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6.00PM IST
6.00PM IST
CIRD-Jamshedpur, Circuit House Area(North West), Sonari, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831011
Poojya Swami Bhoomanananda Tirtha ji along with Swamini Ma Gurupriya ji travelled to CIRD Jamshedpur from 8 – 30 November 2024 to conduct the 58th Annual Jnana Yajna.
Ātmano Mokṣārthaṃ Jagat-hitāya Ca
For Liberation of Oneself & Welfare of the World
by Manoj Dubey, Anita Ramakrishnan, Indira Iyer & Atul Sahay
Poojya Swamiji and Ma last visited Jamshedpur in February 2023. Following the change in visit schedule last year, Nutan Swamiji from now on will visit Jamshedpur in February-March and Poojya Swamiji with Ma in November.
Challenges and opportunities
As the preparation for Jñāna Yajña was about to begin, some unexpected events occurred. Our CIRD Jamshedpur office coordinator suddenly informed that she will not be able to continue with her job, and the maid doing regular housekeeping stopped coming as her husband passed away. Moreover, two of our Management Committee members were facing various health issues. It seemed it would be challenging to organise the Jñāna Yajña this time.
However, we gathered strength and inspiration from an online meeting with Poojya Swamiji and Ma. We understood that challenges mean opportunities for us to grow. After listening to our discussion, Poojya Swamiji assured that everything will be alright. Responsibilities were distributed among various devotees – old and young, the younger ones specially inspired by Ma. All were ready to take up some or other work.
Preparations gained momentum. Outreach materials were printed, and teams of devotees went out to contact societies and institutions. In CIRD itself, thorough cleaning of the buildings started. All were working harmoniously.
Long Wait Ends
November 08. Devotees waited eagerly at CIRD to welcome and have Darshan of their beloved Guru. Swamiji, Ma and the accompanying team arrived at 9 pm from Ranchi Airport. CIRD was beautifully decorated with diyas (earthen lamps). The hearts of all devotees blossomed with delight upon seeing Poojya Swamiji and Ma after a gap of one and half years. They were welcomed chanting ‘oṃ namaḥ sadāśivāya’ accompanied by conch and gong. Swamiji and Ma went to Vijnana Bhavan, where ārti was performed by Smt. Sudha Ranjan. Earlier that day, Swamiji’s attendant and two domestic workers from Ashram had reached Jamshedpur after their 2-day train journey.
Guru Archana (10 November)
On the day of formal welcome, ‘Paada-pooja’ was performed by the young couple Sri Gopal Sona and his wife Smt. Shivani on behalf of all devotees. Ma said that Gopal has been initiated by Poojya Swamiji and also was given sacred thread by Swamiji himself in the Ashram. Ma explained the importance and process of ‘Paada-pooja’. The whole environment became devotional while chanting the 108 attributes of Poojya Swamiji.
Satsangs with Poojya Swamiji (11, 12, 13, 28, 29 November)
Interactive Satsangs in a mixture of Hindi and English were held at CIRD’s Vijnana Bhavan. During these sessions,
Poojya Swamiji emphasized the importance of values and the supreme importance of Sannyasa Ashram in Indian culture. He answered a wide variety of questions pertaining to lack of attention, Dharma, procrastination, and the deepest levels of sadhana. Swamiji also taught ślokas from Nitya-samarpanam (including the very first śloka we all chant – janmāneka-śataiḥ …). It was a rare and delightful blessing for devotees.
Children of Cultural Heritage Class
The children of Cultural Heritage Class (CHC) at CIRD presented a beautiful programme on 15 November. They first welcomed Poojya Swamiji and Ma by garlanding them. CHC student Pratigya Pandey conducted a session in which children presented Subhashitams with meaning and a patriotic song they had been practising for months. The children presented a short play based on how Bhagavad Gita helps in daily life. It was appreciated and praised by everyone. Poojya Swamiji explained lofty values to the children through the story of Diwakar and his Teacher. The enriching event concluded with all the children offering praṇāms to Swamiji and Ma and receiving prasada from Swamiji, before enjoying a delicious Bhakti Bhojanam prepared specially for them in Annakshetra.
A separate event was later conducted on 24 Nov, where the students received winter woollens and special prasada packets from Poojya Swamiji.
Pushpa-samarpanam – A Sublime Offering
In the forenoon, devotees would gather at Vijnana Bhavan to offer flower petals mixed with tulasi leaves at the holy feet of Poojya Swamiji while chanting Guru-stotras. Swamiji would then deliver a short message (Prabhāta-raśmiḥ) on sadhana. Everyday devotees were present in good numbers for this sublime and purifying session. Even during assembly polls in Jamshedpur (on 13 November), devotees came for ‘Pushpa-samarpanam’ after casting their votes.
