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10:00AM EST
08:00PM EST
Nutan Swamiji visited USA for his Sadhana Shibiram series after a gap of 3 years. Starting on the East Coast in Washington DC Metro area, Swamiji went to Ohio (Columbus), and from there to Irvine (Southern California) and Brentwood (Bay area, Northern California), staying in the homes of devotees, transforming their homes into ‘Ashrams’ for the duration of his stay.
CIRD-NA core devotees worked enthusiastically to set up the ‘Ashram’ as usual in the home of Pankaj and Anu Bhatia, the usual base for Jñāna Yajña as well as Saadhana Shibiram. Several programmes were conducted, including “Leveraging the Eternal Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita for Achieving Excellence”, “Eternal Relevance of Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita for Everybody”, and Interactive Satsangs at the homes of Krishnaveni Sharma ji and Nisha Govindani ji. All the sessions were lively and engaging, bestowing clarity and illumination.
GBGC 2022 young MCs Akshaya Nambiar (New York) and Sampada Wakhlu (California) came specially to conduct the inaugural session “Leveraging the Eternal Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita for Achieving Excellence”, bringing a youthful inspiration to the programme.
A regular CIRD-NA volunteer during Jñāna Yajñas and Sadhana Shibirams, Akshaya also anchored some of the other sessions, ably demonstrating the relevance and effect of this knowledge to the young and active.
From Virginia, Nutan Swamiji and group travelled by road to Columbus, Ohio, on 4 October. The home of Sajeev and Deepa Nair and their young sons Manas and Tejas was transformed into an Ashram for the 8-day period.
This leg of the visit began with a unique session – “Concept of Moksha in Bhagavad Gita” hosted by renowned Vedic scholar Sri Ashwathji. The session was partly virtual with 54 participants joining on Zoom, along with about 25 seekers participating physically. Many (including regular followers of Nutan Swamiji’s sessions) expressed that Swamiji’s handling of the subject shed new light on the concept of liberation, and gave clear direction towards achieving this goal.
Interactive Satsang at the home of Prabhakar ji was energizing as Swamiji deftly answered many new questioners with a divine mix of depth and humour.
“Living the Bhagavad Gita Way” – A set of 2 discourses held in the Dublin Community Centre was focused on how to make the Bhagavad Gita applicable in daily life, as an invaluable friend and guide in every situation. Throughout the 8-days, whether during public talks or interactive Satsangs or personal meetings, Swamiji’s love and compassion were palpable as he answered queries and cleared doubts.
Irvine, California:
Youth Satsang: The programme in Irvine, California, began with a delightful Youth Satsang on 12 October, at the home of Nutan Swamiji’s hosts Shanti ji and Natarajan ji, largely due to the energetic efforts of their elder daughter Hasini. Approximately 20 participants between the ages of 16 and 25 years sat around Nutan Swamiji and interacted with enthusiasm and interest. The vibrant and lively session set the tone for this segment of the Saadhana Shibiram.
Interactive Satsang hosted by Venkat ji and Sadgun ji received overwhelming response both in terms of participation and feedback. Keen seekers filled every nook and cranny of their beautiful home.
“Following Krishna’s Guidance” – a 3-day public talk was conducted at Stonegate Elementary School from 14-16 October, which also received good response from both regulars and newcomers.
Musical Satsang: Uplifting conclusion to the programme was a ‘Musical Satsang’ on 17 October, where several talented youngsters performed for Swamiji before his concluding Satsang. Nutan Swamiji and everyone else present felt moved and inspired seeing the youth displaying glorious Indian culture through violin, veena, flute, saxophone and tabla, as well as Carnatic and Hindustani vocal performances, thousands of miles away from the Motherland. The day concluded with a vibrant
Q&A session with Nutan Swamiji.
San Jose East Bay Area:
On 19 October, Nutan Swamiji and group flew to San Jose East Bay Area for the final part of the visit programme. They were hosted by Nilesh Kumar and Poorna, and their 5-year-old son Ridan. Nilesh also had come into the association of Poojya Swamiji when he was 5 years old through his parents Prof SR Sahu and Smt Rajeshwari of Jamshedpur.
This is the first time Swamiji is conducting a full programme in this area, and received a surprise welcome upon arrival by several young families with their small children. First event of the programme, an Interactive Satsang at the residence, was held on 21 October. The next day Nutan Swamiji accompanied by several devotees, had a very special, memorable visit to Shanti Ashrama, (Ramakrishna Mission), lovingly led by Swami Tattwamayananda ji and Swami Vedananda ji of
Vedanta Society of Northern California (founded in 1900 by Swami Vivekananda as a branch of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, Kolkata).
On 23 October, Nutan Swamiji spoke in Freemont on ‘Essentials of Hinduism’. Swamiji also conducted a session in Castlemont School, Campbell on 30 October entitled “Remaining Stable-minded through Life’s Challenges”.
In each place the uplifting touch of a Mahatma was palpable. In Virginia the interactions were mainly with the ‘core group’ of devotees, who have a long and deep association with Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma. Ohio saw the budding of a new group of keen and sincere seekers. Irvine was filled with the essence of youthful vibrancy. And San Jose brings hope for the future as parents are bringing their young children to be graced by his compassionate presence.
Nutan Swamiji started back for the Ashram on 01 November 2022.
