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Discourse & Satsangs

Jamshedpur Jnana Yajna 2023


10:00AM IST

END: MARCH 10, 2023

08:00PM IST


CIRD Jamshedpur, Circuit House Area(North West), Sonari, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831011

The 57th Annual Jamshedpur Jnana Yajna (21 Feb – 10 March, 2023) was conducted by Poojya Swamiji and Ma Gurupriya ji in CIRD Jamshedpur.


Paada Pooja

On 21st February evening, as the car turned into the gate of the Centre for Inner Resources Development, the auspicious sound of conches, bells and gongs reverberated announcing that Poojya Swamiji, accompanied by Ma had finally arrived! And what a long wait it had been. Three years had passed and the world had changed completely. The Covid pandemic in the interim had left many indelible marks.

Swamiji and Ma entered the Centre lit with beautiful earthen oil lamps expressing the flame of love in the hearts of waiting devotees. As the devotees chanted “Svāgatam Guro …”, many were shedding tears of joy – their beloved Guru had finally arrived. Tears also of relief that Swamiji had been able to undertake the long journey despite His unpredictable health.

The first programme of Darshan and Satsang on Feb 22 found a large turnout of devotees anxious to hear Swamiji and also about Swamiji. Both wishes were fulfilled as after Swamiji addressed everyone, Ma gave a detailed narration about Swamiji’s health and significant events that transpired since their previous visit for the 2020 Jñāna Yajña.

Pāda Pooja (Feb 24)

Poojya Swamiji had selected recently wedded Sujit Kumar and Aradhana to perform the Pāda Pooja. When Ma informed Sujit (who is associated with Swamiji since childhood) that they were to perform the Pāda Pooja, the usually stoic Sujit expressed: “I have been waiting for this day for the past 30 years!”

Guru’s Benedictory message

In his Benedictory address after the Pāda Pooja, Swamiji said that although everyone says the spiritual path is very difficult, in reality, it is very easy. The fact is that everything in the Universe including ourself belongs to God alone. To understand this, our attention must be focused not on the external God, but on our own mind. We have to make the mind pure and the easiest way for it is to focus it on God. Nothing else will then be required.

Chanting the verse nānyā spṛhā raghupate hṛdaye’smadīye by Sant Tulasidas, Swamiji explained that it was the deep feeling and intensity underlying the words that had transformed Tulasidas.

nānyā spṛhā raghupate hṛdaye’smadīye

satyaṃ vadāmi ca bhavān-akhilāntarātmā .

bhaktiṃ prayaccha raghu-puṅgava nirbharāṃ me

kāmādi-doṣa-rahitaṃ kuru mānasaṃ ca ..

O Raghupate, there is no other desire in my heart. I am speaking the truth. Of course, you, being the Inner Self of all, also know it well. Grant me, O best of Raghus, unflinching devotion that unburdens me; makes my mind free of the taint of desires.

Swamiji pointed out that through devotion and knowledge, the path is easy and simple – the first step is to delve within, to foster the wish to belong completely to God. The next step is to become established in the Lord within, by understanding that God is but the ‘I’ that is present in every living being. The entire effort is of the mind and intelligence, nothing external is needed. Our role is to make the effort with dedication and commitment!

Poojya Swamiji inspiring the CHC children

Interaction with Cultural Heritage Class (25 Feb)

The Cultural Heritage Class in CIRD Jamshedpur has always been a vibrant feature of the Centre since it was started in 2013. Over the years, the elder children used to enthusiastically take up various kinds of seva for Vishnu-sahasranāma Yajña and Dāna Satram preparations in CIRD as well as Hata Tribal Area. Special white dresses were stitched which they wore during their seva, feeling a sense of belonging. They would look forward to interacting with both Swamijis and Ma during the bi-annual programmes, performing skits, singing bhajans, chanting ślokas from Subhashitams, Bhagavad Gita and Ashram prayers.

Their class had restarted in May last year after two years of Covid. The children had grown in the intervening Covid years and were eagerly looking forward to being with Swamiji and Ma again! After they finished reciting ślokas they had practised, Ma asked them to share how they applied the values they learnt in the class. There was a touching outpouring of narrations – sharing their tiffin with classmates who did not have any food, helping a blind pedestrian cross the road, helping a sick neighbour. As they came to the mike one by one, the innocence in their faces and sometimes shy and hesitant manner, sometimes confident narrations were heart-touching. After receiving prasada from Swamiji, all the children were fed their favourite prasada of puri, subzi and halwa in the Annakshetra.

