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    Articles (11)

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    When the Mind becomes Your Friend

    Understand that for Self-experience or for Self- realization to take place, the mind should be pure. It should be rid of stinginess, small-mindedness and desires. You must be liberal and generous in heart.

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    The Source Within

    I was telling them (the audience) that it is a wonder why we miss the source of everything we see, hear, touch and feel! How is it that we grasp only the external world, knowing fully well that the source of everything is right within each of us!

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Functional Merit of Meditative Absorption

    The saadhana can be two-fold. One is closing the door, sitting alone in a room and trying to dissolve the thoughts and emotions in the mind. The second part of the saadhana is, when such a state occurs, you have to comprehend it wisely.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Peace – in Meditation and in Activity

    The mind has to become pure. A number of qualities are to be imbued into it. This pursuit of purity, goodness and virtues, which directly bring peace to the mind – no matter whether the mind is active or inactive – is the ultimate quest of all religions, philosophy, spirituality and yoga.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Who is a Good Devotee?

    God loves those who have noble qualities in them and the devotee, who, with utmost Shraddha, attention, imbibes all the lakshanas (characteristics) becomes dearest to Him.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Lack of Openness – Its Fatal Consequences

    We must be able to talk about this to others and also to our own children boldly and openly. This Atma-bala is necessary and through bhakti, and also through saadhana, you should develop it.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Blame the Sinful Act – Not the Sinner

    You may dislike and disapprove of bad. But you cannot dislike and disapprove of people, even if they have dislikeable qualities.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Introspection and emotional refinement

    Whatever you do, wherever you are, you can pursue constant introspectional sadhana of refinement and purification. In fact it should be so.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


    Fulfillment will be had when the mind is properly treated to become pure and the hindrances to fulfillment are removed. And, when the mind is properly developed to have fulfillment, will it need any of these external objects, situations or possessions?

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Death and Deathlessness

    All sorrow, confusion and difficulties about death will vanish when the mind and intelligence reflect upon the supreme Truth of immortality of the Soul

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Bondage and Liberation

    Many of you get confused about what in us gets liberated. My reply is, whichever part in you now feels bound, will start feeling the absence of bondage.

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