USA Sadhana Shibiram 2022 – Reminicences of Devotees
As always, Nutan Swamiji was hosted in the homes of devotees during his Sadhana Shibiram in USA: Anuradha and Pankaj Bhatia hosted in Virginia, Deepa and Sajeev Nair in Columbus (Ohio), Shanthi and Natarajan along with their daughter Hasini in Irvine (Orange County, Southern Califor nia), Poorna and Nilesh Kumar in East Bay Area (California).
The two long years of the pandemic perhaps had intensified the longing in our hearts to have Nutan Swamiji amidst us, to guide and uplift us. Even though the schedule was finalized a bit late, it didn’t deter anyone from plunging into action head-on and start preparing for the public programmes and setting up the house for Swamiji.
Challenges began when Pankaj, who was in Ashram to escort Swamiji in the long Transatlantic flight, fell sick with what all of us hoped to be a flu, but turned out to be Covid! Within a few hours of landing in DC, he quarantined himself in a nearby hotel to ensure Swamiji and everyone remained safe… +Read full Article
A Unique Pilgrimage – Visit to Shanti Ashrama
On 22 October 2022 during the San Jose leg of the USA Sadhana Shibiram, Nutan Swamiji and a small group of devotees visited Shanti Ashrama, upon the invitation of Tattwamayananda Swamiji, Minister-in-Charge of Vedanta Society of Northern California (San Francisco). This holy place had been read about and often pictured by Ma and Nutan Swamiji. The visit was a unique experience that will always be treasured, and we feel blessed to share some snapshots…+Read full Article
To watch the USA Sadhana Shibiram 2022 event videos, scroll down to the ‘Event Schedule and Highlights’ section and click on the video links.
Images from Nutan Swamiji’s visit to Shanti Ashram
Date | Time | Program | Description |
Sep 24th, 2022 Saturday 10:00AM - 11:30AM EDT | __ | Leveraging the Eternal Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita for Achieving Excellence | Interactive workshop anchored by Akshaya Nambiar and Sampada Wakhlu (No Livestream) |
Sep 25th, 2022 Sunday 10:00AM - 12:30AM EDT | __ | Leveraging the Eternal Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita for Achieving Excellence | Interactive workshop anchored by Akshaya Nambiar and Sampada Wakhlu (No Livestream) |
Sep 28th, 2022 Wednesday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | Bhagavad Gita & Upanishads, Satsang & Q/A | |
Sep 29th, 2022 Thursday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | Interactive Satsang | |
Sep 30th, 2022 Friday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | 3−day Discourse Series and Q&A | |
Oct 1st, 2022 Saturday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | 3−day Discourse Series and Q&A | |
Oct 2nd, 2022 Sunday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | 3−day Discourse Series and Q&A |
Date | Time | Program | Description |
Oct 4th, 2022 Tuesday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | INTERACTIVE SATSANG | |
Oct 5th, 2022 Wednesday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | ||
Oct 6th, 2022 Thursday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | INTERACTIVE SATSANG | |
Oct 7th, 2022 Friday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | ||
Oct 8th, 2022 Saturday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | Discourse & Q/A | |
Oct 9th, 2022 Sunday 06:30PM - 08:00PM EDT | __ | Discourse & Q/A |
Date | Time | Program | Description |
Oct 13th, 2022 Thursday 07:00PM - 08:15PM EDT | __ | ||
Oct 14th, 2022 Friday 07:00PM - 07:30PM PDT | __ | BHAJANS | Bhajan by Smt. Padma Kutty’s Student |
Oct 14th, 2022 Friday 07:30PM - 08:45PM PDT | __ | FOLLOWING KRISHNA’S GUIDANCE | Discourses & Q/A |
Oct 15th, 2022 Saturday 04:30PM - 05:00PM PDT | __ | BHAJANS | Bhajan by Smt. Padma Kutty’s Student |
Oct 15th, 2022 Saturday 05:00PM - 06:30PM PDT | __ | FOLLOWING KRISHNA’S GUIDANCE | Discourses & Q/A |
Oct 16th, 2022 Sunday 05:00PM - 06:30PM PDT | __ | FOLLOWING KRISHNA’S GUIDANCE | Discourses & Q/A |
Oct 17th, 2022 Monday 07:00PM - 08:15PM PDT | __ | INTERACTIVE SATSANG |
Date | Time | Program | Description |
Oct 21st, 2022 Friday 07:30PM - 08:30PM PDT | __ | FINDING TRUE JOY & DIVINITY IN LIFE | Interactive Satsang & Q/A |
Oct 23rd, 2022 Sunday 04:00PM - 06:00PM PDT | __ | ESSENTIALS OF HINDUISM | Talk followed by Q and A. |
Oct 24th, 2022 Monday 07:30PM - 08:30PM PDT | __ | FINDING TRUE JOY & DIVINITY IN LIFE | Interactive Satsang and Q&A |
Oct 25th, 2022 Tuesday 07:30PM - 08:30PM PDT | __ | FINDING TRUE JOY & DIVINITY IN LIFE | Interactive Satsang and Q&A |
Oct 26th, 2022 Wednesday 07:30PM - 08:30PM PDT | __ | FINDING TRUE JOY & DIVINITY IN LIFE | Interactive Satsang and Q&A |
Oct 27th, 2022 Thursday 07:30PM - 08:30PM PDT | __ | FINDING TRUE JOY & DIVINITY IN LIFE | Interactive Satsang and Q&A |
Oct 30th, 2022 Sunday 04:00PM - 06:00PM PDT | __ | REMAINING STABLE-MINDED THROUGH LIFE'S CHALLENGES | Discourses, Q/A and Meditation |