Dāna Satram in CIRD (Feb 26)

It was after three years that Dāna Satram was taking place in CIRD Jamshedpur. With rice available at affordable rates for the indigent across the country, instead of rice, a bedsheet which will be of use to the entire family, was given along with a blanket. In the serene ambience of CIRD, under the shade of leafy green trees, 1,000 families received each the gift of blanket, bedsheet and a prasada packet of 4 laddus. Nāma-sankeertana of the Mahā-mantra: ‘hare rama, hare rama, rama rama hare hare, hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare…’ permeated the atmosphere as Swamiji gave the blanket-bedsheet set and Ma gave prasada.

On 26th night Swamiji had an impromptu Interactive Session with around 20 Youth, answering their questions, enlightening them how the Knowledge of the Self will help them become strong, fearless, and excel in any field of life.

Intensifying your Spiritual Growth (Feb 27 – March 4)

On the 1st day of the 6-day series, Swamiji swept us off to the pre-historic Vedic ages where the Vedas evolved over thousands of years passing through different phases. Initially it was prayers in the Samhita portion, followed by Brahmana, fire sacrifices, then Aranyaka i.e., contemplation, culminating finally in revealed knowledge, described as Vedanta or Upanishad. Swamiji linked the evolution of this spiritual journey to the evolution of human mind, emphasizing the greatness of our civilization that developed such exalted minds.

An ancient civilization that evolved prayers of harmony and unity – Rig Veda. X. 191 saṅgacchadhvam (may we progress together):

समानो मन्त्र: समिति: समानी समानं मन: सहचित्तमेषाम्

समानं मन्त्रमभिमन्त्रये व: समानेन वो हविषा जुहोमि ॥

May our purpose be the same; may we all be of one mind. For such unity to form, I offer a common prayer.

Dicourse Series - Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

समानी व आकूति: समाना हृदयानि व:

समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा व: सुसहासति

May our intentions and aspirations be alike, so that a common objective unifies us all.

While the Rig Vedic hymns mark the beginning of śāstras leading one to look for higher power and grace, mere hymns did not fulfil the quest of the mind and intelligence.

In the search for truth, the ancient Rishis withdrew from all external activities and went within to explore the inner realm of the human personality. The discoveries that resulted from this inner journey are the Upanishads.

Swamiji discussed relevant ślokas from Mundaka, Katha, Kena and Svetasvatara Upanishads pointing out unequivocally that while the essential message in all Upanishads is same, the Guru-parampara is of supreme importance in understanding and becoming established in this knowledge. Speaking about his own spiritual journey, Swamiji emphasized that a Guru is essential as this path can only be travelled under the guidance of such a one who knows.

Discussing Prasthana-trayam, Swamiji highlighted that in the Upanishads the message of Subject knowledge – of the ‘I’ that abides within each of us, as the source of the entire Universe – is given to the disciple in a peaceful forest hermitage setting.

However, in Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna delivers the same Upanishadic message to grief-stricken Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, to enlighten and enable him to fight the great Mahabharata War.

Swamiji held us spellbound, exposing through innumerable examples, stories and shlokas, how the knowledge of the Soul can take a seeker to samatva (unaffectedness) in even the most critical situations.

We all had the great fortune of travelling on a voyage of Knowledge with our Master steering our understanding, guiding us to comprehend the greatness of where we came from and the potential within each of us to attain the same fulfilment.

Sādhana Satsang (Feb 28 – March 2)

Ma’s three-day morning satsang in Hindi had an enthusiastic response, with many feeling that they have for the first time understood how to practise sādhana.

Ma pointed out that a householder even while remaining deeply engaged in household activities and responsibilities, can become free and liberated. The easiest way to do so is to worship God by performing all activities as an offering to him. To do all work by constantly remembering the Truth that God alone is, and there is nothing else. The whole creation belongs to him and he alone propels all activities. Not just work, if we can do everything anchored in this knowledge, we will find meaning, purpose and fulfilment in everything.

Ma said that to drop all other attachments, we should ‘get attached’ to Satsang, to good thoughts and words. Through satsanga, the knots of the heart one by one start getting dissolved, and our being becomes purer. If we do everything spiritual or worldly with full attention and understanding, we shall get joy every moment.

Bicycle distribution to Tribal girls

Sewing Machine for self-employment (March 3)

Since 2017, CIRD Jamshedpur has been distributing ‘Tailor’ model Usha pedal-sewing machines to women for self-employment. Applicants undergo a sewing test, after which home verification is carried out by CIRD volunteers. This year, 10 young women from a variety of backgrounds were given sewing machines. Each was asked to speak about how the machine would help improve her life. Swamiji and Ma listened to them with sufficient interest, looking at the items they had sewn, asking details of their livelihood. Swamiji inspired them to do better, giving many suggestions about how to improve their monthly earnings.

