Ma Gurupriya

In the company of my Lord
“Love can be of two kinds: one that binds and makes us constricted; and the other – selfless, non-expectant and pure – that makes us expand, enabling us to embrace everybody as our own.”
– Ma Gurupriya
Ma’s unique faculty of transmitting the all-embracing power of devotion and dispassion through her discourses, coupled with her sublime chanting are a powerful beacon for Sādhanā (Practice) for seekers. Ma’s teachings, anchored in the essential teachings of Vedanta, are focused on the practice of Vedanta in day to day life.
Ma Gurupriya is a Sannyasin (renunciate) disciple of Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha. Born in a family of academic excellence, Ma Gurupriya’s spiritual journey started while completing her PhD. Her deep feeling of dispassion led her to the path of seeking the Ultimate Truth. Ma received deeksha (initiation) from Baba Gangadhara Paramahamsa of Dakshinkhanda, West Bengal.
Before attaining Mahasamādhi, Baba entrusted Ma’s spiritual welfare to his disciple Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha. Poojya Swamiji directed Ma in 1984 to renounce her professional life as a lecturer of Physics and study the Scriptures. In 1987 she joined the Ashram and dedicated her life to serving Swamiji in all aspects of his mission. Subsequently Ma received sannyasa deeksha from Poojya Swamiji.
Guru-bhakti and Guru-seva remain the predominant notes shaping Ma’s life, expressed through her chanting, discourses, writings and guidance to seekers. The Loving Mother for Poojya Swamiji’s devotees and disciples around the world, Ma fulfils a complex, multi-faceted role as Ashram Trustee, administrator, and guide for renunciate ashramites.
Tenets of Practice
- BE ANCHORED in the Supreme and rely only on the Supreme.
- BE A DEVOTEE. Devotion is to see the Supreme in everything and everyone.
- DO NOT DIVIDE between spiritual and non-spiritual in your life. Divinize everything – whatever you do or think.
- INTROSPECT. Cultivate a habit of introspection over thoughts, speech and actions. Look deeply within, identify and remove undesirable traits.
- Have a firm resolve to be PURE. Fill the mind with blessedness and gratitude.
- PRACTICE samatva (even-mindedness) in happiness and sorrow in all situations in life.
- PRACTICE contentment – neither expect nor ask for anything.
- ASSOCIATION of a GURU (Realized Teacher) is of Supreme importance for walking on the spiritual path. Have a yearning for the association of a Realized Teacher.
- LOVE this path, so that the journey becomes joyful and effortless.
- LOVE the Scriptures. They will keep you on the right path.
In the company of my Lord
“Love can be of two kinds: one that binds and makes us constricted; and the other – selfless, non-expectant and pure – that makes us expand, enabling us to embrace everybody as our own.”
– Ma Gurupriya