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Ma Gurupriya

023 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Have Desire for Vairagya Only

1478 Views | 3 years ago

Most of us think we need desires to move forward in life. Ma Gurupriya lovingly opens our eyes to the truth – that desires are nothing but poisonous vines that bind, causing fear and suffering. The only way to free ourselves from their clutches is with the powerful blade of vairagya (dispassion).

As we go along this path, we may feel we are growing in dispassion and have dropped worldly desires. Seekers beware, cautions Ma, desires lurk in our innermost recesses. What we must be extremely watchful of, and develop dispassion to then are our own thoughts. It is our thoughts that ultimately victimize us, making us fall prey to raga-dvesha (preferences and prejudices). The solution is given by our scriptures – simply overcome all desires, with the most powerful desire for dispassion.

Verses discussed:
Yogavasistha Ramayanam 1.32.12, 1.32.3, 1.32.4, 2.2.3, 2.2.6
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.2.43
Vivekachudamani 79, 78
Mundakopanishad 2.2.11
Bhavani Ashtakam 3, 4, 7
Harisaranashtakam 7

Mā's Satsang is entitled 'Towards Eternal Peace and Happiness' based on Bhagavad Gita, Vivekachudamani and Bhagavatam | | Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/ 10:30 am EST/ 10:30 pm MST

#enlightenedliving #magurupriyaji #globalsatsang

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Website: www.SwamiBhoomanandaTirtha.org
Questions: questions@globalgita.org
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Handout: www.narayanashramatapovanam.org/program-handouts
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Whatsapp: +91 8547960362

from the ashram diary


  • Rest on Supreme Reality

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The role of Vairagya in achieving joy, delight and contentment

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Dispassion and Guru-Bhakti to Strengthen Your Pursuit

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Viveka and Vairagya - The Twin pillars of Sadhana

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The Need for Dispassion and Yearning for liberation

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Introspection to remove Impurity of Mind

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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