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Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha, and Ma Gurupriya travelled to California and Ohio, USA in June-July 2024 to conduct Spiritual Discourses, Retreats, and Satsangs.
Brentwood, Northern California (June 3-11)
Sajeev Nair
[After a gap of 5 years, Poojya Swamiji and Ma travelled to USA for the Jñāna Yajña. Much discussion had taken place regarding the advisability of making such a trip, considering Swamiji’s age and physical health. Swamiji’s saṅkalpa brought the mammoth undertaking to fruition. Sajeev Nair from Ohio was one of the many volunteers who had taken time out from regular commitments to be of service to Poojya Swamiji.]
Dawning of the Festival
The Sun was just rising over Northern California on June 3, 2024. Ram Prasad, who was tracking the arrival of Singapore Airlines flight carrying Poojya Swamiji and Ma, informed Nilesh Kumar that the flight was landing an hour earlier in San Francisco. Nilesh, who lives in Brentwood, a bit over an hour away, could inform the devotees so that by the time Poojya Swamiji and his group cleared customs and immigration, many devotees had gathered in the airport to welcome Poojya Swamiji and Ma. Apart from the Bay Area devotees, there were devotees from Virginia, Ohio and Southern California. All eagerly prostrated, emotions overflowing that their beloved Gurudev had undertaken the arduous journey for their sake.
Preparations for this Jñāna Yajña had started a few months ago after Dr Ravi’s visit to the Ashram. Shanthi Narayan and Sadgun from Southern California took the lead holding weekly meetings with core CIRD-NA devotees and the Ashram.
Poojya Swamiji and Ma were accompanied by Brahmacharini Namrata Swaroopa, Aravindan from Thrissur, Dev Kumar from Malaysia and Dr. Ravi Jandhyala, who, thinking of the health of Swamiji, had travelled from Irvine (CA) to Ashram to bring Poojya Swamiji to USA for this 2024 Jñāna Yajña. Despite being tired, Poojya Swamiji and Ma emerged with bright smiles, marking the beginning of a grand festival for the USA devotees.
Poojya Swamiji, Ma and the group stayed in the home of Nilesh Kumar (Bunty) and Poorna in Brentwood. When they bought their new home two years ago, they searched for a house where Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma would be comfortable. They had never dreamt that one day their saṅkalpa would materialize! Poojya Swamiji always says that the purpose of a home will be fulfilled only if it hosts Satsangs, and guests are hosted with love. Soon the Brentwood home fulfilled its purpose, becoming a mini-Ashram, overflowing with devotees and seekers. Everyone was lovingly welcomed and hosted.
Upon arrival, Poojya Swamiji and Ma were warmly welcomed by Nilesh, Poorna and their six-year-old son, Ridan, with garlands, Arati and devotional affinity. A beautiful altar had been set up in the drawing room with Poojya Swamiji’s full-length picture, flowers and lighted lamps. Swamiji and Ma sat there for a while greeting and distributing prasada to all assembled. Devotees had flown in from various parts of USA to be in the company of their beloved Gurudev, and participate in various sevas in managing the general Annakshetra as well as Swamiji’s kitchen and living quarters.
Later that afternoon, Poojya Swamiji noticed a less cheerful Ridan and asked him what was wrong. Ridan innocently admitted that he was feeling a bit left out since everyone’s attention had shifted towards Swamiji. Poojya Swamiji laughed heartily and told Ridan that he should be very
happy that his parents were able to host so many people at their home for this special occasion, and must greet all the guests cheerfully with a smile. Swamiji and Ma also made him the leader of the crew whenever they went out for a late evening walk.
On 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th June Interactive Satsangs at Nilesh’s residence saw an enthusiastic attendance with many driving 2-3 hours to reach Brentwood. There were
keen questions about how to incorporate spirituality into their daily lives, what is the goal of life, how to communicate values to children, etc.
On weekdays, these Satsangs averaged around 30 attendees, while the weekend Satsang on Saturday drew well over 50 participants. Swamiji began one of the sessions by explaining the meaning and significance of ‘Satsang’. He said ‘Sanga’ means association, and ‘Sat’ means ‘The Supreme Truth’. A Satsang can be had when you are in association with a person who has realized the Supreme Truth, living that knowledge, and speaking about it. In Satsangs, you get a touch of the ‘sentient inner presence’.
