We are accustomed to festivals being time-bound occurrences that bring joy and cheer. Ma Gurupriyaji shows us that the ultimate festival- one which never ends- takes place right within ourselves.
Leading us by her ever-loving hand, Ma guides us through shlokas that take us deep into our Soul, each time cementing the connection with our inner Self, and awakening us to the Source of ceaseless, unbroken happiness.
Verses discussed:
Vivekachudamani 39, 276, 334, 335
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.12.48-49
Sri Krishna Stutir Mangalam 8
Mukundamala 5
Mā's Satsang is entitled 'Towards Eternal Peace and Happiness' based on Bhagavad Gita, Vivekachudamani and Bhagavatam | | Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/ 9:30 am EST/ 10:30 pm MST
#enlightenedliving #magurupriyaji #globalsatsang
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