ma. Ma beautifully taught us about the bondages and shackles of our mind, and how we should go about nurturing our mind and intelligence to rid ourselves of these bondages. And how we should do the practice of shining our minds like shining a vessel in the house so we can always feel the fountain of joy within.

Children from Gurukulam School (Vasundhara) receiving woolens

The opportunity of seva that I got in Annakshetra and packing of prasada for Dana Satram was a great learning experience too. I observed that each act was done with a feeling of devotion, with love for the person receiving, with full attention to the minutest details. Always used to doing things in a hurry and not bothering with details, it all appeared little slow and drawn out. But I soon learnt from Ma and Namrataji that doing these small acts with love and care, helps us cleanse our own inner selves and makes our mind more receptive to the all-embracing Divine.

Chanting of shlokas during prayers in Annakshetra before meals, and their collective vibrations, raised in me a strong urge to learn them and understand their meaning.

Pushpa-samarpanam and Paada pooja. This sublime ceremony used to be my most cherished moment of the day, where I learned the meaning of devotion and love for the Guru and how to express it. And the loving hand of Swamiji on my head, his comforting smile that he is there  whatever comes my way, was the best prasada for me.

Smt Soma Chakraborty:

On 24th November 2023 night Poojya Swamiji and Ma arrived in CIRD Vasundhara. Diyas (earthen lamps) were lit and many devotees were present with flowers to shower on the car in which Swamiji and Ma were travelleing. Bell was rung loudly. My son blew the conch. Many devotees from Delhi and around the area had been in Ashram since morning. For one full year I was waiting to see Swamiji and Ma. Their loving, joyful glance made me so happy.

Paada pooja. On 26 November morning I was informed that Siba and I will be doing Paada Pooja. For a few seconds I could not respond, could only meekly say “okay”. I reached CIRD at 3 pm wearing full new dress except my sweater. We were taken to Ma’s room. This was the first time I saw her room. We both prostrated before her and saw her ever-smiling face. She explained everything to us and said not to get tensed. I felt so grateful to be chosen.

Daana Satram

The Hall was full of people. I felt as though I was in trance – hearing Swamiji but not fully. Ma spoke about the significance of the ceremony. Then Siba and myself sat in front of Swamiji and performed Guru Archana. Every step we did with bhakti and humility – washing his feet, drying, decorating them with Chandan and Kumkum, offering flowers at Swamiji’s feet, performing the aarati… Garlands were offered to Swamiji and Ma. There was no rush. Swamiji was quietly sitting absorbed. The whole time my mind felt still, like space.

Bathing in Knowledge. I never missed any program of 47th Jñāna-yajña. I immensely enjoyed Swamiji’s Eternal Values in Bhagavad Gita (from 6 – 7.15 pm) for 4 days, Pushpa-samarpanam and Prabhata-rashmiḥ and 2 days of Q&A. Also Ma’s talks on ‘Joy of Self-purification’ for 3 days.

I was hearing them thoroughly and thinking that I am gulping the messages shared by the enlightened souls, but I should also inculcate them in my life. I was praying for that. Poojya Swamiji was trying to pour all his energy to imprint Bhagavad Gita knowledge in our mind so that we practice the wisdom in our daily chores. He emphasised on reading, understanding, chanting and contemplating.

He also asked us to use our Intelligence to assess ourselves while dealing with others. Ma was trying to make us understand the process of self-purification, and said. “Whatever we want, it can be ours. We can get drenched in purity, love and divinity.”

Seva. I was made part of Annakshetra Seva team. Many devotees who were associated with CIRD for long were much more experienced and guided the newcomers with the systems and observations.

Giving woollens, laddu and dry fruit-prasada

I liked the chanting of Bhagavad Gita (Ch.15) and Brahmarpanam shlokas before food. Serving lunch and dinner, looking at the happy faces of guests, gave me immense happiness. After the guests started their meal, most of the serving team members used to rush with food buckets for second and third helping of the food items. Then, along with cleaning staff, sometimes cleaning the tables, filling fresh water, clearing food items as well as the big tumblers and buckets to be washed by the staff. Walking from the Dining Hall to the Kitchen, every day I used to look at Swamiji’s photo on Annakshetra-wall and say. “Please check that I do my work well and the guests are happy”.

I also became part of Annakshetra meetings for feedback and improvements, which sometimes would end late at night. Ma was concerned about me going home so late, once asked two devotees to walk with me back to my Apartment which is close by. Ma appreciated that I was proactive in meetings and encouraged me. Since I was new in Annakshetra work, I liked the appreciation and encouragement.

Dr Yashvir Mathur:

A seeker’s life is filled with contentment. Although twists and turns of day-to-day living try to disrupt the peace of mind, there is always a promise of seeking refuge in the lotus feet of our Guru, mentally placing oneself in the lap of the comfort-provider and guide.

Preparing to receive our Guru. Poojya Swamiji’s annual Delhi Jñāna-yajña is a festival of inner joy for all his disciples and seekers of Truth. On entering the gates of CIRD, what struck me was the oasis-like ambience of the Centre in the midst of concrete jungle. Frantic preparations were going on – cleaning and exposing to sunlight the various linen, testing and checking the PA equipment, the air purifiers, room heaters, water heating systems in various rooms. In the subsequent days I tried to help whatever best I could.

Recipient families queueing up at CIRD-Delhi (Dec 3)

The day Poojya Swamiji was to arrive in Delhi had come. I reached the arrival gate and waited along with other devotees who had come to receive Swamiji and Ma. All of us were filled with silent joy. Amidst cold weather of Delhi with its chilly breeze, we welcomed Poojya Swamiji and Ma with flower petals showered on their path.