On June 8th, Swami Tattwamayananda-ji, head of Vedanta Society of Northern California, visited Poojya Swamiji. An informal Satsang spontaneously ensued. We all sat around, listening to conversations between the Saints that ranged from the importance of instilling cultural values in the youth, to the invaluable contribution of Shankara to Indian spirituality.
Observing a Jeevanmukta
During this period, some of us had the blessed opportunity to take part in personal service to Poojya Swamiji – some days even sleeping in Poojya Swamiji’s room to have a watch on his needs. Witnessing his daily life provided a window into how a Jeevanmukta acts and behaves.
Our Satsang group had always grappled with questions like how someone can be engaged in intense activities without being driven by desires. How can one be deeply compassionate about the suffering of others, yet remain unaffected by the events? How can anyone disagree with others in a way that is both persuasive and respectful? Seeing Poojya Swamiji in action, we gained valuable insights that helped answer many of these questions. We understood that a great deal of learning and clarity dawns unawares in the presence of a Sadguru!
It was June 11, and the first part of the Jñāna Yajña in Brentwood ended quicker than we realized. Like a flowing river, Poojya Swamiji started his onward journey towards Irvine. The Jñāna-gaṅgā continued flowing to cool the hearts and minds of America.
Perspectives from Orange County
Shravani Jandhyala
[From Brentwood, Poojya Swamiji’s Jñāna-gaṅgā flowed southward to Irvine for the second leg of the journey. The core group in Irvine included Shravani Jandhyala, whose husband Dr Ravi Jandhyala accompanied Swamiji on the long travels between India and USA.]
At the ‘Ashram’
Sit on the floor. Not directly. Place a mat or something between you and the floor. Fold your legs and close your eyes. Sit quietly for 20 minutes. Can you do that?
So asked Poojya Swamiji, looking directly at my son. “Yes, I can”, said the young man looking directly back.
This incident transpired in Poojya Swamiji’s room 315 at the Residence Inn in Tustin, California. It was here that Poojya Swamiji’s USA Jñāna Yajña 2024 tour continued from the Bay area of California. For three glorious weeks through Satsangs – formal and informal meetings, public lecture presentations, the youth program, and the 4-day Bhagavad Gita Retreat – Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma converted halls and rooms into a veritable Vaikuntha.
All Possible
Finally, the abstract element of planning this event, which started more concertedly in April, had just melted away.
Gone was the trepidation that something to thwart the entire agenda could happen. At the core of that concern was of course Poojya Swamiji’s health. But other events such as the tragic and unexpected loss of a beloved close devotee who was to be Swamiji’s main attendant, just as travel dates drew near, weighed heavily on our minds. Even as the airlines, tickets, seating, and visas were being worked out, everything had a cloud of uncertainty hanging over it.
For a 91-year-old individual with health issues to travel all the way from Kerala to California, is nothing short of a miracle. But, more significant is that this 91-year-old Mahatma journeyed all this way for the sole purpose of Loka-saṅgraha – welfare of the people!
I will never forget Poojya Swamiji’s jubilant greetings to us with the words, “I have come”, “I am here to be with you”, “I never had any doubt that I would come”. These were not just words that allayed any lingering concerns, they were directives that made us want to fly. Now everything was possible.
The spaces of the hotel now bustled with our volunteer family of young and old, near and dear, far and wide (California, Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Malaysia, India) as we coordinated ourselves in lobbies and corridors, congregated in rooms and around stoves, and waved past each other in corridors and lifts. Every single act of participation was an opportunity to adorn our hearts with love.
Spiritual Immersion
The Jñāna Yajña program with Poojya Swamiji and Ma rolled out with evening lectures and interactive Satsangs. Nutan Swamiji arrived on 15 June, in time for the Youth Program on 16th. Together the trifecta, with one address after another, harnessed the audience with laser-like focus. The halls were filled, youth participation was stronger than we had hoped for, and all our arrangements came together seamlessly.
In a blink of an eye, it was time for the Bhagavad Gita Retreat. Over the next 5 days, at their lotus feet, with every lecture, verse, chanting, question and answer session, our Spiritual Masters huddled us closer and closer to their hearts. They filled the air with Self-knowledge and showed us the vitality of breathing spirituality as naturally as taking in a breath of fresh air.
