Discourse & Satsangs

Gurupoornima 2023

START: JULY 3, 2023

08:15AM IST

END: JULY 3, 2023

12:30PM IST


Narayanashrama Tapovanam,
Venginissery, P.O. Paralam,

Gurupoornima day

– Sneha Shashi Kumar

Gurupoornima Programme at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, which was attended by Poojya Swamiji’s devotees from across the globe, commenced with a day-long event on 3rd July 2023 followed by a week-long Retreat from 7th to 14th July 2023.

Meticulous planning The festivity began several days before Gurupoornima itself, as devotees from Malaysia, USA, UK and various parts of India arrived to lend their hands, hearts and minds to preparations for the holy day.

Ma and Nutan Swamiji were at the helm of all discussions, taking into account every aspect of planning for the event. Elaborate charts were made and presented, so volunteers were clear on who was to do what, and when. Feeding arrangements in four areas were extensively discussed, rehearsed and finalized. Barricade made up of flowy white curtains was put up to create one-way movement of guests on the day. Every minute detail was thoroughly gone into by Nutan Swamiji and Ma – a great lesson in shraddha for us.

(Visit Here to Gurupoornima 2024 events.)

Paada Pooja

Gurupoornima (3rd July 2023)

The function in Ashram was attended by over 600 devotees and seekers. The air was filled with joy and blessedness. There was gratitude towards our Guruparamparā (lineage of Masters) that has sustained the livingness of this Knowledge, to Providence for bringing us to this path, and most of all to our Guru for continuing to lead us along, with his love and compassion.

Nutan Swamiji commenced the programme with the Gurusampradāya shlokas, but not before reminding us firmly that the great fortune of having a living Guru can never be overemphasized. Before introducing the blessed pair selected to perform Padapooja, Ma spoke what was in all our minds, that our sole prayer to Poojya Swamiji is that he remains healthy, continuing to be our Guiding Light for many more years to come.

Padapooja this year was lovingly performed by Sri Itendra Tiwari from UK, and Sri Rajesh Krishnamoorthy from USA. Both of them have a long association with Poojya Swamiji and Ashram since their childhood in India, through their elders.

Guru’s Grace

Poojya Swamiji delivered his benedictory message both in English and Malayalam. Swamiji spoke about the significance of the Day. This supreme Knowledge can never be had without the grace of the Guru. It is the Guru who initiates us into the path, but it is the sincerity, resoluteness and unswerving Guru-bhakti of the disciple that determines the way forward.

Poojya Swamiji shared how he met his Guru Baba Gangadhara Paramahamsa Dev, the impact that first meeting had on his mind, and the unique bond between them that followed. Ultimately, this spiritual journey is about going within to discover the inmost Presence, being aware of the Power of our own mind and intelligence, and realize our real universal Identity.

Offering pranaams & receiving prasada

Divine Tune

As Swamiji concluded, hall volunteers in Vijnana Bhavan wearing nametags with pink lanyards took up their positions, guiding devotees into queues to offer pranaams and receive prasada from Poojya Swamiji, then offer pranaams to Nutan Swamiji and Ma, and leading them along the pre-determined route to go downstairs for Bhakti Bhoj.

At the ground floor, feeding volunteers with blue lanyards directed the crowd towards various feeding stations. After food, guests were shown the way out following a novel one-way movement to avoid any rush. Moving gracefully with sublime musical accompaniment over the speakers (Sri Mohan and his daughter Priya on violin, Smt Manjir Bhowmik on sitar and the devotion-soaked voices of our bhajan singers) the entire process was smooth and peaceful. The culmination of many hours of hard work, joyful dedication and commitment, the symphony finally came together beautifully, conducted by the divine baton of our Guru.

Jai Gurudev!


From Darkness to Light – Gurupoornima at Poornashram

Ha…ha…ha…ha… The buoyant, child-like laughter of Poojya Swamiji removes darkness and heaviness from all around, bringing light and cheerfulness to our heart. O Lord, even the remembrance of the waves of that ‘Divine Laughter’ awakens us to the tattva of the Ultimate Reality.

When our Lord’s message arrived that we shall be doing the Guru-pādapooja in Poornashram this time, there was a flood of joy, tears of delight filling our faces. ++Read full article


To read Poojya Swamiji’s Gurupoornima Message, click here

Our Spiritual Masters
  • speaker-image
    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
    Founder and Visionary - Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD
  • speaker-image
    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
    Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD
  • speaker-image
    Swamini Ma Gurupriya
    Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD

July 03, 2023
08:15AM - 09:00AM IST

July 03, 2023
09:00AM - 11:00AM IST

July 03, 2023
11:00AM - 12:30PM IST

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