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Discourse & Satsangs

Delhi Sadhana Shibiram 2024


6:00PM IST

END: OCTOBER 23, 2024

6:00PM IST


CIRD Delhi(NCR), Sector 5A, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India – 201 012

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha ji (Nutan Swamiji) will be in Delhi-NCR for conducting the Sadhana Shibiram from 06 to 23 October. There will be an interactive satsang on October 7th followed by a series of discourses based on Bhagavad Gita on 10 – 13 and 17 – 20 October. For more details please scroll down to the ‘Event Schedule and Hightlights’ section.

Daily Programs

06:00 am – Morning Prayers

06:45 am – Silent Sitting

11.00  am – Pushpasamarpanam

06:00 pm – Evening Prayers

For personal appointments with Nutan Swamiji, please call Sanjay Chakravarty at 9811203815

There is nothing besides and superior to Me, O Dhananjaya (Arjuna). In Me, all this is interwoven, like pearls in a thread.

After Nutan Swamiji’s Ayurvedic treatment, he was not supposed to tax his body too much with vigorous routines and hectic schedules. It was thus decided that this year’s Sadhana Shibiram in Delhi would have no residential Retreat, rather be more free and flexible in terms of timing. The main structured programme was the 8-day Bhagavad Gita discourse series based on Chapter 7.

Altogether it was two and a half weeks of intimate informal Satsangs, personal meetings, discussions with seekers of all ages, giving plenty of opportunity for devotees to join in various kinds of Ashram activities.

Right off, it was administrative business for Nutan Swamiji, looking into various aspects of the running of CIRD. From renovating the buildings (CIRD-Delhi has completed 25 years) to upgrading green-belt maintenance, sorting out staff issues and looking into the problems of the workers’ families. Every action or interaction was a lesson for us to see how a Saint lives and moves about freely in this world – with clarity, compassion and deep dispassion (vairagya).

Bhagavad Gita Discourse (10-13 & 17-20 Oct)

Chapter 7 of Bhagavad Gita is considered the beginning of the Bhakti section. If there was one message from Nutan Swamiji that stood out, it was that “Spirituality is not a regular exercise, but a perception – a wholesome perception”.

Throughout the 8 days, the focus was on changing our mindset, from that which is constricted and given to self-centred preference and prejudice, to the universal, all-embracing dimension of the Self. One must not differentiate between spiritual practice and secular activities. Also not wait for the chance discovery of the Self in meditation, but strive to bring in the Self-dimension in all moments of wakeful interactions.

We were told our personality consists of pañca-bhūtas and our mind, intelligence and ego. We have been told many times that the entire universe including our own body-mind-personality is nothing but an appearance in
Consciousness. But this time we were awakened to the fact that the Consciousness manifesting as the “jeeva” in association with the body-mind personality is what gives rise to the entire universal display (BG 7.5)! And this Consciousness is the substratum of all that we experience.

Beautifully relating every verse to various other verses from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, Patanjali Yogasūtras and Yoga-vāsiṣṭha
Rāmāyaṇa among others, Nutan Swamiji showed us how the scriptures are to be read in a wholesome manner, and how every word is to be used as a sadhana to make our minds pure and expansive.

By highlighting how the essence of every perception is rooted in the Self, Bhagavad Gita through Nutan Swamiji’s guidance gave us a clear and simple way of connecting the divinity within to everything around.

Touching Lives

As always, the uniqueness of our programmes is the availability and accessibility of our Saints. Devotees got plenty of personal time with Nutan Swamiji during this Sadhana Shibiram. Swamiji’s love and grace brought light and lightness to troubled teenagers, middle-aged seekers and elders well on the path.

One day we went to visit Smt Silva Roy, one of CIRD Delhi’s most senior devotees. The sprightly 99-year-old beamed with bright-eyed devotion and child-like wonder at Nutan Swamiji’s presence in her elegant home. Mutual fondness was evident as Silvaji and Swamiiji reminisced about the past and caught up with the present.

Another day Swamiji felt concerned that for two days Uncle Bhatia (88-year-old father of CIRD-NA, President Pankaj
Bhatia) had not come in the morning to CIRD as he regularly does. In the evening Swamiji decided to go across the road to check on him, and was pleasantly surprised to see him actively exercising on his stationary bike. The old uncle was literally glowing to see Swamiji visit him.

Several times Nutan Swamiji met the children of the past workers and students of Cultural heritage class of earlier days. Some of these youngsters have been blessed by their association with the Ashram from early childhood. Swamiji would enquire with great interest about their wellbeing, understand their minds and hopes for the future, inspire and guide them, and do whatever was required to help them go forward.

Offering from the Heart

Everyday at forenoon there was Pushpa-samarpanam. Sublimity was pronounced from start to finish as one by one devotees received flower petals from Nutan Swamiji, to be offered at Poojya Swamiji’s portrait. Workers also would devotionally participate.

After the programme, Nutan Swamiji would spend some time in informal Satsang, some days teaching one or two ślokas, other days answering questions or having discussion after listening to the recorded Prabhāta-raśmiḥ. All was done with a sense of comfort and ease. Sundays drew a bigger crowd, particularly youngsters. Swamiji would ask them to chant, inspiring them to bring in the correct bhāva and tune into their voice and go deeper into the meaning of the shlokas.


Ultimately, Nutan Swamiji’s presence, with the Knowledge he carried and delivered, was a unifier, for parents and children, husbands and wives, devotees and other devotees. Through his love and compassion, he helped us understand that we all are One, not separate.

Mayi sarvam-idaṁ protaṁ sūtre maṇi-gaṇā iva – In Me, all this is interwoven, like pearls in a thread (BG 7.7).

Just as ‘pearls’ skillfully made in a string using delicate knots in it, are nothing but that very string itself, whatsoever we perceive in Consciousness, is nothing but Consciousness, our Self itself.

Listening to these words of wisdom, our own faults were unearthed, and healing began. Devotees of CIRD-Delhi were blessed to have this opportunity to recharge themselves and move forward, guided by the flame of Knowledge.

  • speaker-image
    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
    Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD



  • 03 Tapo Yajna Daanaadi

    Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • 06 Tam Ishwaranam

    Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18

    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

Audio Discourses

  • Bhagavad Gita – A Revolutionary Message - Episode 1

    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • Bhagavadgeeta – Sattva-Rajas-Tamas & Their Transcendence Ch.14 - Day 2

    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

Higher Joy

How to give children a taste of a liberal mindset, a value-oriented life? Perhaps stories will help them understand the real taste of human values. Of course, thereafter they have to live the values to get established in them.

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Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

Importance of Knowing our Real Identity

The spiritual thinkers of India realized that the only way to sustain a civilization on the auspicious path, was to keep people anchored to their own inmost Self.

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October 07, 2024
07:00 pm - 08:15pm
Interactive Satsang with Nutan Swamiji

(followed by Bhakti Bhoj)

CIRD Delhi

All are welcome

October 10 - 13, 2024
Thursday - Sunday
07:00pm - 08:15pm
Discourses based on Bhagavad Gita

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

CIRD Delhi

All are welcome

October 17 - 20, 2024
Thursday - Sunday
07:00pm - 08:15pm
Discourses based on Bhagavad Gita

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

CIRD Delhi

All are welcome

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