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10:00AM IST
09:30PM IST
CIRD - Delhi (NCR), Sector 5A, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India – 201 012
Livestream Link:
Poojya Swamiji accompanied by Ma Gurupriyaji travelled to CIRD Delhi on Nov 20, 2022 to conduct 46th Annual Delhi Jñāna Yajña. The Guru Archana on Nov 23 was performed by Sri Sanjay Chakravarty and Chi. Rohan Basanth. From Nov 24 to 27, Poojya Swamiji conducted Viveka-cūḍāmaṇi classes. These were followed by Ma’s Hindi classes on Bhagavad Gita & Sādhana from 28th to 30th Nov. For the last three days of the stay, Poojya Swamiji conducted interactive Satsang. In addition, daily in the morning, Ma discussed points of Sādhana during the study class, based on the book ‘Prabhāta-raśmiḥ’.
Daana Satram: In March and November every year during the annual Jñāna Yajña and Saadhana Shibiram in CIRD-Delhi, there is ‘Anna Vastra Dāna Satram’ in which each of the 1,500 to 2,000 recipients receive 3 kg rice, blanket/bed sheet and prasada from Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma. However, for the past 2 years, due to Covid, it could not be held. Providence had a different plan and suddenly a Dāna Satram of an altogether new dimension evolved that took CIRD-Delhi by storm.
During the early days of the Jñāna Yajña, sitting amidst the devotees, Ma had said, “In 2019, the last time we visited Delhi before Covid, on our drive from the airport, we saw many people sleeping on pavements, on the streets or under the bridges. Thinking about them, my eyes were trickling. They are sleeping under the sky in this winter. Can we not do something for them?”
Hearing this appeal by Ma this time, Poojya Swamiji responded: “Ma, something should be done and it should be done immediately.”
This saṅkalpa by Poojya Swamiji and Ma initiated an unprecedented project in CIRD which brought a revolutionary transformation in the hearts and minds of all sādhakas. Instead of calling the recipients to CIRD, Poojya Swamiji and Ma along with CIRD volunteers went on the roads of Delhi for 3-4 hours every night for 7 consecutive nights, distributing woollen clothings and blankets with prasada of fruits/ biscuit packets, to not only the destitute but also those who had jobs, but no shelter to stay at night – beggars, daily wage labourers, rickshaw pullers, women and children who were part of family groups living on the pavements of the capital city.
More than 1,000 families were given blankets, 500 men were given winter clothing sets of a sweater, muffler and cap, 500 women were given sets of sweater, shawl and socks. Around 1,000 children of age groups 1 year to 18 years were given sweaters/winter dresses.
Date | Time | Program | Description |
Nov 23rd 2022 Wednesday 04:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Guru Archana | Followed by a benedictory message from Poojya Swamiji and Bhakti Bhoj |
Nov 24th 2022 Thursday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 24th 2022 Thursday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 24th 2022 Thursday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Harnessing Inner Resources for Interactional Excellence | Classes on Vivekachūdamani by Poojya Swamiji |
Nov 24th 2022 Thursday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Nov 25th 2022 Friday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 25th 2022 Friday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 25th 2022 Friday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Harnessing Inner Resources for Interactional Excellence | Classes on Vivekachūdamani by Poojya Swamiji |
Nov 25th 2022 Friday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Nov 26th 2022 Saturday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 26th 2022 Saturday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 26th 2022 Saturday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Harnessing Inner Resources for Interactional Excellence | Classes on Vivekachūdamani by Poojya Swamiji |
Nov 26th 2022 Saturday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Nov 27th 2022 Sunday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 27th 2022 Sunday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 27th 2022 Sunday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | HARNESSING INNER RESOURCES FOR INTERACTIONAL EXCELLENCE | Classes on Vivekachūdamani by Poojya Swamiji |
Nov 27th 2022 Sunday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Nov 28th 2022 Monday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 28th 2022 Monday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 28th 2022 Monday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Classes on Bhagavad Gita/Sadhana | by Ma Gurupriyaji |
Nov 28th 2022 Monday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Nov 29th 2022 Tuesday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 29th 2022 Tuesday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 29th 2022 Tuesday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Classes on Bhagavad Gita/Sadhana | by Ma Gurupriyaji |
Nov 29th 2022 Tuesday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Nov 30th 2022 Wednesday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Nov 30th 2022 Wednesday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Nov 30th 2022 Wednesday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Classes on Bhagavad Gita/Sadhana | by Ma Gurupriyaji |
Nov 30th 2022 Wednesday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Dec 1st 2022 Thursday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Dec 1st 2022 Thursday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Dec 1st 2022 Thursday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Darshan & Satsang | |
Dec 1st 2022 Thursday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Dec 2nd 2022 Friday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Dec 2nd 2022 Friday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Dec 2nd 2022 Friday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Darshan & Satsang | |
Dec 2nd 2022 Friday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers | |
Dec 3rd 2022 Saturday 06:30AM - 07:30AM IST | __ | Morning Prayers | |
Dec 3rd 2022 Saturday 10:00AM - 11:00AM IST | __ | Study Session (in Hindi) and Chanting Classes | |
Dec 3rd 2022 Saturday 04:30PM - 05:45PM IST | __ | Darshan & Satsang | |
Dec 3rd 2022 Saturday 06:30PM - 07:30PM IST | __ | Evening Prayers |