Resolving Conflicts and Discovering the Source of Joy
Evening discourses by Poojya Swamiji on Bhagavad Gita (16-20 November)
Poojya Swamiji drew from our two great epics – Ramayana and Mahabharata – to show that in every situation, problems rise in the mind and solutions come from the intelligence. Swamiji emphasized that there is no lasting happiness in anything in the world. Life is only the contact between senses and the objects of the world, which produces two effects in the mind – sukha or duḥkha. They come to go, and go only to come again. This is their very nature. Understanding this fact, one should neither be afraid of sorrows nor get attached to happiness.
Taking the discussion deeper, Poojya Swamiji said our body is inert and perishable. But that which keeps the body alive – the Soul – doesn’t get destroyed. Once the intelligence becomes free of delusions, it no longer gets affected and disturbed. Let go everything and rest on the Self. Such a dedication will be so blissful that the seeker will not desire anything else. This is the source of eternal joy.
The five-day discourse-series made the audience introspect deeply, assimilate the essence of the discussion, think over their problems, and use intelligence to resolve them.
Make life Joyous through Spirituality
Satsang with Ma in Hindi (16-18 November)
Ma’s Satsang-series was focused on small but important points related to Sadhana, speaking based on Swamiji’s
talks on Prabhāta-raśmiḥ. Ma told that the mind loses its purity due to petty thoughts like jealousy, hatred, intolerance etc. Tangled in these thoughts, the mind becomes weak and restless.
A pure mind is the source of happiness and an impure mind is the source of sorrow. To keep one’s mind clean
and contented, one should bathe in the internal river of Ātmā. In this inner river, Truth is water, qualities of character are its banks, and kindness the waves. One should always think of the pure Soul by keeping away the mind from discussions on petty things. By doing so, all impure thoughts disappear naturally.
Discover the Potential of your Mind and Intellect
Interactive Session with Class 12 students (22 November)
137 students of Class 12 from Dakshin Bharatiya Mahila Samaj (D.B.M.S) High school, Kadma, attended the session with faculty members. Primary aim of the session was to equip the students with methods and techniques for personal growth, fostering resilience and enhancing their potential. Poojya Swamiji, with his profound knowledge and experience, inspired the youth to tap into their innate abilities and cultivate a mindset conducive to success and well-being.
Swamiji enlightened them on Inner Resources, emphasizing that the real strength comes from within. He encouraged the children to love knowledge. Students were made aware of the infinite potential of human mind and intelligence. Swamiji also introduced techniques to help the students manage stress and improve focus. During the Q&A, Swamiji addressed various concerns, providing insightful responses that resonated with the youngsters. His thoughtful answers helped clarify many doubts related to personal growth and self-discovery.
The enriching programme received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the students, with many expressing a newfound motivation to explore their inner potential, and commit to their own journey of personal growth.
Becoming Free from Fear and Anxiety
Ma’s evening discourses in Hindi (23-26 November)
Ma said that whether old or young, everyone has worries and fear in their lives, most of which are imaginary. We should know the ways to overcome these from the Guru and the śāstras. If we constantly remember our true nature which is the immortal and blissful Soul, we gradually become imbued with the qualities of the Soul. Such a seeker is called ‘Nitya-yukta’. Nitya-yukta doesn’t get affected even in most difficult situations. This is the fundamental way to be free from fear and anxieties.
Students Receiving Educational Assistance (27 November)
The initiative to provide Educational Assistance to economically weaker students began during Poojya Swamiji’s Jñāna Yajña in 2023, when Swamiji exhorted the executive members to do something to help economically disadvantaged students in their studies. The call was joyfully heeded by the devotees and they selected about 25 students following a detailed survey and careful selection process. Financial support was given for school fees, uniforms, shoes, school bags, books and transport.
This year an interactive session with Poojya Swamiji was arranged for these students in response to their request to meet Poojya Swamiji. During the introduction, it was explained to the students that for a Sannyasin the whole world is his family. One takes up Sannyasa not just for his own liberation, but for the welfare of the world – Ātmano mokṣārthaṃ jagat-hitāya ca.