Bicycle distribution to Tribal girls (March 3)

During Covid, when schools had closed, a tribal volunteer group near Hata village, organized a group of tribal girls to go from village to village, to teach the village children. After schools restarted, the ‘teacher’ group continued, giving tuition in Maths and Hindi to tribal students. An appeal that bicycles would facilitate their teaching mission greatly, led to giving 5 bicycles to the teachers. The recipients’ bright faces were adorned with irresistible smiles that won everyone’s heart, as they narrated what they did.

Swamiji asked Ma to explain to them about the Ashram and Brahmavidya. Seeing their interested response, Swamiji started speaking to them in great detail about the Eternal Knowledge!

Poojya Swamiji writes – “I spent some time with the bicycle recipients who came from tribal villages around Hata. Covid had disabled their employment. To redress the plight, they began to teach students who could not go to their schools. The girls had to walk many kms to reach the students and the cycle would facilitate their reaching the students.

“I found them very communicative. They had a wish, will, energy, hope and confidence in them. I felt delighted and encouraged. Somehow, I was inspired to talk to them about spirituality which has great power to inspire and lead the mind and intelligence, especially in times of crisis. I came to know each of them was going to pedal the cycle to reach home covering a distance of 30 to 35 kms. I also told them that we would like some of them to travel to Kerala just for a change and exposure.

 “They smilingly expressed their readiness. How well Sri Mohan Karan, whose wife is a Santhali, was in a way a guide and leader to these village teachers! What cannot be done when people are rightly inspired and guided in times of crisis!”

Dāna Satram in Hata Tribal area (March 5)

During the Dāna Satram for tribal families in Hata village 25 km from Jamshedpur, 2,000 families received each a set of bedsheet and blanket, along with laddu prasada. Each year, these recipients who come from tribal villages within a 100 km radius of Hata village, start from home early morning to reach Hata around noon. We would find them patiently waiting in the Dāna Satram pandal and they would start back around 4 pm. This year the weather being hot, Ma suggested that refreshments might be given to them while they waited. So cream biscuit packets and water were served when they arrived at Mataji Ashram, the venue of the Dāna Satram.

Daana Satram in Hata Tribal Area

 Poojya Swamiji addresses recipients

Addressing the tribal recipients in Bengali, Poojya Swamiji said: “Our village in Kerala is more than 2,100 km away. Since 2012 (except for the Covid years) we have been coming to Hata village to give 3 kg rice and a blanket or bedsheet. We feel gratitude that you all come to receive the items. Dāna is an important part of our culture because whatever we earn is purified by dāna. We are receiving everything from Nature for our existence; therefore, it is important we give.”

Swamiji narrated a Bengali poem of Rabindranath Tagore in which the Sun asks the Universe: “Who will take up my task and relieve me? Listening to sun, the entire earth kept quiet, gave no answer. However, a small earthen lamp was there, which said ‘whatever is possible for me, I shall do’.”

Swamiji said likewise, though our physical effort to alleviate their situation is but a drop in the ocean, in our heart, the feeling for them is that of the little lamp which wished to do its best to relieve the duty of the Sun.

Ma’s heart-touching sharing

After Swamiji, Ma spoke to the assembled recipients, saying that the Hata programme is an integral part of coming to Jamshedpur and we look forward to meeting them every year. Despite Poojya Swamiji’s health he had come here to bless them and all should pray for Poojya Swamiji’s good health! A chorus of responses erupted, assuring Ma that they would all pray for Swamiji’s health.

Ma shared that her heart felt pained thinking of the long travel they undertook to come and receive what we gave. This year, the programme date being later than usual, and the weather being quite hot, special arrangements were made for drinking water and biscuits. Ma asked: “Have you all received?” Touched by Ma’s loving words, old and young, men and women, nursing mothers, even children called out: “Han Ma, peyechhi !’’ (Yes Ma, we received.) “

Jai Swamiji! Jai Ma!” echoed in the emotionally charged atmosphere as we started the programme.