Vital Question
When it was all over, the debrief rendered the entire program a resounding success. The team of volunteers (mainly ladies) who lovingly fed everyone deliciously sāttvik home-cooked meals everyday as a seva – were introduced to Swamijis and Ma, received their appreciation and blessings. Everyone, honorable ascetics and organizers alike, was happy. That is when a question by Poojya Swamiji reverberated in the room: Where are the youth?
It was Swamiji’s observation that the majority of Retreat attendees were above 50. Why were younger people not there? This program was for all ages, all backgrounds, so where were they? Explanations emerged. Justifications were put forth. But the question remained.
Poojya Swamiji’s profound solicitude for everyone in all walks of life rang clearly in my head – Why would one not want this knowledge? Why would anyone reject a chance to grow inner fortitude to face life’s most basic challenges: navigating anxiety, competitiveness, disappointment, finding a life partner?
Indeed, at the time of this discussion and over the course of the program, there were many associated with Swamiji and the Ashram right from their childhood. Well placed professionals today, they flew in from all corners of the world to be with Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma.
Are our children who are growing up in the west fundamentally different?
This science of personality and inner development is universal. It applies to every man, woman and child in all walks of life and from every background. All of us experience the world through our senses, but we are not our senses. The rarity and beauty of human existence with its innate need to be free propels us as human beings to develop our spiritual nature by refining our mind and intelligence while living in the world.
It was the promise of conveying these universal ideals of refinement, graciousness, leading a value-based life with integrity, confidence and surrender that I wanted my young son to meet Poojya Swamiji. Furthermore, I project that the same applies to any parent, guardian, warden of the earth and mankind.
Poojya Swamiji’s inquest is crystal clear. It is the question of the hour. Where are the youth?
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत
uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya varān-nibodhata
– Kathopanishad 1.3.14
Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn (till you become doubtless).
With the same arresting clarity of Lord Yama’s command to young Nachiketa, Poojya Swamiji heralds us to rally our younger generations. Let them rise up, take on this Self-knowledge and awaken themselves.
Bhagavad Gita Retreat (19-23 June)
Sneha Sashikumar & Aswathi Sreedharan
[During the initial planning for Poojya Swamiji and Ma’s Jñāna Yajña in USA, sprouted the idea for Nutan Swamiji to travel as well, and join them to hold a Retreat for US devotees. After countless meetings and discussions on the intricacies of such a program, the Bhagavad Gita Retreat came to fruition. CIRD-NA and Ashram had been organizing the annual Global Bhagavad Gita Convention in USA from 2017-2019, and online in 2020 and 2022. This was the first time we conducted such a Retreat for American devotees. The result was a total, complete immersion for participants in Bhagavad Gita, Spiritual Knowledge and life-transforming interactions with Knowers of Truth.]
Bhagavad Gita Retreat in Irvine, California, was a sanctuary of serenity, purity and profound wisdom. Over four transformative days, Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji, and Ma graciously unfolded the essence of Gita, creating an immersive experience for all attendees from early morning till evening. Little did we know that the Retreat would move us out of our constrictions and add a note of expansiveness, even though we would be spending four full days amidst a large, mostly unfamiliar crowd, in a setting as public as a hotel.
About 125 seekers from various States of USA, Malaysia as well as India participated in the Retreat. Most of them stayed in the same hotels (run by Mariot) that had become a veritable ‘hermitage’ for those who sought divinity. The two halls – one big and one small – hosted all the public programmes, formal and informal, throughout Poojya Swamiji’s stay. One room was converted into kitchen & dining for the Sannyasins, and the lobby into general Annakshetra. Volunteers were busy with hall set-up, managing the kitchen, and ensuring that both – our Gurus and the participants – would have a pleasant experience.
Each day began with a period of silent sitting in the morning, allowing participants to centre themselves and connect deeply with their inner selves. This meditative practice set a peaceful and reflective tone for the sessions that followed. As we attended one session after the other, we began to see that Gita is as vast as the sky and as deep as the ocean.
Poojya Swamiji’s ‘Experiential Bhagavad Gita’
Poojya Swamiji’s sessions offered deep insights and practical applications of Bhagavad Gita’s teachings. His every effort was directed towards guiding us deeper into the subject.