The children’s initial stiffness on meeting Swamiji for the first time melted away when Swamiji started speaking to them, and asked them to laugh heartily! Slowly they became comfortable and the conversation began. Some of them asked Swamiji how to focus on studies, how to be fearless, etc. Poojya Swamiji taught them to do Omkāra japa, and advised them to sleep sufficiently in order to work efficiently. Ma advised them to make a daily routine and try to follow it sincerely.
Some of the students were accompanied by their parents. It was a vibrant session where Swamiji exposed them to the potential of the mind. At the conclusion of the event, all offered praṇāms, received Prasada and partook of bhakti bhojanam.
Children of National Association for the Blind (29 November)
In February 2024 during the Sadhana Shibiram, NAB students had come to CIRD and received Braille slates from Nutan Swamiji. They had thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with Nutan Swamiji as well as the Bhakti Bhoj that followed and were reported to be eagerly waiting for a similar session with Poojya Swamiji and Ma.
18 children with visual impairment were invited to CIRD along with their parents and teachers. Poojya Swamiji was very happy to listen to the recitation of Guru-stotras by two children, Neha and Sagar. An eight-year-old girl Vanshika sang a beautiful bhajan which expressed the conviction of the composer that Lord Ram will come to her hut. Swamiji explained that Lord Ram is everywhere, deep in the heart of everybody. The innocent child could readily accept the truth.
The children interacted without any inhibition, and this was the best part of the program. Guided by volunteers, the children received blessings from Swamiji and Ma. The children also prostrated in front of the chair meant for Nutan Swamiji who had met them earlier during the year. As was done during Nutan Swamiji’s visit, CIRD gifted educational aids and appliances together with school uniforms to deserving students.
Poojya Swamiji’s Interactive Session with Students (29 November)
In response to the request of DBMS students, a special Q & A session was held on Nov 29. Around 18 students of classes, 10, 11 and 12 from Motilal Nehru Public school and 5 students of University College of Engineering and Technology, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand participated. Many questions about how to handle anger, make the mind focused, stop being distracted by social media etc were replied by Poojya Swamiji. At the end, the students expressed how helpful they found the session.
At the beginning of the Jñāna Yajña, Poojya Swamiji had explained the Bhagavad Gita śloka उद्धरेदातनातनं नातनमवसादयेत – (BG 6.5). During the final Satsang, Poojya Swamiji recited a śloka (27) from Nīti-śatakam – प्रभते न खल वघभयेन मनदै: (नीच:) …, explaining that those who give up an attempt to do good when faced with difficulties are of the lowest level. Those who begin but fail to go through on account of obstacles, are mediocre. The best (uttama-janāḥ) never give up what they have once taken up whatever difficulties might arise. Swamiji specifically chose this śloka because of its relevance to the devotees of CIRD-Jamshedpur.
The faces of all present in Vijnana Bhavan seemed to be indrawn. Perhaps the thought in their minds was: “how to rise to the group of the uttama-janāḥ (the best)”. It was the last message from the Guru to the disciples to improve themselves, and the message was clear – we must make effort to improve ourselves and not be disappointed by obstacles.
Jai Guru!
Date | Time | Program | Description |
November 09, 2024 Saturday | 06:00 pm - 07:15pm IST | Darshan & Pranam | |
November 10, 2024 Sunday | 04:00 pm - 07:00pm IST | Guru Archana | followed by Poojya Swamiji’s benedictory message |
November 11 - 14, 2024 Monday - Thursday | 11:30 am - 12:15pm IST | Pushpasamarpanam | |
November 11 - 13, 2024 Monday - Wednesday | 07:00 pm - 08:15pm IST | Interactive Satsang with Poojya Swamiji | |
November 14, 2024 Thursday | 07:00 pm - 08:15pm IST | Satsang with Ma Gurupriya ji | |
November 15, 2024 Friday | 10:30 am - 12:00pm IST | Inspiring the Cultural Heritage Class (CHC) Children | |
November 16 - 20, 2024 Saturday - Wednesday | 07:00 pm - 08:15pm IST | Resolving Conflicts and Discovering the Source of Joy | Discourses by Poojya Swamiji |
November 16 - 18, 2024 Saturday - Monday | 10:45 am - 12:00pm IST | Make Life Joyous Through Spirituality | In Conversation with Ma Gurupriya ji (Hindi) |
November 23 - 26, 2024 Saturday - Tuesday | 07:00 pm - 08:15pm IST | Becoming free from Anxiety and fear | Discourses by Ma Gurupriya ji (Hindi) based on Bhagavad Gita & Sreemad Bhaagavatam |
November 28, 2024 Thursday | 07:00 pm - 08:15pm IST | Concluding Satsang |