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8.00PM MYT
9.00PM MYT
Society for Inner Resources Development (SIRD)
No. 1, Jalan 22/40,
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Poojya Swamiji accompanied by Ma Gurupriya ji travelled to Malaysia from August 5 to September 10 to conduct the Annual Malaysia Jnana Yajna.
Knowledge Bestows Concern for the Welfare of All Veelayudan Nair
[Sri Veelayudan Nair is former General Manager of Research and Planning of Malaysia Airports. He has always been – despite his intensely busy schedule – the ‘handy man’ of SIRD Malaysia. From modifying beds and constructing a stage for the Satsang Hall, to fixing anything that needs to be fixed, Veelayudanji was always quietly working in the background doing whatever needed to be done. He is currently the Secretary of SIRD Malaysia’s Management Committee.]
Poojya Swamiji accompanied by Ma Gurupriyaji arrived in Malaysia on Aug 25. They were joined by Nutan Swamiji on the 28th for almost a week. Two major events made this year’s Jñāna Yajña unique – inauguration of ‘Atithi Niketan’, the SIRD Annexe (separate report on page 28) and launching of Kalvi Maiyam (Centre of Education), a special project for underprivileged children.
Guru Archana (Aug 26): Pāda-pooja was performed by Punamji and Malathyji, who had come from Australia especially to attend the Jñāna Yajña. After the anointing of Swamiji’s feet with chandan and kumkum, they offered flower petals while chanting the 108 nāmāvalī led by Ma.
In his Benedictory Address, Swamiji said we have to be grateful to nature, reminding us that everything in nature is shaped by the Guṇas – sattva, rajas and tamas.
The mind is enormously powerful, and spirituality is about engineering and harnessing it. Mind can dissolve sorrows, hatred and fear.
Ultimately Knowledge alone is supreme in human life and intelligence is the only tool for it.
Krishna Janmashtami (Aug 27): Bhajans and Krishna-kīrtan, ślokas on Sri Krishna’s birth chanted by Ma, and a beautifully decorated shrine with a little swing carrying ‘baby Krishna’, put everyone’s mind in a state of sublime devotion.
Poojya Swamiji narrated stories from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, highlighting that Krishna’s life carried both emotional appeal and intellectual excellence.
Devotees then lit little diyas from the lamp at the shrine, and in turn performed ārati to Poojya Swamiji, our own living Krishna.
‘Role of Temple Worship in One’s Spiritual Evolution’ (Aug 28): The only event conducted outside SIRD’s premises took place at Sri Sithi Vinayagar Temple Hall, Petaling Jaya, and was attended by almost 110 participants. Swamiji spoke in depth on the necessity of temples in socio-cultural and spiritual development of the Hindu community. Our Ashram itself manages seven temples indicating their importance.
Temple worship is an integral part of Hindu culture, giving people a place to go to for relief and assurance. It is necessary to create unity with each other, and to help get connected to the Supreme Lord within. Temple worship is a means, no doubt in the pursuit, but it is not the end of all.
Swamiji explained that the great culture of Hindus and India rests upon two parallel institutions – Temple and Ashrams. Temple has a mute idol whereas Ashrams where Ascetics and Masters live, allow for bilateral communication. Both are necessary, and what Temples cannot, Ashrams do.
‘Balancing Professional and Spiritual Pursuits’ (Sep 1): In this vibrant discourse and Q&A session, Swamiji said the common misconception is that there are two pursuits, professional and spiritual. But if we understand spiritual pursuit properly, all pursuits will stand blended.
There is no question of balancing profession and spirituality. Spirituality is to understand our real nature in all interactions and bring a conscious transformation within ourselves. This transformation is not physical but mento-intellectual.
All interactions are initiated by and rest in the mind, to be concluded in the mind itself. What brings about a nectarine mind and fulfilling life is, therefore, not balancing, but blending.
‘Sarva-bhūta-hite ratāḥ’- Gita’s message on ‘Striving for Welfare of All’ (Sep 3-5): In Poojya Swamiji’s three-day discourse series, Swamiji said to be interested in the welfare of all beings is a value, idea, motto, all of us should incorporate in ourselves.
The greatest of bhaktas is the one who keeps the welfare of all living beings in his heart. This kind of thought will bring expansion to the mind and intelligence. Human beings are topmost in the creation because of their inner personality with mind, intelligence and ego. They have power of thinking, intellection and articulation and, have all possibility to share what they have with others. This makes humans great. Trouble is we are not able to employ our intelligence judiciously. There is always a harmful note in human beings, despite their intelligence. Helpfulness should replace harmfulness.
‘Enriching the Mind with Spiritual Qualities’ (Sep 6-8) – During this discourse series, Ma illumined seekers in her natural loving manner on the spiritual qualities that will enrich the mind. Ma said spiritual qualities are detailed in many chapters of Bhagavad Gita, with chapter 13 having the best explanation in a collective form. The 20 virtues described by Lord Krishna constitute the essence of knowledge, for these attributes are the means which open the way to this highest existence.
When you love any quality, it will become yours and you become that. Whatever is contrary to these 20 virtues of spiritually renowned excellence should not be followed as it is understood to be ignorance and antagonistic to Truth. By cultivating noble qualities, spirituality takes us from limited objective identity to eternal unlimitedness.