Swamiji broadly outlined the context of the Gita, where Arjuna, the great warrior, was faced with confusion, doubt, and delusion. Sri Krishna addresses these disturbances of the mind and enlightens Arjuna’s intelligence to see and act in accordance with the Truth.
The core message of Bhagavad Gita emphasizes tyāga or renunciation. Here, we gather not to accumulate, but to let go – cultivate detachment in our intellects, master our minds and transcend desires to achieve ultimate freedom. Poojya Swamiji urged all of us to reflect deeply on the significance of growing into the dimension of ‘Sarva-bhūta-hite-ratāḥ’—wholesomely engaged in the welfare of all beings.
Poojya Swamiji emphasized how the youth stand to benefit from Satsangs, and more by an intimate association with a Mahatma – a fact overlooked by them as well as the elders.
Before coming to Irvine, Poojya Swamiji and Ma had been hosted in Brentwood by Nilesh Kumar (Bunty), who has been closely associated with Ashram since early childhood. He had spent summer vacation as the youngest participant of the Gurukulam – children’s camp held in the Ashram decades back. Those days, Swamiji would not only take classes, but play with the children, talking to them, forging a unique bond that would shape them as adults.
Now, having relocated to USA, Nilesh bought his house keeping in mind that he would one day host his beloved Saints. It came true this time. Staying there Swamiji had said, “Everything here is discreetly made with a touch of devotion and divinity. I think it is a little Vaikuntha.”
As a concluding statement in the exclusive Bhagavad Gita Retreat session in Irvine, Poojya Swamiji said, “I feel this was a larger Vaikuntha. In Satsang, participants are exposed to the Sat, the Real; all the other times what you are interacting with is Asat, the unreal. Remember this always.”
‘Walking the Inner Path’ with Nutan Swamiji
Nutan Swamiji often used rational analysis to explain Gita’s message of using interactions as a pathway to the divine, rather than viewing them as obstacles. Bhagavad Gita’s unique context as a dialogue amidst the battlefield shows the applicability of its teachings in even the most involving activities. It guides us on harmonizing our minds with all situations we face, fostering inner peace and spiritual growth amidst life’s challenges.
Nutan Swamiji emphasized that adopting Buddhi-yoga, anchoring our intellect in the Ātmā or ultimate truth during all our interactions, becomes pivotal in this pursuit. In practice, it is applying our Viveka-buddhi to cultivate in our mind the Ātmic dimensions of unaffectedness, impersonality and universality.
After all the effort of introspection, we should finally surrender our effortfulness as well. When wholesome surrender happens, the Self within reveals itself.
Nutan Swamiji’s words – to have preference only for Ātmā, letting go of everything else including the desire to ‘see’ Ātmā – rang in our ears, giving immediate strength to withdraw from every other thought or desire. When the feeling arises within to have preference only for Ātmā, it automatically connects all our faculties to the Self and letting go happens simply and naturally.
In Conversation with Ma
Ma added another layer of depth with her gentle and compassionate approach, addressing the emotional and devotional aspects of the teachings. Her sessions focused on aspiring for ‘nitya-yuktatā’ – making the spiritual path supreme in one’s life. To attain nitya-yuktatā, Ma asked us to offer every activity to God, but first, smear everything – all mental activities, even our confusions – with love.
Ma emphasized the importance of self-inquiry amidst daily routines, and also discussed the qualities of a true devotee. To imbibe a quality, we must love and cultivate the quality until it becomes natural to us.
Ma gave the example of a young child who runs around playing with various toys while the mother sits and calls the child to return to her lap. Finally, after getting tired from the external activities, the young child comes running to the mother’s lap, finding comfort and restfulness there. Our Self within is like the mother, asking us to return home while we go after the worldly objects trying to find joy in them.
Chanting Sessions
Guided by Aravindan, participants chanted selected Bhagavad Gita verses. Many who initially doubted their ability to chant, found joy and fulfillment in overcoming this challenge, immersing themselves in the divine energy of Bhagavad Gita. Hearing the participants share their reflections and plans to apply the shlokas’ essence in their everyday lives was truly uplifting. The chanting and sharing were video recorded and presented to Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma as an offering on the concluding day of the Retreat.
