Cultural Heritage Class (CHC) camp in Narayanashrama Tapovanam (26-May-2024)

26 May 2024

In a vibrant gathering of 43 children, the resonating theme of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” set the stage for a day filled with enlightenment and camaraderie.

The morning commenced at 9:30 am in the serene ambiance of Vijnana Bhavan. The children were shown a PowerPoint presentation titled ‘The Story of Ashram’. Poojya Swamiji graced the occasion with profound insights, responding to the eager inquiries of the young minds. One child sought to unravel the journey of Swamiji from being a disciple to where he is now, while another expressed her lingering doubt – What is God? nobody has seen him, so is it only a supernatural power?

Following this enlightening session, Ma, with her gentle eloquence in Malayalam, shared heartfelt reflections on how blessed the children are, being part of such an enriching session. Her words resonated deeply as she expressed her own aspirations as a child to embody goodness.

After a hearty lunch, crowned by the delectable payasam dessert, the children were grouped into six teams, engaging in collaborative activities, meant to make them understand valuable lessons in synergy, cooperation and teamwork.

The culmination of the day was marked by a drawing assignment, prompting the children to illustrate their daily essentials on paper. Amidst animated discussions, the canvases came alive with symbols of interconnectedness — stars, sun, moon, trees, rivers, roads, hospitals and so on. Through their creations, the profound message echoed loud and clear: our existence is interwoven with the fabric of the universe, each component indispensable to our very being.

Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji, and Ma listened to their explanations, as they examined each artwork with care and appreciation. With the distribution of prasada and a jovial tea session, the day drew to a close, leaving hearts brimming with gratitude and souls enriched with the wisdom of unity.