Next few days of the Yajna were like a dream. What could be better than to have Swamiji and Ma so close to you and living with you at your home town! Each and every devotee got soaked in the nectarine presence of divinity.

In the Company of the Wise. Apart from the daily satsangs and Pushpa-samarpanam where we all had a chance to meet and seek Poojya Swamiji’s and Ma’s blessings, there were other occasions where I had opportunities to interact with them. Walking around the pathways of the CIRD complex and the Green belt were such occasions where one could see Swamiji’s and Ma’s energetic stocktaking of the new plants and trees as well as progress of various works being undertaken. These occasions instilled in me a sense of belongingness and peace.

One day I brought my wife and children to the Centre and on another day my father and my sister. It was all different for them, visiting an Ashram and meeting a Sadguru. Eating in the Annakshetra was a sublime experience for them and they thoroughly relished it. I feel whosoever comes in contact with Swamiji and Ma is really fortunate.

Reaching out to the Poor. One day, small children from an NGO “Gurukul” visited the Ashram. They sat quietly and gazed expectantly at Poojya Swamiji and Ma who were sitting in front of them in the Satsang hall. I noticed their innocent smiles and they all listened to the inspiring words of Poojya Swamiji with rapt attention. Their faces lit up on receiving the winter-woollens and dry-fruit-prasada from Swamiji. Subsequently they queued up to Annakshetra and had a wholesome meal. Swamiji and Ma were there ensuring each and every child is served properly with affection and love.

Poojya Swamiji with dancing sticks

Daana Satra exposed the misery faced by the people living around. We visited various slums around CIRD, distributing tokens for the eligible Daana recipients. This was the first time I got exposed to the stark reality of the people who serve us daily. These are the very maids who make our life comfortable and look after our children when we are at work. They are our drivers, chaiwalas, rikshawalas, washermen and other helpers. Though these people work in plush homes and look after the needs of the wealthy, their own children are growing in filthy homes, with no education and hygiene, in utter neglect. We were surrounded by children, men and women in the slums, each one of
them wanting to have a token.

On the day of Daana Satra, people had queued up very early. Poojya Swamiji and Ma addressed them expressing their gratitude for being able to serve them. They also explained to the recipients that it is the gift of love and sharing from devotees around the world. The recipients were welcomed with Vedic Aarati before distributing the blankets, dal packets and prasada with love. Children who accompanied the parents were given woollens and dry fruit-prasada.

There were people who had come without tokens. Poojya Swamiji swiftly directed all of us to prepare and distribute whatever was left with us so that no one leaves empty-handed. The last few could only get laddoo-prasada.

Later in the evening, in a clear and impersonal manner, Swamiji and Ma took stock of the proceedings of the Daana Satra and discussed what could have been done better. Maa was especially moved to tears that winter woollens could not be provided to all the children who had come in large numbers with the parents.

Lord of our Hearts. I had my share of quiet discussions with Poojya Swamiji on the progress of my Sadhana. But I had to leave a day early. With heavy heart when I told him that I would be leaving him, and asked when would I meet him next, he replied. “Why don’t you take me with you!” From that instant I have kept Poojya Swamiji in my heart. He is always with me.

We are all seekers. We are all on a path to enlightenment. What better could be the prospects when we know that a living Guru is guiding and illuminating the dark and unknown path, taking care of the sharp turns and slopes, thorns and obstacles on the way. Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma, we all are really blessed!

* * *

Our Guiding Lights
  • speaker-image
    Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
    Founder and Visionary, Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD
  • speaker-image
    Swamini Ma Gurupriya
    Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD

November 26, 2023
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Guru Archana

and Poojya Swamiji’s Benedictory message.

November 27, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Pushpasamarpanam and Prabhata-rashmih

Offering of flowers at Poojya Swamiji’s feet followed by His message on sadhana

November 27, 2023
06:00 PM - 07:15 PM
Eternal Values in Bhagavad Gita

By Poojya Swamiji

November 28, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Joy of Self-Purification

Talks by Ma Gurupriya ji

November 28, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Pushpasamarpanam and Prabhata-rashmih

Offering of flowers at Poojya Swamiji’s feet followed by His message on sadhana

November 28, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Eternal Values in Bhagavad Gita

By Poojya Swamiji

November 29, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Joy of Self-Purification

Talks by Ma Gurupriya ji

November 29, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Pushpasamarpanam and Prabhata-rashmih

Offering of flowers at Poojya Swamiji’s feet followed by His message on sadhana

November 29, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Eternal Values in Bhagavad Gita

By Poojya Swamiji

November 30, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Joy of Self-Purification

Talks by Ma Gurupriya ji

November 30, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Pushpasamarpanam and Prabhata-rashmih

Offering of flowers at Poojya Swamiji’s feet followed by His message on sadhana

November 30, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Eternal Values in Bhagavad Gita

By Poojya Swamiji

December 01, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Pushpasamarpanam and Prabhata-rashmih

Offering of flowers at Poojya Swamiji’s feet followed by His message on sadhana

December 01, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Q & A with Poojya Swamiji

December 02, 2023
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Pushpasamarpanam and Prabhata-rashmih

Offering of flowers at Poojya Swamiji’s feet followed by His message on sadhana

December 02, 2023
03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Daana Satra

Distribution of grain and winter woolens to the needy

December 03, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Q & A with Poojya Swamiji

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