Nāma-saṅkeertana by Poojya Swamiji
On the concluding day, we had Nāma-saṅkeertana led by Poojya Swamiji in the hall where the discourses were held. As we chanted Hare Rama Hare Krishna and did pradakshina within the hall, hearts and voices harmonized in devotion, the collective energy was palpable, leaving every one with a profound sense of unity and spiritual upliftment.
Lasting Impact
Messages delivered by Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma merged into each other. A concept shared by one would tie in beautifully to an explanation shared by another.
The lives of Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma are a testament to Bhagavad Gita ślokas. Close interactions with Masters show us that they live this Truth at all times. When we also traverse the inner path, and develop fondness for the truth about the Self, we are blessed with Buddhi-yoga that takes us closer to the ultimate truth.
Only now do we see that Bhagavad Gita is a living, vibrant companion, ever ready to guide us along our path. The more we imbibe, the more we are able to take refuge in, and receive practical guidance from its verses. This way, Gita becomes our Guru, a refuge to anyone who wants to understand the nature of mind and intellect, and what sadhana one should do to become established in the Self within.
Many participants in their feedback have acknowledged that there can be no substitute for being in the live presence of enlightened Gurus. The vibrations of being in the presence of Masters can never be compared to online sessions. Some of them expressed that they would now see the whole world as a single family and would try to love every one and accept everything.
Message for the Future Poojya Swamiji intends to write to a few youngsters in the US, a set of letters sharing the inner spiritual wisdom which when rightly exposed and imbibed, will enrich, empower and elevate their minds and intellects, leading to greater performance and achievement. But the more important part of the message would be to make them really enlightened about what their mind and intelligence contain in the form of immeasurable strength, inspiration and value. The exposure some of us gained during our close association with Swamiji, will be a timely insight when the American devotees try to organize a special programme for the youth of the country.
“It is now for you to remember whatever you are exposed to, reflect upon it tenaciously and make the message vibrant in your mind and intelligence.” – Poojya Swamiji
Nutan Swamiji in Columbus, Ohio (June 25 to July 2)
Sneha Sashikumar
[As Poojya Swamiji and Ma were rounding up the remaining days in Irvine, Nutan Swamiji and his accompanying team travelled eastward to Columbus (Ohio) and back again to Brentwood in West coast to continue with the Jñāna Yajña. Poojya Swamiji’s question in Irvine – ‘Where are the Youth?’ – remained in the mind, and in Ohio some insights were gained.]
Nutan Swamiji, along with Sadhika Mrinalini and Sneha were hosted by Sajeev and Deepa. Noam Shore, a longtime disciple of Poojya Swamiji, arrived from Boston to take part in the Ohio programmes. Bharat Govindani with wife Manju and two young children (Advait and Arya) joined towards the end. Three evening Satsangs were held at the homes of Sajeev & Deepa (June 26), Mani & Vandana (June 27) and Prabhakar & Remya (June 28) followed by a one-day Bhagavad Gita Workshop (June 29) in Genoa Township Community Hall.
At each residence, Nutan Swamiji was warmly and devotionally welcomed with garland, poorna-kumbha and arati accompanied by Vedic chanting. It was inspiring to witness their homes transformed into Satsang halls.
Many seekers raised questions on interactional sadhana, meditation, surrender, and the difference between theoretical knowledge of the Self and its realization. Nutan Swamiji patiently addressed all queries, providing practical guidance with the aid of pertinent ślokas from various texts. However, his constant emphasis was on cultivating the characteristics of the Self in our mind with the help of Viveka-buddhi.
Many newcomers attended, some of whom have been participating in the regular weekly and monthly Satsangs at Sajeev’s and Prabhakar’s homes, and were meeting Nutan Swamiji in person for the first time. Many have been watching Nutan Swamiji online over the last year. All were looking forward to the close interactions with Swamiji. Sajeev mentioned that the Ohio Satsang group members had been particularly impressed by the accessibility they had to Saints living the Truth.
Each session brought an increase in familiarity and comfort, culminating in a particularly vibrant and energizing concluding Satsang at Prabhakar’s beautiful and sublime living room.
Bhagavad Gita Workshop (29 June)
Bhagavad Gita for Living with Excellence
The one-day Bhagavad Gita workshop in Ohio was initially designed to be a discourse by Nutan Swamiji on key Bhagavad Gita concepts, followed by group discussion and Q&A. But, late arrival of participants resulted in Swamiji gently chastising them for lack of seriousness. Sharing anecdotes from his own life and sadhana, Swamiji opened up an enlightening discussion on how to live a life of excellence, applying oneself fully and making every interaction joyful. In a way, it became a practical exposition of how to practise “Buddhi-yoga” and knowing that joy lies not in the world-objects but within ourselves.