Value inculcation through Seva

The CHC children participated enthusiastically in the Dāna Satrams both in CIRD and in Hata Tribal Area. Later when Ma met them, she asked what they gained by coming for the class and participating in CIRD activities. A spontaneous satsang ensued during which Ma explained to them how the values they learn in CIRD help their minds to grow and expand, become strong and peaceful. By the loving conversational way in which Ma explained to them, the children could easily connect how Brahmavidya, the ultimate Knowledge, helps them in their interactions with parents, siblings, friends, teachers and neighbours, in managing their feelings and emotions, and most importantly in becoming happier and stable-minded. Ma also elaborated that the goal of life is ‘sarva-bhūta-hite-ratāḥ’.

Discourse Series - Bhagavad Gita in Daily Life

Bhagavad Gita in Daily Life (March 6 – 8)

When Ma had first written to Baba, Baba had told her to be fearless as God resides in everyone’s heart. The question is how to feel God in one’s heart. More importantly, how to be established in that feeling without getting dislodged.

The answer, Ma says, lies in Satsang and Guru Seva, as through these we can do our Sadhana. The tapasya (practice) to reach your goal is given in detail in Bhagavad Gita. There are many ślokas to help us understand Eternal Truth, our own nature, and how to improve oneself. But mechanical reading will not help us. If we study even one shloka, understanding it, reflecting on our behaviour in its light, trying to bring about changes, it will be sufficient to help us grow and expand, to gain joy, Ananda, fulfilment at every moment of our journey.

Holi – the Festival of Colours (March 8)

Poojya Swamiji and Ma were in CIRD for the festival of Holi after many years. Devotees offered pranams, applying herbal colours to Poojya Swamiji’s Holy feet. Colour was also offered to Ma’s feet and on an asana at Nutan Swamiji’s chair. Ma put tilak on everyone’s forehead with colour. Devotees joyously sang traditional Holi songs and bhajans after which traditional Holi bhakti bhoj was served to all.

Concluding Satsang (Mar 9)

In his concluding message, Poojya Swamiji said that while devotion to God is a very important aspect of human life, it does not bring about purity of the mind and personality unless it is allied with intelligence. Purity of the mind is essential to be established in God. It is reflection and contemplation that make the mind pure, expanded and universal. Only through introspection our devotion can grow. To understand what God really is, where to find Him, we have to enquire into God. This enquiry is propelled by our will, our self-effort. Through self-effort, we can attain anything in life – spiritual or secular. Our ultimate aim in attaining God is ‘Sarva-bhūta-hite-ratāh’.

Ma also spoke in the end, reminding everyone that Swamiji had set up CIRD for the people of Jamshedpur. She lovingly urged everyone to make CIRD a place of refuge where anyone can come and gain peace of mind, love and joy. This can be done through Guru Seva alone. Love for the Guru will spread to everyone through Guru Seva. It is the easiest, most facile way to progress in the spiritual path.

This is true not only for Jamshedpur devotees, but also for all of us, wherever we may be!

Jai Guru, Jai Guru, Jai Guru.

Speakers: Our Guiding Lights
  • speaker-image
    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
    Founder/Visionary Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD
  • speaker-image
    Swamini Ma Gurupriya
    Narayanashrama Tapovanam/CIRD

February 22, 2023
Darshan & Satsang

February 24, 2023
Guru Archana

followed by Poojya Swamiji’s Benedictory message

February 25, 2023
Inspiring the Cultural Heritage Class (CHC) Children

Interaction with Poojya Swamiji and Ma Gurupriyaji

February 26, 2023
Dāna Satram in CIRD

Distribution of bedsheets and blankets to the needy

February 27, 2023
Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

Discourses by Poojya Swamiji based on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

February 28, 2023
Sādhana Satsang (Hindi) with Ma Gurupriyaji

February 28, 2023
Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

Discourses by Poojya Swamiji based on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

March 01, 2023
Sādhana Satsang (Hindi) with Ma Gurupriyaji

March 01, 2023
Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

Discourses by Poojya Swamiji based on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

March 02, 2023
Sādhana Satsang (Hindi) with Ma Gurupriyaji

March 02, 2023
Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

Discourses by Poojya Swamiji based on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

March 03, 2023
Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

Discourses by Poojya Swamiji based on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

March 04, 2023
Intensifying your Spiritual Growth

Discourses by Poojya Swamiji based on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads

March 05, 2023
Dāna Satram in Hata tribal area

Distribution of bedsheets and blankets to tribal villagers

March 06, 2023
Bhagavad Gita in Daily Life

Discourses in English by Ma Gurupriya ji

March 07, 2023
Bhagavad Gita in Daily Life

Discourses in English by Ma Gurupriya ji

March 08, 2023
Bhagavad Gita in Daily Life

Discourses in English by Ma Gurupriya ji

March 09, 2023
Concluding Satsang

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