
Ma Gurupriya

030 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Who is a True Disciple – 7

1597 Views | 3 years ago

Ma Gurupriya uses the treasure chest of Bhagavad Gita to adorn our inner personalities, as she helps us pick up priceless jewels of virtues to beautify our mind, in the journey to become true disciples.

So many qualities are enumerated in this sacred text. As sincere seekers, we must look into these qualities, equally into ourselves, decide which quality we lack or need more of, and pursue wholeheartedly. Experiences are always the best teachers, and Ma shares her own wealth of experience from early years of seeking, to show us how these qualities can be understood and imbibed. To do all work joyfully without clinging to outcome, be contented and want for nothing, to have no sense of possessiveness over anything, and to feel love and oneness with all beings. Strong yearning for these traits is evoked listening to Ma, inspiring long, hard, sometimes painful self-reflection. The goal of being eternally peaceful and free remains clearly in sight, as we continue to walk with the guidance of our compassionate Spiritual Masters.

Verses discussed:
Mahabharata Shantiparva 47.92, 47.93
Bhagavad Gita 2.3, 2.56, 9.27, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 5.20, 17.15, 17.16, 12.16, 13.10, 18.54, 18.51, 18.52, 18.53
Vivekachudamani 78

Mā's Satsang is entitled 'Towards Eternal Peace and Happiness' based on Bhagavad Gita, Vivekachudamani, Yoga Vasistha Ramayanam and Bhagavatam | | Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/ 10:30 am EDT/ 10:30 pm MST

#enlightenedliving #magurupriyaji #globalsatsang

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