After discussing these key points and breaking for lunch, participants were divided into five groups and asked to reflect on and discuss how they could apply these teachings to their life situations. Each group’s representative(s) then shared their reflections and asked questions about areas where they felt stuck. It was inspiring to hear the reflections from each group as participants openly shared their concerns and challenges. Nutan Swamiji patiently listened to every group, particularly the sharing by a group of youngsters, and provided practical guidance on how to address their challenges. He encouraged them to see all obstacles and difficulties as opportunities to grow to higher dimensions of mind and intelligence.
‘Learning from Youth’ (30 June)
Informal conversation with youngsters
Along the way evolved a spontaneous, informal session with a group of about twelve youngsters who were mostly students in schools or colleges. Their parents who had been participating in Nutan Swamiji’s programs, enthusiastically (some of them quite persuasively!) sent their kids to Sajeev’s house that evening. All strictly adhered to the ‘no-parents’ stipulation during the session, including Sajeev himself.
When it comes to youngsters, many of us tend to impose rules and restrictions without listening to them. Nutan Swamiji set a very different tone by telling the youth right in the beginning that we were there to hear their stories, that we wished to understand them better. The guarded looks on their faces, and air of trepidation in the room gradually gave way to a free and open discussion.
It became apparent that a common problem faced by children of Indian parents in USA was the rigid imposition of religious practices without commensurate explanation, or scope to enquire and understand. This resulted in the kids facing tremendous pressure as they tried to navigate fitting in with the American culture while not hurting or disappointing their traditional-minded parents. As Nutan Swamiji shared later, the session was a great revelation for all of us.
Team Ohio
Sajeev pointed out the strength of the Ohio team: Their camaraderie was in full display in all the Satsang venues. Nutan Swamiji had remarked during one of his earlier visits that it was hard to distinguish between hosts and guests in Ohio homes. Such was the enthusiasm and harmony among the team members, who often would very naturally help with whatever setting up/ winding up activities were necessary. Poojya Swamiji has always been emphasizing that this should be an important aspect of any spiritual group organizing programmes.
Nutan Swamiji in Brentwood (July 2-12)
Sadhika Mrinalini
[From Ohio, Nutan Swamiji proceeded to Brentwood, the home of Nilesh, Poorna and Ridan, from where it had all begun a month earlier during Poojya Swamiji’s visit. By that time, Poojya Swamiji and Ma were already back in Ashram. Many of the devotees who had flown in from various parts of the US, Malaysia and India were already in their own homes. The small dedicated group from the Bay Area was to be the nucleus of this leg – the concluding part of USA Jñāna Yajña 2024.]
‘Divinizing Every Moment’
At Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Livermore (July 4)
With the long 4th of July weekend coming up, many people were otherwise engaged. We were not sure what kind of a response we would get in terms of numbers. In any case, the entire programme was planned to be fairly relaxed, with no formal event as such, just Satsangs at Brentwood in the evenings.
The event at Livermore Siva-Vishnu Temple was a last-minute addition. Nutan Swamiji gave the topic “Divinizing Every Moment”, for a 2-hour session consisting of discourse and Q&A. The Temple was beautiful, and the committee members were warm and friendly, receiving Nutan Swamiji with much honour and reverence as they took us around the temple before proceeding to the hall.
It was a lively interactive session as Nutan Swamiji enlightened the audience on how spirituality is an all-time pursuit, the focus of which is our own within. The goal is to purify and expand our mind, love everybody, and imbibe the characteristics of our true Self. Only then will our every moment become divine. Keen seekers of all ages asked questions, and expressed much appreciation for the clarity gained by Nutan Swamiji’s rational answers.
Clarity and Closeness
The rest of the programme consisted of beautiful, informal Satsangs. Mostly at Nilesh and Poorna’s home in Brentwood, except for one late morning Satsang in Alameda, at the home of Natarajanji & Shanthiji and their daughter Hansika. In all the Satsangs the group was mostly small and sincere. Youngsters sought guidance on how to handle challenges effectively. Many of them have been associated with Swamijis and Ashram for many years, yet expressed how this time they found the Satsangs to be not only beneficial but enjoyable, particularly because of the closeness brought about by the cozy and informal setting.
