
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

01 – Sadhana Chatushtaya (2023) – Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

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This is the first in a set of four talks on 'Sadhana Chatushtaya', based on Vivekachudamani, during the Sadhana Shibiram Jamshedpur held on 08 October 2023.

In this Satsang, Swamiji discusses the Sadhana Chatushtaya—the four-fold pursuit of a seeker of Truth. They are Viveka (Discrimination), Vairagya (Impersonality), Sama damaadi Shatka Sampattih (the six-fold inner treasures) and Mumuksha (yearning for liberation).

We live life guided by our own sense attractions and repulsions. But deep within us there is a voice which constantly guides us towards the ultimate felicity. So, there is a constant tug of war in us between these two tendencies or forces. Spirituality draws us within and makes us permanently happy, unaffected, and fulfilled. Sadhana Chatushtaya should be practiced by a seeker only to enhance this inward vision.

Viveka is when one discriminates between what is permanent and what is impermanent. By Viveka, a seeker must understand what is eternal and what is changeful. Once the intelligence does the discrimination, one must follow the path which will lead to the ultimate auspicious goal.

In the initial stages of spiritual pursuit, Viveka is discriminating between Shreyas and Preyas. In our life, every moment nature comes with two baskets—Shreyas (that which may be immediately not pleasant but will take us to the auspicious goal of life) and Preyas (that which gives immediate pleasure and gratification but will take us away from the goal of life.)

Scriptures say that one with an active and discriminating intelligence will probe into the pros and cons of any situation and will choose the Shreyas. Whereas, a dull-witted person will choose worldly gains and possessions. Swamiji emphasizes that a seeker must take all decisions based on Viveka, without any selfish worldly attractions or repulsions. The result of the decision may be negative also, but he will have the confidence that it was the best decision taken after sufficient consideration. He will be open to accepting any result.

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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.

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