Kalvi Maiyam Launch (Sep 8) SIRD’s latest social initiative was auspiciously launched on September 8 by Poojya Swamiji. Ground floor of the recently inaugurated Atithi Niketan is the designated space to conduct this programme.
The overall mission of Kalvi Maiyam is to lead and support programs that enable underprivileged Indian students to improve academically and gain confidence to build a successful future. The objectives are:
130 guests including children, parents, volunteer teachers and devotees attended the function. Since many were newcomers, a short introduction to Narayanashrama Tapovanam was made. Segaranji, the emcee for the event, very conversantly conducted it intermixing Tamil and English languages to ensure the programme was well understood by all especially the children and their parents. He as well as Ramakrishnanji, President of SIRD, expressed heartfelt appreciation to Nisha Govindaniji from USA, who purchased and offered the Atithi Niketan building to Poojya Swamiji for SIRD’s use, and Ms Parimala, president of the neighbourhood residents’ association who has been instrumental in reaching out to the children and their parents.
Poojya Swamiji in His address said most people do not consider the mind and intelligence as the greatest human resource, to be harnessed by everyone. Mostly they are only aware of physical resources. Human superiority lies within the mind and intelligence, which are associated with body.
Normal school teaching tends to be a generalised approach, wherein no special focus is placed on weaker students. Kalvi Maiyam is meant to overcome this shortcoming. Swamiji urged Kalvi Maiyam teachers to handle the children with love and care, and make them want to come to the Centre eagerly.
Inner personality can be beautified to any level and knowledge alone can help in this. Knowledge alone is the everlasting wealth, far superior to any other form of wealth, as the great proverb ‘vidyā-dhanam sarva-dhanāt pradhānam’ emphasizes, which means sharing of knowledge is the best and most important of all kinds of wealth.
Swamiji announced that this will be the motto of Kalvi Maiyam, a motto that our children must sing and dance with, making them striving, effortful, heroic, courageous, valiant and intelligent.
Ma in her address said that it was a very beautiful programme with all looking forward to imparting wisdom to help kids, who will become very good human beings. If people are given opportunity, they will shine well. Ma said she hopes that teachers and volunteers would also grow with the children. Ma was happy that Kalvi Maiyam, Swamiji’s wish, has come true.
12 volunteer teachers were introduced. Children received special prasada, notebooks and stationery, and a Kalvi Maiyam bag from Swamiji.
On the concluding satsang on September 9th evening, Poojya Swamiji vibrantly brought out several values expounded by various Saints, reminding us that a Guru should always be our model.
Swamiji explained the 5 verses of Sri Aadi Shankara’s Kaupeena-panchakam, that the man with just the loincloth is indeed the fortunate one. Swamiji also said that the holiness of Ganges does not come from water, but from the High Enlightened Souls bathing in it. By their touch the water becomes pure and holy.
The Jñāna Yajña ended on an energizing note with collective ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ recitation led by Poojya Swamiji, dancing to the rhythm of his sticks.
Through the hectic schedule, all devotees, old and new, had provided the much-needed support for the programme, relentlessly focused with full devotion on serving the Guru.
Poojya Swamiji’s words remain etched in our minds: “I want you to build confidence in the under-privileged community like how Jambavan did for Hanuman within 40 minutes. This is what you must do with the Hindu children. Remember: Sarva-bhūta hite ratāḥ!”
Date | Time | Program | Description |
August 26, 2024 Monday | 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm MYT | Guru Archana | Followed by Poojya Swamiji’s Benedictory Message |
August 28, 2024 Wednesday | 7.45 pm - 9.00 pm MYT | Role of Temple Worship in One’s Spiritual Evolution | 1-Day Public Talk by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
August 29, 2024 Thursday | 7.45 pm - 9.00 pm MYT | Interactive Satsang with Swamiji | |
August 31, 2024 Saturday | 10.00 am - 1.00 pm MYT | Inauguration of SIRD Annexe - Atithi Niketan | Official opening of SIRD’s Annexe with special message by Poojya Swamiji. Program will be followed by Lunch. |
September 01, 2024 Sunday | 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm MYT | Balancing Professional and Spiritual Pursuits for Youth | Special Interactive Programme For Youth
September 03 - 05, 2024 Tuesday - Thursday 7.45 pm - 9.00 pm MYT | __ | ‘Sarva-bhoota-hite-rataah’ Gita’s message on ‘Striving for Welfare of All’ | 3-Day Talk by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha |
September 06, 2024 Friday | 7.45 pm - 9.00 pm MYT | Enriching the mind with Spiritual Qualities | Talk by Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
September 07 - 08, 2024 Saturday - Sunday 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm MYT | __ | Enriching the mind with Spiritual Qualities | Talk by Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
September 08, 2024 Sunday | 10.30 am - 12.30 pm MYT | Launching of Kalvi Maiyam | Commencement of SIRD’s latest initiative for upliftment of underprivileged children, with inspirational address by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha |
September 09, 2024 Monday | 7.45 pm - 9.00 pm MYT | Concluding Satsang |