At Alameda, one couple had brought their son – a young man in his early twenties, who was obviously forced by the parents to come. The experience with youngsters in Ohio must have helped, as Nutan Swamiji lovingly drew him out of his shell with patience and humour, leading the young man to ask Swamiji to share about his early life. Relating anecdotes from his youth, and working life, Swamiji showed us the qualities of a seeker of Truth, as well as the courage and excellence spirituality brings in all aspects of life.
Household Ashrams
Both in Ohio and Brentwood we had been hosted by families who turned their homes into Ashrams – providing clear space for Swamiji’s living and dining quarters. Sajeev and Deepa with their two sons Manas and Tejas relocated to their basement during the whole Ohio programme. Nilesh and Poorna camped with their son Ridan in his ‘room-cum office’, sleeping on bunk-bed and floor.
Both the couples work full time. Both the wives took leave completely from work for the entire duration, to be able to look into all aspects of running the ‘Ashram’ – taking care of Nutan Swamiji’s personal needs as well as the needs of others staying there. Sajeev and Nilesh juggled between work calls and handling office matters remotely, while always making themselves available for whatever
was needed.
Keep Going, Keep Going…
During Nutan Swamiji’s stay in Brentwood in 2022 several new seekers had become closely associated – coming almost daily and spending long hours just to be in the company of Swamiji. This time their presence was less felt. Online Satsangs that had commenced after Nutan Swamiji’s visit were well-attended for a brief period before they petered out. It was understood that unless some continuous
engagement in the form of ongoing physical Satsangs is maintained, the enthusiasm will dwindle.
The core group is now planning to hold regular physical Satsangs at the home of Yogesh and Roshni in San Jose. After Nutan Swamiji returned to Ashram, an online meeting was held with Nutan Swamiji and Ma to get guidance on how they should proceed. The first meeting will take place on Gurupoornima day for their first ever Gurupoornima celebration – a most auspicious start.
In Irvine Poojya Swamiji had asked ‘Where are the Youth?’. This Knowledge has to be imparted to the youth. There are young children in Bay Area itself. This 91-year-old Guru made the arduous journey across continents to ignite the fire of wisdom and Knowledge. It is now for this group to keep that flame going, making it blaze forth. They owe it to their Guru, and they owe it to their children, and most of all, they owe it to themselves.
Date | Time | Program | Description |
June 04, 2024 Tuesday | 7.45 pm - 8.45 pm PT | Interactive Satsang | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha and Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
June 06, 2024 Thursday | 7.45 pm - 8.45 pm PT | Interactive Satsang | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha and Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
June 08, 2024 Saturday | 4.00 pm - 5.30 pm PT | Interactive Satsang | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha and Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
June 09, 2024 Sunday | 4.00 pm - 5.30 pm PT | Interactive Satsang | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha and Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
Date | Time | Program | Description |
June 15, 2024 Saturday | 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm PT | Interactive Satsang | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha and Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
June 16, 2024 Sunday | 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm PT | Youth Programme (Age 16-35 years) | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha and Swamini Ma Gurupriya |
June 19, 2024 Wednesday | 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm PT | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, Swami Nirvisheshananda Tirtha and Ma Gurupriya | |
June 20, 2024 Thursday | 8.30 am - 6.30 pm PT | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, Swami Nirvisheshananda Tirtha and Ma Gurupriya | |
June 21 - June 23, 2024 Friday - Sunday 8.30 am - 6.30 pm PT | __ | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, Swami Nirvisheshananda Tirtha and Ma Gurupriya |
Date | Time | Program | Description |
June 26, 2024 Wednesday | 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm ET | INTERACTIVE SATSANG | Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha |
June 27, 2024 Thursday | 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm ET | INTERACTIVE SATSANG | Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha |
June 28, 2024 Friday | 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm ET | INTERACTIVE SATSANG | Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha |
June 29, 2024 Saturday | 10:30 am – 3.30 pm ET | DISCOURSE AND QA SESSION | Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha |
Date | Time | Program | Description |
July 03 - July 11, 2024 | __ | Interactive Satsangs | Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha |