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    VIDEOS (9)

    Ma Gurupriya

    174 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Joy of Self Purification – 02

    This is the second in a series of three talks held during Delhi Jnana Yajna - 29 Nov 2023. In this Satsang, Ma speaks about how important it is for a seeker to cultivate purity.

    Articles (3)

    Ma Gurupriya

    The Bliss of Non-Expectation

    निष्किंञ्चना मय्यनुरक्तचेतसः शान्ता महान्तोऽखिलजीववत्सलाः। कामैरनालब्धधियो जुषन्ति यत् तन्नैरपेक्ष्यं न विदुः सुखं मम ।। niṣkiṁncanā mayyanuraktacetasaḥ śāntā mahānto'khilajīvavatsalāḥ| kāmairanālabdhadhiyo juṣanti yat tannairapekṣyaṁ na viduḥ sukhaṁ mama ||

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Moderation-A Great Lesson

    Suppose you have a little depression or disinterestedness today – what of that? Let it remain. Be at home even with that. Know that as it has come in so also will it pass off. If you keep this elevated attitude, soon you will find that the depressive moods will become less frequent.

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    Destiny Defined

    Why drop thy career? Why now, at this age?”They’ve heard not the Promise, proclaimed by my Sage.

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