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08:15AM IST
01:30PM IST
Narayanashrama Tapovanam,
Venginissery, P.O. Paralam,
The holy Gurupoornima day was observed on 21st July 2024 in Ashram and other centers across the world.
Gurupoornima Report (21 July 2024)
Very soon after the completion of US Jñāna Yajña this year, Ashram was in a flurry of activities to prepare for Guru-poornima celebrations. Calls were made, lists were drawn up, accommodation charts poured over to make the best arrangements for arriving devotees, cooks were booked, photographers and pandal-makers organized.
At the helm of all activity, as usual, were Ma and Nutan Swamiji, making sure everything would go according to the wishes of Poojya Swamiji.
Flocking to the Nest
Two young sisters had arrived a week earlier from Malaysia. Having been associated with Poojya Swamiji through their parents, and both playing active roles in SIRD Malaysia during programmes as well as regular satsangs, they were eager to help during their first Guru-poornima in Ashram.
Others were less new in the proceedings. Stalwarts Suresh Babuji and Vijayji came to take the lead in the feeding and hall management teams respectively. Several youngsters have become familiar faces in the Ashram especially during programmes when they are seen running around and doing hysical seva. Some devotees flew in from Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Malaysia etc. Dr Rejitha from Australia had participated in last year’s Guru-poornima Retreat during her very first visit to Ashram. This year she came earlier to be a part of the Guru-poornima celebrations as well, and was instantly roped in to become one of the crowd management volunteers in the hall.
Many others travelled by train, bus or car from various parts of Kerala and other states in India. All congregated joyously in the Ashram, filling the air with the fragrance of devotion and energy of seva.
Blessed Seva
On the eve of Guru-poornima, devotees were focussed in their acts of service all over the Ashram. A group of ladies were cleaning flowers in Vijnana Bhavan in pin-drop silence. A smaller group of devotees went around putting up the Guru-poornima schedule in different parts of the Ashram buildings and residences. Hundreds of chairs carried up to Vijnana Bhavan terrace in the preceding days by ‘devotee-chains’, were wiped and arranged.
Annakshetra team finalized vessels to be used for carrying and serving food items during Bhakti Bhoj. From past experience it was felt that we needed quite a few additional serving and cooking vessels. Jayaraman and Janaki (from Mumbai) came well in advance and could procure all the specific items in time. Tables were arranged for feeding in and around Annakshetra.
Decorations were put up in Vijnana Bhavan, Baba’s shrine, Reception area, etc. the preceding days, volunteer groups had been formed, plans were presented to Nutan Swamiji and Ma, and devotees were made aware of their roles on the big day. And on the night before, a final run through was done with Ma covering all aspects of tasks.
Dawning of the Most Auspicious Day
Early on Guru-poornima morning, Ashramites went to prostrate to Poojya Swamiji one by one, feeling awash with blessedness as he placed his hand on their heads. Slowly the crowd of devotees and villagers started trickling in. Bhajans in praise of the Guru reverberated in the whole atmosphere.
At the Lord’s Feet
Pāda-poojā this year carried a unique note of youthfulness. Not only was the pair chosen for Pāda-poojā – Subhashini (from Malaysia) and Richa (from Mumbai) – young, two other youngsters from Malaysia, Anupreetha and Vanisri, were in the forefront helping with the proceedings. Poise and grace belied their youth – and nervousness. Subhashini and Richa had apparently spent the night before practising designs so they could decorate Swamiji’s feet without going into overtime! At that most sublime moment, their minds became like air, and their hands were simply guided by the love in their hearts.
Benedictory Address
Poojya Swamiji’s message grounded us all in the true meaning of the day, the most sacred Guru-śishya relationship. Swamiji spoke about the open and loving relationship he had with his beloved Baba, stressing on the importance of laying our mind completely bare before our Guru. As Baba had told Swamiji, Guru should be given the position of a broomstick to sweep the śishya’s heart and mind.
Swamiji also drew examples of interactions with Baba demonstrating the simplicity and practicality of spiritual sadhana. Surrender to the Guru would have to become the final and ultimate chapter in one’s life, and it is this relationship that takes us towards inner fullness and abundance.
Food for the Body, Mind and Heart
700 odd people partook of Bhakti Bhoj. It was more than usual. Being Sunday and the weather unusually fine, people found it more inviting. Although some items had to be cooked again, with Poojya Swamiji’s blessings, calm and level-headed leadership ensured that the nerve-wracking situation did not interrupt the smooth flow of feeding.
Then arrived the most-awaited moment, group-dance, ‘Ananda-leela’ led by Poojya Swamiji to the stirring vocals of Sreenivasanji. Holding the hands of little children, Ma and Nutan Swamiji also ‘danced’ encircling Poojya Swamiji. Fuelled by our Guru’s energy and exuberance, devotees of all ages sang and danced around the Krishna in our midst!
Divinity of Time
One matter that was repeatedly discussed since the last big Ashram function, Poojya Swamiji’s 91st Jayanti, was the importance of keeping to time. To that end, every step of this year’s Guru-poornima programme was gone through with a fine scrutiny, making sure programmes would not stretch beyond scheduled time. And it did work out well.
Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma paid obeisance at Baba’s shrine before proceeding to Vijnana Bhavan. Once again they stood in obeisance before the Guru-paramparā shrine made in Vijnana Bhavan. Then going out to the terrace to greet the guests before taking their seats well in time for the programme to start. Poojya Swamiji sat on his stately chair, flanked on either side by Nutan Swamiji
and Ma.
Announcements were crisp and clear, laden with sublimity and devotion. Garlanding by Pandavagiri Devi and Shankaramangalam Shiva Temples’ representatives took place like clockwork, with little girls carrying the garlands on trays in lovely cue. Nutan Swamiji’s chanting of Guru-paramparā hymns and Ma’s introduction of Pāda-poojā and the chosen pair taking their seats, added well-defined depths to the entire ceremony.
With the Pāda-poojā, however, time stood still. Nobody watched the clock, all eyes were on the Lord of their hearts. As the girls lovingly washed Swamiji’s Holy Lotus Feet and decorated them with chandan and kum-kum, then offered pristine flower petals before performing the arati, every heart and mind remained at the feet of our Guru,
in gratitude and humility.
All movements were smooth and peaceful – carrying benches to help control the crowd, bringing the crowd segment by segment to the front, offering pranaams and receiving prasada, directing them down to the feeding areas, serving food and guiding the guests towards the washing areas. Everything flowed on a soft wave of divinity.
During the post-Guru-poornima review meeting that evening, Nutan Swamiji remarked that there had been some doubt as to whether the sublimity of the occasion would be compromised by so much time-watching. On the contrary, the sublimity was only enhanced because none had to be anxious about the time.
Poojya Swamiji highlighted that the entire event went well because a few people had come with seva attitude to do the organizing, supervising, etc. Throughout the preparations for Guru-poornima and on the very day itself, witnessing devotees from around the world come together to serve our Guru’s mission was a profound reflection of devotion. Despite the workload, the seamless execution of seva by young and old alike, all with joyful smiles, was truly inspiring. Serving without expectations, unknown to the demands of professional life, provided a refreshing mental shift for us.
Carrying the Flame
The next day of Guru-poornima, many of the devotees left to make way for incoming participants of the seven-day Retreat. For some of us, it had been a homecoming of sorts, returning to Ashram after a gap of many years, yet not actually feeling any gap in the warm embrace of our Mahatmas, renunciates and fellow devotees. All of us are filled with gratitude in our hearts for having been in the company of our Guru, and given the opportunity to perform seva.
Guru-poornima celebrates our priceless legacy, the Supreme Knowledge that has flowed down through the grace of our Teachers. We leave carrying this Jñāna-agni – flame of Knowledge – blazing brightly in our minds and hearts. It is for us to keep it steady under rain and wind.
Jai Gurudev!
Every year, just before the holy Gurupoornima Day, there is a special programme where Ashram assistants, workers and many others associated with Ashram activities – auto & taxi drivers, coconut-pluckers, electricians, plumbers, masons, fabricators, gas-burner repairer, et al – are invited and honoured.
Read MoreWhen our Lord’s message arrived that we shall be doing the Guru-pādapooja in Poornashram this time, there was a flood of joy, tears of delight filling our faces.
Read MoreSwamiji told us in no uncertain terms that he is what he is today purely due to his association with his beloved Baba. It was the loving relationship with his Guru that led him to a life free from worldliness, floating always in the glory of inner Self. Swamiji blessed us with Gurutva in our life--to develop substantial depth, profundity, nobility and greatness.
Read MoreA time comes in the life of a serious seeker, when he eagerly seeks the ultimate and feels the need for one path guided by one Guru. Holding on to one is important in making the divergent mind convergent.
Read MoreDate | Time | Program | Description |
July 21, 2024 Sunday | 08:15AM - 09:15AM IST | Bhajan | |
July 21, 2024 Sunday | 09:15AM - 11:30AM IST | Guru Archana | |
July 21, 2024 Sunday | 10:30AM - 12:15PM IST | Gurupoornima Message | |
July 21, 2024 Sunday | 12:15PM IST | Bhakti Bhoj |