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    Articles (24)

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Who is a Good Devotee?

    God loves those who have noble qualities in them and the devotee, who, with utmost Shraddha, attention, imbibes all the lakshanas (characteristics) becomes dearest to Him.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    26 | On Bhagavad Gita | Render every act as Yajna

    All actions done by us will have to be as Yajña. How to do so? Do everything but without any delusional clinging (saṅga) to the inner psycho-intellectual outcome it brings about. Every act is done aiming to achieve a certain fruition. If such fruition is had or not, the performer’s mind should feel no delusional clinging to what transpires. It is clinging that hinders Yajña. Whatever act is done without clinging verily becomes sacrifice.

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    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

    Spirituality – The Ultimate ‘Religion’ of Man

    The truth being about our own Self, a mere theoretical knowledge either from the scriptures or from lectures will not be sufficient. We must discover the truth of our identity ourselves. We must live the truth.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Noble Character – an Asset to be Cultivated

    Cultivate the habit of doing everything, when told just once. It should not be necessary to tell you anything more than once. Such sensitiveness and response makes one worthy, skillful.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    From Knowledge to Knower, God to Devotee

    A devotee may initially seek God – a glimpse or vision of the God of his imagination. But as he progresses on the path of devotion, the focus shifts from God to his own personality.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Guru Awakens Us to Our Inner Presence – [Gurupoornima Message, 3rd July 2023]

    Hari Om Tat Sat. Jai Guru. Jai Guru. Today is a very auspicious day. I always describe Gurupoornima as the most holy and benedictory day...

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    14 | On Bhagavad Gita | Be an Ātmavān – Self-integrated

    True seeker should be given to self-restraint, self-regulation and self-harmony. Mind should be under the sovereign, sublime guidance of intelligence. Intelligence should relentlessly reflect upon the blissful Self. This kind of inner attunement and steadfastness in it, makes one verily an Ātmavān.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    8 | On Bhagavad Gita | Body to the Soul is like dress to the body

    Soul is all-pervading, hence present in all bodies. By dropping a body, it does not become bodyless. As is the air present in all bodies, so is the presence of ‘I’, the Self, the Soul, in all bodies.

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    Swamiji told us in no uncertain terms that he is what he is today purely due to his association with his beloved Baba. It was the loving relationship with his Guru that led him to a life free from worldliness, floating always in the glory of inner Self. Swamiji blessed us with Gurutva in our life--to develop substantial depth, profundity, nobility and greatness.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Be Endowed with Gurutva – Exalted Dimension

    The word ‘Gurutva’ means profundity, solemnity, dignity and loftiness. In spiritual life, it implies the ability to receive, retain, and give. As one progresses, he must ultimately resemble the sky and God!

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The path to Peace and Confidence

    Bring the message of Bhagavad Gita into your lives. One should not just study Bhagavad Gita; one must live it.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Spirituality and Science—Is there a conflict?

    From the time I stepped onto this path, there was a new meaning in my life.

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    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

    Science and Spirituality

    In spirituality the ‘I’ in us, the inmost Truth of our being, is finally discovered as God. So, spiritual sadhana starts when we stop looking outside and start looking within to find out “Who am I”.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Success due to God or myself

    When there is a close harmony between the knowing intelligence and the willful mind, equally between the external body and senses, good and effective actions proceed and they bring about the desired outcome. Otherwise not. Whether you believe in God or not, does not matter. What is required is a conscientious striving.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Bhagavad Gita to overcome overwhelming emotions

    Nourishment for intelligence is Knowledge, for mind is emotions. So, you must develop good emotions – love, sympathy, sacrifice – for the mind, and elevate your intelligence with greater and greater Knowledge.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    1 | On Bhagavad Gita | The backdrop of an eternal warfield dialogue

    Bhagavad Gita presents the most puzzling interactional human life, enlightening and enriching you with the knowledge, skills and merits to face and overcome interactional challenges, unhurt and unaffected.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    A Prelude to ‘On Bhagavad Gita’ Series

    This is a message from Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha to devotees at the start of the 'On Bhagavad Gita' monthly letter series , in which he will be discussing the great ‘Administrative Treasure Trove’ Bhagavad Gita.

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    Ma Gurupriya


    One day, during the early morning darshan, a brahmachārin came and prostrated at his feet. Apparently, he was one of the most intelligent students learning Sanskrit from Maharaj Ji. The brahmachārin mentioned that he had been listening to the Ramayana Katha of the famous exponent, held in the Ashram premises.

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    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

    Soothing a Troubled Mind

    An enlightening, moving and heart-warming correspondence between Nutan Swamiji and a young girl, which addresses the difficulties of many intellectuals.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    What gives courage and confidence

    For gaining courage in increasing and resourceful measures, you have to look, however, to your own within. Break through the mortal sheaths of your body. Rise above the mind-sheath. Penetrate the intellectual one also.

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Our True Nature

    आदित्यवद्भास्यविलक्षणोऽहम् ।
    अम्भोधिवत्पारविवर्जितोऽहम् ।।
    ādityavadbhāsyavilakṣaṇo'ham |
    ambhodhivatpāravivarjito'ham ||

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    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

    Why Ochre robes?

    This colour also represents earth. Earlier, Sannyasins used to dye their cloth with a special ochre coloured earth called ‘Geri-mitti’.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    The truth about Samādhi

    To think that the practice of samādhi is the finale in spiritual life is wrong. The man of perfection is not one who is permanently immersed in samādhi. Even Samādhi is a state or avastha.

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    The Great one

    Strain your ears, you’ll catch the tune; I tell you, the Great one has come!

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